Henry Schneider
Professor & Commerce '64 Fellow of Business EconomicsOverview
Henry Schneider is a Professor of Business Economics at Smith School of Business. He specializes in applied microeconomics with a focus on industrial organization, behavioral economics, and experimental economics.
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- Business Economics
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- Economics
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Full Bio
Professor Schneider received a PhD in economics from Yale University and a B.S. in physics from Wesleyan University. Prior to graduate studies, he worked at NERA Economic Consulting (Oliver Wyman) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Professor Schneider was an economics professor at the Johnson School of Management at Cornell University before joining Queen’s University. He has a cross-appointment in the Queen's Department of Public Health Sciences, and is an affiliated faculty member of the Queen's Economics Department.Academic Degrees
PhD, Economics
Yale University, New Haven (2006)
B.S. Physics (high honors)
Wesleyan University, Middletown (1996)
Academic Experience
School of Medicine, Queen's University
Associate Professor (cross-appointment), Department of Public Health Sciences (2020 - Present)
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Professor, Business Economics (2024 - Present)
Commerce ’64 Fellow of Business Economics (2017 - Present)
Associate Professor (with tenure), Business Economics (2016 - 2024)
Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
Cornell University, Ithaca (2006-2016)
Research Publications
“Reminders Work, But for Whom? Evidence from New York City Parking-Ticket Recipients,” with Ori Heffetz and Ted O’Donoghue, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming
“Limited Rationality and the Strategic Environment: Further Evidence from a Pricing Game,” with Kristen Cooper and Michael Waldman, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2021
“Limited Rationality and the Strategic Environment: Further Theory and Experimental Evidence,” with Kristen Cooper and Michael Waldman, Games and Economic Behavior, 106, 2017, 188-208
“Beautiful Lemons: Adverse Selection in Durable-Goods Markets with Sorting,” with Jonathan Peterson, Management Science, 63(9), 2017, 3111-3127
“Nonstandard Bidder Behavior in Real-World Auctions,” with Joseph Podwol, European Economic Review, 83, 2016, 198-212
“The Bidder’s Curse: Comment,” American Economic Review, 106(4), 2016, 1182-1194
“The Economics of Retail Markets for New and Used Cars,” with Charles Murry, Handbook on the Economics of Retailing and Distribution, Emek Basker (editor), Edward Elgar Publishers, January 2016
“Checklists and Worker Behavior: A Field Experiment,” with Kirabo Jackson, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(4), 2015, 136-168 (featured in April 2014 NBER Digest)
“Search Costs and Equilibrium Price Dispersion in Auction Markets,” with Matthew Backus and Joseph Podwol, European Economic Review, 74, 2014, 173-192
“The Role and Growth of New-Car Leasing: Theory and Evidence,” with Justin Johnson and Michael Waldman, Journal of Law and Economics, 57(3), 2014, 665-698
“Adverse Selection in the Used-Car Market: Evidence from Purchase and Repair Patterns in the Consumer Expenditure Survey,” with Jonathan Peterson, Rand Journal of Economics, 45(1), 2014, 140-154
“Agency Problems and Reputation in Expert Services: Evidence from Auto Repair,” Journal of Industrial Economics, 60(3), 2012, 406-433
“Do Social Connections Reduce Moral Hazard? Evidence from the New York City Taxi Industry,” with Kirabo Jackson, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 3(3), 2011, 244-267
“Moral Hazard in Leasing Contracts: Evidence from the New York City Taxi Industry,” Journal of Law and Economics, 53(4), 2010, 783-805
Working Papers and Work in Progress
“Warranty Design for Durable Goods: Theory and Evidence,” with Jonathan Peterson, May 2020
“Promoting Best Practices in a Multitask Workplace: Experimental Evidence on Checklists,” with Kirabo Jackson, December 2018
“Adverse Selection, Market Size, and Innovation,” with Michael Waldman and Ying Wang, January 2015
“Gender and Race Discrimination in Auto Repair,” with Olena Ivus, work in progress
Introduction to Public Health, 6th Edition, with Mary-Jane Schneider, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020
Introduction to Public Health, 5th Edition, with Mary-Jane Schneider, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016
Other Publications
“Stocks in the Household Portfolio: A Look Back at the 1990s,” with Joseph Tracy, FRBNY Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 7(4), 2001
“Are Stocks Overtaking Real Estate in Household Portfolios?,” with Joseph Tracy and Sewin Chan, FRBNY Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 5(5), 1999
“Crowded House,” with Joseph Tracy and Sewin Chan, Boston Review, 24(1), 1999
Ph.D. Advising
Joseph Podwol (2010, Economics; U.S. Department of Justice)
Jonathan Peterson (2011, Economics; NRU Higher School of Economics)
Ying Wang (2013, Economics; Analysis Group)
Xin Jin (2014, Economics; University of South Florida)
Johnson School, Cornell University
Strategy, undergraduate elective, 2007-2008
Strategy, MBA core course, 2007-2016
Game Theory and Business Strategy, MBA elective, 2008-2016
Smith School, Queen’s University
Advanced Managerial Economics, Accelerated MBA core course, 2018-present
Economics and Industry Analysis, Executive MBA Americas core course, 2018-present
Decision Making in Competitive Markets, MBA elective, 2019-Present
Causal Impact (Running Experiments in Organizations), MBA elective, 2022
Visiting Positions
Hitotsubashi University Institute for Economic Research
Hebrew University Economics Dept. and Center for the Study of Rationality
Applied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Experimental Economics
Seminar and Conference Presentations
2022 Webinar Series on Credence Goods and Expert Markets
2021 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) Innsbruck
2019 - University of South Florida, New England Experimental Economics Workshop (UMass Amherst), City University of London, Max Planck Institute (Bonn), University of Innsbruck, Queen’s University, Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference, Hitotsubashi University Institute of Economic Research
2018 - Dartmouth Tuck Winter IO Conference, Carleton University, International Industrial Organization Conference, University of Haifa, Hebrew University
2017 - International Industrial Organization Conference, Advances with Field Experiments Conference (University of Chicago), Queen’s University, University of Toronto
2016 - FTC Workshop on Auto Distribution: Current Issues & Future Trends, Northeastern University, US Department of Justice, US Census Bureau, North Carolina State University, SUNY Stony Brook
2015 - Williams College, Simon Fraser University, International Industrial Organization Conference, Econometric Society World Congress, Charles River Associates, Penn State University, ESA North American Meetings, Workshop on Management and Firm Performance (Kiel Institute), Queen’s University
2014 - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, International Industrial Organization Conference, 5th Workshop on Search and Switching Costs (University of Indiana), ESA International Meetings, University of Oklahoma, Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference (USC), MIT, University of Rochester, University of Michigan
2013 - Cornell University, Williams College
2012 - ASSA Meetings, International Industrial Organization Conference, Northwestern University Conference on Internet Search and Innovation, George Mason University, eBay Research Labs
2011 - International Industrial Organization Conference, University of Rochester, IDC Herzliya, University of Missouri, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, FTC Microeconomics Conference
2010 - International Industrial Organization Conference, DePaul University, University of Washington, ESA North American Meetings, NBER Organizational Economics Meetings, Federal Trade Commission
2009 - Wesleyan University, Cornell University, International Industrial Organization Conference
2008 - Yale University ISPS Conference, MIT Sloan BPS Conference (discussant)
2007 - Cornell University (Economics), Cornell University (Policy Analysis & Management), Dartmouth Tuck Winter IO Conference, Williams College, International Industrial Organization Conference
2006 - Yale University, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Swarthmore College, NYU Stern, MIT Sloan, Cornell University, Hunter College, Simon Fraser University, Georgetown University McDonough, ESA North American Meetings
Grants & Funding
Canadian Blood Services Kenneth J. Fyke Award Program (2023-2024),
“Evaluating transfusion medicine patterns of practice across GEMINI sites,” project team member, $98,822,
Institutional Grant (2019-2021)
SSHRC | $5,000
Small Grants Program (2011)
Cornell University Institute for Social Science | $5,418
Grant and journal reviewing
- AEJ Applied, AEJ Micro, American Economic Review, Austrian Science Fund, Berkeley
Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, British Academy, Econometrica, Economic
Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economics Letters, European Economic Review, Falk Institute for
Economic Research, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review,
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Israel Science Foundation, Journal of
Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of
the European Economic Association, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Labor
Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,
Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Urban Economics, Management Science, National
Science Foundation, Quarterly Journal of Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, Research
Fund of University of Innsbruck, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Economic
Studies, Review of Industrial Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern
Economic Journal
Johnson School, Cornell University
- Citigroup Integrative Case Competition judge (2006-2007), lead strategy judge (20082014), and case preparer (2008-2013)
- Committee for Learning Goals and Standards, 2012-2013
- Committee to develop Critical Thinking course for core curriculum, 2013-2014
Smith School, Queen’s University
- Ph.D. External Examiner, 2017
- Chair of Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, 2017-2018
- Research and Funding Committee, 2019-2021
- Research Ethics Board, 2022
- Faculty Area Coordinator for Business Economics, 2022-2023
- Appointments Committee for Tenure-Stream Hires, 2022-2023
- Chair of Appointments Committee for Lecturers (quantitative candidates), 2023
- Jarislowsky-Deutsch Chair Advisory Committee, 2022
Service Conference Work
Reviewer, Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics annual conference, 2022
Program committee member, International Industrial Organization Conference, 2014-2020
Other Positions
- Board of Directors, Automobile Protection Association, 2017-
- Associate Editor, European Economic Review, 2015-2019
- Adviser, Automobile Protection Association, 2014-2015
- Adviser, ClearMechanic, 2013
- Statistics Consultant, Statlab, Yale University, 2003-2006
- Consultant, Edmunds.com, 2003
- Senator, Graduate and Professional Student Senate, Yale University, 2002-2004
- Research Assistant to Patrick Bayer and Christopher Timmins, Yale University, 2002-2003
- Assistant Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1997-1998, 1999-2000
- Research Associate, National Economic Research Associates, 1996-1997