Health, wellness and peak performance
Helpful Tips on Improving Your Well-being and Work Performance
It's no secret that health and wellness can affect performance. Unfortunately, it's easy to find reasons to ignore this fact. Health and wellness involves being aware of and making conscious decisions towards living a healthy and fulfilling life. Making these conscious decisions will not only impact an individual's physical well-being, but also their work performance.
At Queen's School of Business, we believe so strongly in this that we have created a program called Fit to Lead™, which we have incorporated into all of our MBA and executive education programs.
This webinar includes material from the Fit to Lead™ program. It is full of helpful information and tips for improving your health and wellness, and achieving peak performance.
Session Participants

Ryan Stoness
Ryan is the Manager of the Fit to Lead™ program at Smith School of Business. He joined the School in 2003 to take on the leadership, development, and implementation of the new Fit to Lead™ program, working with all of the Queen’s MBA and Executive Education programs. Over the last several years, he and his team have grown Fit to Lead™ to become a hub for high performance, using health and wellness behaviours to encourage increased performance in the personal, professional, and academic pursuits of our students, alumni, and staff. He holds a BA, BPHE and BEd from Queen’s University, and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree. In addition, he holds several distinctive coaching, health, and wellness certifications. Ryan has coached and worked work with well over 1000 executives from across North America, helping them achieve their goals as leaders, team builders, and high performing “corporate athletes”.

Faizan Imtiaz
Faizan is a Performance Coach in the Fit to lead™ program at Smith School of Business. His experience as a varsity athlete and psychology major led him to pursue a Master's degree in Sport Psychology. Faizan has subsequently worked as a mental skills coach in the areas of sports, education, and business. Currently, he is pursuing his Doctorate in Psychology at Queen's University.