Smith Naming References
It is important to use the appropriate naming reference depending on the context. Please follow the conventions detailed below.
The formal name of the school is:
The Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business at Queen’s University
The primary brand name is Smith School of Business.
Smith is used as a secondary brand reference.
When clarity is required to differentiate between Smith Engineering and Smith School of Business, Smith Business is an approved shorthand, however it must be verified by Marketing & Communications before use.
Text with Logos
Referring to Smith in text is not necessary when accompanied by either of the preferred logos or a lockup.

It is acceptable to use ‘Our GDA’ or ‘The GDA’ with logo support.

You can use the ‘MFin’ abbreviation with logo support.
Unsure about naming references?
If you are unclear about how to refer to the school, please get in touch with Smith Marketing & Communications.