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Program Faculty

You will work with some of the best management educators and industry experts in China and North America, who bring their experience and specialized knowledge to the classroom. Professors are award-winning teachers, widely published researchers and authors of many books, cases, and articles. They are experts at combining theory and practical application, and create a dynamic and engaging classroom discussion.

Faculty and instructors subject to change.

Smith Faculty

Dr. Wang’s research interests are in bankruptcy restructuring, creditor control rights, distressed investing, and corporate governance. His research articles have been published in top finance journals such as the Journal of Finance and Journal of Financial Economics, and featured in various media such as the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires, South China Morning Post, The Globe and Mail, and Business Week. He has acted as presenter and discussant at over 50 conferences and seminars. Dr. Wang is also the co-author of Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy: Analyze Leveraged Finance, Distressed Debt, and Bankruptcy (4th Edition).

Dr. Olena Ivus’s research combines theory and empirical work to study international trade law, intellectual property protection, and high-skilled migration. Her work is published in leading journals like the Journal of International Economics and the Canadian Journal of Economics. She has received a Thomas Edison Innovation Fellowship and is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. Dr. Ivus holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Calgary and won the WTO Essay Award for Young Economists in 2010.

Professor Wang is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Manitoba’s Asper School of Business. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Concordia University and M.A. in Financial Risk Management from Simon Fraser University. Her research and teaching interests are in corporate finance, corporate governance, financial institutions, law and finance, investments, sustainable finance, financial distress, bankruptcy, pension, risk management. Her work has been published in top journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Management Science.

Dr. Suo has taught at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, the Mathematics Department of the University of British Columbia, and at Hebei University in China. Holding PhDs in Applied Mathematics and in Finance, Dr. Suo has specialized in Risk Management, Treasury, Asset Pricing, and more, and has extensive research experience in the areas of Computational and Mathematical Finance.

Dr. Topaloglu is an Associate Professor and RBC Fellow of Finance at Smith School of Business. He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Arizona State University, an M.A. in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.S. in Management from Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.

One of the architects of Smith School of Business’ innovative MBA for Science and Technology - Canada's first specialized MBA - Mr. Anger is an authority on business curriculum development. He teaches Finance and Accounting on the Executive MBA program and plays a leading role in project advising for the Executive MBA participants, whilst integrating financial considerations into the curriculum.

Ning Zhang is an associate professor of accounting and Commerce 1983 Distinguished Faculty Fellow in accounting at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University in Canada. He earned his PhD in business administration from Duke University in North Carolina and his master’s degree in economics from the State University of New York at Binghamton.

He is interested in the role of information and financial reporting incentives in financial markets. He has published his work in many leading academic journals, including Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies. He received Smith’s New Researcher award in 2018.

Professor Bai is an Associate Professor of Finance at Northeastern University’s D’Amore-McKim School of Business. His research and teaching interests are in empirical corporate finance, behavioral corporate finance, corporate diversification, labor finance. His work has been published in top journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Management Science. His most recent work focuses on Fintech, ESG, and DE&I related issues.

Renmin Faculty

Dr. Miao is a graduate of University of Oxford, UK, and University of Tsinghua, China. He has published numerous papers including “Property Rights Protection and Investment: a Natural Experiment from China”. He has also been a tutor and guest lecturer on various programs in China and in the UK. Dr. Miao holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, an MSc in Financial Economics, and a PhD in Financial Economics.

Dr. Qiu has been an associate professor in Finance at Renmin University since 2015. In that time, he has engaged as a Research Fellow for the International Monetary Institute. Along with his 8 publications and 6 working papers, Dr. Qiu holds a PhD in Finance from the London School of Economics. He has been the recipient of numerous awards from various organizations including the Chinese National Science Foundation.

Dr. Hu holds his PhD in Finance from Renmin University. He has been teaching at Renmin since 2004, and currently he is the Associate Director at the School of Finance in Renmin University. Dr. Hu teaches courses including Insurance, Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Private Equity Capital and Venture Capital, and his research focuses on private equity & venture capital and insurance corporate management.

Dr. Wu’s research interests cover empirical asset pricing, portfolio management, financial econometrics, big data and machine learning methods. His research has been published in top international journals, and he is also a recipient of the funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the Excellent Young Scientist Program.

With a research focus on banking, Dr. Lu mainly teaches courses of Commercial Banking and Operations and Financial Supervision. He has been a member of the program team of FMA 2018 and 2019 Annual Conference, while also work as an anonymous reviewer for top journals including Economic Studies; Economic Journal; Review of Finance; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Banking and Finance; China Economic Review, etc.

Prof. Wang is awarded a place of Chair Professor on Cheung Kong Scholars Programme of Ministry of Education, Special Government Subsidy, and National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund. His research interests focus on asset pricing, corporate finance and corporate governance.

Prof. Guo’s research centered around asset pricing, default risk, liquidity risk, interest rate term structure, and derivatives arbitrage. He also work as a Researcher at China Bond Institute, Researcher at International Monetary Institute, and Associate Editor of European Journal of Finance.

Dr. Lei has over 20 years of experience in the academia. He has been a Research Fellow of China Financial Policy Research Center at Renmin University of China, Deputy Director of Investment Research Institute at Renmin University of China, Instructor at Beijing Financial Training Center, Bond Training Specialist at National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII).

Dr. Gao earned a Ph.D. in Management from Chinese Academy of Science and a Ph.D. in Finance from City University of Hong Kong. As an awarded scholar, his research interests focus on corporate finance, financial market intermediaries, China's capital market, green finance, banking and risk management.

Dr. Ma is a Young Top Talent on China’s Ten Thousand Talents Plan. He is Visiting Scholar of Harvard University, Director of China Finance Society, Director of China International Finance Society, Chair Expert of Major Projects of the National Social Science Fund of China, Reviewer of National Social Science Foundation and National Natural Science Foundation. Dr. Ma specializes in macro finance theory and policy. Before joining the academia, Dr. Ma has worked multiple positions in the central bank system and has rich experience in economic and financial practice.

Dr. Song is specialized in monetary and financial theory and policy and financial technology. His also serves as Director of China International Finance Society, Researcher of China Financial Policy Research Center and associate editor of International Monetary Review, and China Fintech Report. Dr. Song is also an editorial board member of Renminbi Internationalization Report, China Wealth Management Research Report, and China Green Finance Development Research Report.

Dr. Luo’s research interests are macro finance, commercial banking, financial technology, inclusive finance. He is the head of the Fintech Dual Bachelor Degree Experiment Program at Renmin University, and also work as the Researcher and Deputy Director of China Banking Research Center at Renmin University of China.