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Summer Internship After Third-Year

This time of year, many third-year students are experiencing a lot of stress and pressure related to employment and internship search. Students frequently believe that they are the only ones without a job offer while, in fact, well over 60% of the class is still seeking employment for next summer.

Refining Career Goals

Throughout second year, students are encouraged to continue to network and cultivate connections as they continue to explore career options.

Summer Internship After Second-Year

This time of year, many second-year students are experiencing a lot of anxiety related to employment and internship search.

Summer Internship After First-Year - 2021

First-year students find jobs by reaching out and talking to people at the places they want to work. Many students submit online job applications through government job posting sites and job sites. However, in order to stand out from the 100+ student applicants for a summer job, the Career Advancement Centre (CAC) recommends students evaluate their job search based on the number of conversations they have rather than the number of online job applications they submit. The Career Advancement Centre works with first-year students to help them identify what type of summer job they’d like to have and help give them the confidence and the skills to reach out and start conversations. Encourage your student to reach out to the Career Advancement Centre for support and guidance today!

Summer Internship After Second-Year - 2021

This time of year, many second-year students are experiencing a lot of stress and pressure related to employment and internship search. Students frequently believe that they are the only ones without a job offer, while close to 70% of the class is still seeking employment for next summer. The good news for students is that The Career Advancement Centre has a team of coaches who are available to meet with students on an individual basis. Encourage your student to reach out to the Career Advancement Centre for support and guidance today!

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