MP Justin Trudeau addresses Responsible Leadership Summit

The 7th Annual Responsible Leadership Summit held in October drew a record crowd of Commerce and MBA students enrolled in QSB’s Certificate in Socially Responsible Leadership program.
Justin Trudeau, Member of Parliament for Papineau, QC, delivered an inspirational opening address calling on students to embrace the notion of creating shared values. This positive message for change and the need for strong, responsible leadership to address the needs of society were reinforced during the plenary sessions. Concurrent panels addressed such topics as leveraging community partnerships, social entrepreneurship, socially responsible investing, consumerism and shared values, creating sustainable communities, and renewable energy and conservation.
“This year’s Summit was a tremendous success, thanks to the 31 wonderful speakers who came to share their ideas, experience and advice with students, and through the support of our many generous sponsors,” says Tina Dacin, Director of QSB’s Centre for Responsible Leadership.
The Summit provided the opportunity to announce a new partnership between the Centre and Suncor Energy Foundation, which has granted the Centre $500,000 over the next five years.
“Queen’s School of Business is pleased with the opportunity to partner with Suncor,” says Dean David Saunders. “With this new funding, the Centre will be able to expand its programming to include new initiatives in the area of social innovation.” (Read more about the Suncor donation.)
The Summit ended with an inspirational talk by Ray Zahab, ultra-marathoner and founder of impossible2Possible. Ray shared his story of how he went from a pack-a-day smoker to an ultramarathoner, imparting the message that people can do anything that they put their minds to.
Visit for more information on the Summit.