MBA Energy Club tours Wolfe Island wind farm

The view from the Kingston waterfront has been transformed since the 2009 completion of the Wolfe Island wind farm. Its 86 giant turbines dominate the skyline and, up close, greatly impressed members of the MBA Energy and Industry Club during their tour of Canada’s second largest wind farm in September. “It’s almost impossible to describe the immensity of the turbines and blades,” said Club President Christina Waters, MBA’12. “You have to see them in person to fully appreciate their impressive dimensions.”
The visit was part of a full day of activities focused on wind energy and entrepreneurship. The morning session kicked off with a campus presentation by Samit Sharma, MBA’02, founder and Projects Director of Kingston-based Gaia Power. As an MBA student, Samit devised the Wolfe Island Wind Farm concept for his New Ventures project, which won that year’s competition. Following graduation, he formed Gaia Power and began translating his concept into a viable business.
Samit’s passionate presentation focused on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and how an MBA degree can position graduates for a career in green energy. Next up was a trip by ferry to Wolfe Island for a site visit led by Mike Jablonicky of TransAlta, the owner/operator of the wind farm. “The site visit provided an excellent opportunity for our members to understand the massive scale and planning required for large energy projects,” Christina reflected. “Many club members were inspired by the visit and are now considering careers in the energy sector.”