A stitch in time: remembering the Moniesons
Posted on September 25, 2017Kingston, ON — There’s a new piece of art gracing the walls of the Monieson Centre for Business Research and PhD/MSc Research Program office.
Fittingly, it was created by Lois Monieson, widow of former marketing professor Danny Monieson. It’s one of five quilts she donated to the Smith School of Business in Kingston, ON.
The Monieson Centre was established in 2000 by the school’s benefactor Mel Goodes, BCom’57, LLD’94, in recognition of Danny Monieson’s long and celebrated academic career at Queen’s.
Even after Danny’s passing in 2008, Lois maintained her connections to the school, until her death in 2014.
“Lois’s quilt brightens our office, not only because of its beauty, but also as a tangible reminder of the impact both Danny and Lois had on our school,” says Yolande Chan, Associate Dean, Research, pictured here.