2nd place finish for Commerce team at CaseIT MIS competition in Vancouver
Posted on February 20, 2015
Kingston, ON — Feb. 20, 2015 - A Queen’s Commerce team scored a second place finish at the annual CaseIT MIS (Management Information Systems) competition at Simon Fraser University, held Feb. 11-14. In competing against 17 teams from Asia, Europe and North America, Darren Cole and Vanesa Cotlar, both in 4th year, and Ellen Xue, a 3rd year student, greatly impressed the judges with their presentation. Vanessa also received the award for Best Speaker.
Queen’s Commerce teams have posted impressive results in recent years, placing first in 2011, second in 2013 and third in 2014.
Queen’s Commerce teams have posted impressive results in recent years, placing first in 2011, second in 2013 and third in 2014.
Bachelor of Commercetag