Trademarks and Licensing
Smith School of Business owns a number of identifying marks, the use of which is strictly controlled and protected under the Trademarks Act of Canada. Marketing and Communications registers and manages all trademarks related to Smith School of Business as well as licensing and reproduction of the marks.
Trademark examples include the Smith School of Business and sub-brand logos, the crown and swoosh elements of the logos, and the words Smith School of Business, Smith Business, SmithEdge, and Research@Smith. Please refer to the Canadian Trademarks Database for a full list of registered trademarks.
Smith merchandise that aligns with this Visual Identity Guide and Trademark Guidelines helps build a strong and consistent school brand.
Smith Business trademarks cannot be used on merchandise without first obtaining the explicit approval from the Smith School of Business Marketing & Communications department. Only licensed suppliers of the university are permitted to produce merchandise bearing a Smith School of Business trademark.
Use of Queen’s University trademarks or licensing should be directed to the university’s Trademarks and Licensing Office.

Branded Merchandise
Smith School of Business branded merchandise is available for purchase at

Commerce Class Crest
The Class Crest Guidelines of Queen’s University outline the design criteria for the student-designed faculty and school class crests applied to Queen's University jackets.