Guidelines for Digital Screens
Please note that there is a limit to the number of images that can be included on each screen’s rotation. The maximum run time (start/end date) that each image can be displayed is dependent on the total volume of images at that time.
- Is the message relevant to Smith’s audience?
- Is the design legible, with messaging clearly communicated? Double check for spelling errors.
- Are colours and fonts used in an effective way, ensuring AODA standards for readability (font sizes, colour contrast)?
- If required, is there a clear call-to-action? Is there a short URL? Is a QR code required?
- Is all key information included for the audience? (time, date, location of event)
Media can be video (.mp4 format, no audio) or static image (.jpg, .png)
Resolution of screens is 1920x1080 pixels for wide TVs. There are portrait mounted TVs at SmithToronto in the elevators hallway with a resolution of 1080x1680 (A boxed Smith logo and an arrow pointing to RECEPTION is constantly shown at the bottom of the screen). The portrait screens at SmithToronto are designated as ‘Welcoming and Wayfinding’ messages only.
For video, Frame Rate can be anywhere from 24-60fps; Target Bitrate no higher than 6 Mbps to ensure smooth rendering without glitching.
For static image, no compression is required (100% quality jpg settings).

Submit a Request
If you have an asset created that satisfies the considerations and specifications, email that to with the start/end dates for posting, if approved.
If you require an asset to be created for you, please use the Request Form and submit all required information for consideration.