General Management

Accounting and Finance Fundamentals
Learn how to read and analyze financial statements, monitor cash flow, and evaluate results in a balance sheet and income statement.

Accounting and Finance Fundamentals - Virtual
Learn how to read and analyze financial statements, monitor cash flow, and evaluate results in a balance sheet and income statement.

AI for Leaders
Learn how to transform your organization by integrating analytics and AI into business operations and gain actionable insights to improve the success rate of AI projects.

Building an AI-Powered Organization
Explore the strategic and tactical aspects of AI integration and how to develop ethical AI systems within your organization.

Building an Anti-Racist Workplace - Virtual
Gain an understanding of biases and racism, and how to have difficult conversations, including how to introduce sensitive topics, handle difficult questions, and more.

Closing the Strategy-Execution Gap
Learn the key insights and best practices of execution that will help you overcome the most common barriers to success.

Closing the Strategy-Execution Gap - Virtual
Learn the key insights and best practices of execution that will help you overcome the most common barriers to success.

Communicating Effectively With Data
Go beyond communication or presentation training and learn how to use data to tell a compelling story that supports any business case.

Communicating Effectively With Data - Virtual
Go beyond communication or presentation training and learn how to use data to tell a compelling story that supports any business case.

Communicating With Impact
Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to confidently share your insights, analyses and recommendations to diverse audiences.

Communicating With Impact - Virtual
Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to confidently share your insights, analyses and recommendations to diverse audiences.

Conflict Management
Learn how to shift your perspective of conflict by developing the tools needed to confidently engage others in constructive dialogue when conflict occurs.

Intro to AI and Generative AI
Learn how to transform your organization by integrating analytics and AI into business operations and gain actionable insights to improve the success rate of AI projects.

Leading Digital Transformation
Go beyond communication or presentation training and learn how to use data to tell a compelling story that supports any business case.

Managing Diversity for Organizational Effectiveness - Virtual

Project Leadership
Go beyond project management and learn how to lead a project organization.

Project Leadership - Virtual
Go beyond project management and learn how to lead a project organization.