Latest Research
Smith faculty, graduate students and research partners advance management and society through exceptional research. They collaborate with scholars worldwide, publish in leading journals, and inspire each other to explore new lines of enquiry.

Research News - Fall 2023
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The latest research news and updates from the Smith News Blog.

Smith PhD students receive $270,000 in funding from SSHRC
Kingston, Ont. – Research being conducted by three Smith PhD candidates received a boost in the form of federal funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Smith celebrates research and teaching excellence
Kingston, Ont. – Each year, the Smith community gathers to acknowledge and appreciate the exceptional contributions made by the business school's research faculty and students. This month, Smith gathered to celebrate the 2023 Research Excellence Awards.

Smith professor recognized for research impact
Kingston, Ont. – A professor at Smith School of Business has been recognized by the Financial Times (FT) with a Responsible Business Education Award. Assistant Professor of Marketing, Nicole Robitaille, was honoured in the school academic research category for her work with colleagues focused on increasing organ donor registrations with behavioural interventions.
Smith Business Insight
Keep up with the latest in thought leadership, faculty research, and more from Smith School of Business. Articles are designed to highlight business research and insights from the Smith community.