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Gold-mining Executive-in-Residence brings a world view


Larry Phillips has spent a lot of time in airports. In his 21-year career as a founder and later EVP Corporate Affairs of Toronto-based IAMGOLD, he would typically spend upwards of 20 weeks per year outside of Canada. The travel came with the territory in his role as an executive of one of the largest publicly traded gold mining companies in the world, with 6,000 employees producing nearly one million ounces of gold annually on three continents.

After retiring in June, he received numerous offers to serve on corporate boards but saw something different in a proposal from QSB. Would he be interested in becoming the School’s Executive-in-Residence? He’s certainly familiar with Queen’s as a proud parent of Andrew, Artsci’10, and Emily, Comm’12, and also as a guest speaker in Prof. Keith Rogers’ undergraduate International Business class. The corporate directorships may follow, but for now, a one-year term as the School’s newest Executive-in-Residence fits the bill.

“What appeals to me is the opportunity to look at some of the challenges in international business from a fresh perspective by really engaging the students, seeking their ideas and tapping into their enthusiasm,” he says. “I see it as an exercise in challenging the students to realize that their new ways of approaching problems can really be valuable.”

The word is already out that this former mining executive is willing to share the wealth of his experience. In November, he was a featured speaker at ComSoc’s annual Queen’s Conference on the Business Environment Today (Q’BET) and a guest speaker in the International Executive Program in Mining Leadership offered by QSB Executive Education. There will be ample opportunities for more dialogue during his periodic visits to QSB throughout the school year.