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Expand Your

16-Month Program Starting in August
  •  Study While You Work

Smith Executive MBA

Expand your horizons and career opportunities. Gain outstanding learnings and insights on the cutting edge of business management. Improve your readiness to operate within a global business context. Earn the degree while working and staying in your home city.


Classmates Across Canada

Work and learn with a cohort of experienced and talented people from across Canada. A rich mix of backgrounds and experience broadens your perspectives.

Class profile 

Global Perspective

The Smith EMBA delivers deep content in global business, as well as a Global Business Project and an international study elective.

Go global  

The Power of Teams

No matter your knowledge and skills, if you can’t successfully lead and work in teams, it won’t matter. Smith is a world-leader in team-based learning. Dedicated Team Coaches help elevate your performance.

How you learn 

Gain the SmithEdge

Develop your personal capacity to be a transformative leader with our SmithEdge personal capacity development suite.

Learn more about SmithEdge  

Personalize Your Experience

Personalize your Smith EMBA through major projects, electives, an international study trip option, and pursuing professional designations.

See your options  

Exceptional Support

We understand the challenge of doing an EMBA while working and managing personal obligations. We have a sophisticated support system including executive, career, team and lifestyle coaching, project advisors, and a dedicated staff team.

Coaching & support  
JP Gladu

“Smith’s EMBA program was the perfect fit to help me grow my education and experience in business, while I lead my First Nation in its economic aspirations. It will challenge you in all ways, with teamwork and rapport being fundamental, just like in any work environment. There are exceptional people in your class sitting next to you with amazing backgrounds, many will become lifelong friends. Immediately after the completion of the program, my career took a sharp trajectory, competing and earning my spot on the national stage as an Indigenous business leader. Propelling a national business organization forward for eight years of exceptional growth may not have been possible without my education from a top tier business program.”

JP Gladu, EMBA

Women and the MBA

At Smith School of Business, we recognize the need to enable more women to ascend to the senior ranks of management. An MBA can help break down the barriers that exist for women looking to advance their careers. Smith is making a concerted effort to address this issue. In addition to hosting Women and the MBA events across Canada, we have also implemented a number of initiatives to attract and support women within our programs.

Each year Smith School of Business is pleased to offer the 30% Club Scholarship to a highly qualified woman entering the Smith Executive MBA Program. This scholarship – which covers 50% of the program tuition – is offered in partnership with the 30% Club, a global organization dedicated to accelerating the representation of women at senior levels in business.

Learn more about Women and the MBA 

New Scholarships Available

Smith School of Business introduces Scholarships for Black Students and Indigenous Students in all MBA, Professional Masters, and Graduate Diploma programs.

Dynamic Remote Learning
from the Experts

Smith School of Business is at the forefront of delivering business education in dynamic and engaging remote formats. With state-of-the-art technology — including a dedicated, interactive teaching studio — we have been delivering outstanding business education to the classroom, the boardroom, and the desktop for thousands of students for more than a decade.

Much more than broadcasting lectures, Smith’s approach facilitates discussion, team projects and collaborations, career support services, and personal and group coaching. Earn your degree while working from your home city, and stay on track to advance your career and professional ambitions.

How you learn  

Powerful Virtual Networking

Smith delivers powerful networking opportunities within its programs no matter the platform or delivery format. From career preparation and employer roundtables, to virtual coaching, team project facilitation, and special events, Smith’s approach and platforms ensure rich engagement.