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Free Guide [PDF] - Transformational Leadership

What is it that wonderful leaders do that elevates us? Can we learn to do it, too?

By Julian Barling

Even before we assume our first full-time jobs, we all encounter numerous leaders in different contexts, whether teachers, sports coaches, parents or organizational leaders, who hold in their hands the power to influence us. And influence us they do, leaving many of us wondering what magic do they have that eludes the rest of us?

While we may not always be able to precisely define wonderful or dreadful leadership, we know it when we see it!

What is it that wonderful leaders do that elevates us? And can we learn to do it, too?

Paper boats

In this free guide you will:

  •  Discover the defining characteristics of transformational leadership
  •  Learn how can transformational leadership impact your organization
  •  Gain practical strategies to improve your leadership style today
Download Free Guide