Paul Roman
Adjunct Associate ProfessorOverview
Paul Roman is an Associate Professor of Management Science at Smith School of Business at Queen's University and consulting editor of the Journal of Defense Modelling and Simulation. His paper "Games - Just How Serious Are They?" won the prestigious I/ITSEC best paper award in 2008.
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- Operations Management and Technology
Interest Topics
- Analytics & AI
- Leadership & Teams
- Management
- Manufacturing
- Risk
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Paul Roman has been researching and lecturing in operations management with emphasis on reliability and maintainability and modelling and simulation for over 20 years. His 20-year military career included duty with 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in Germany, Officer Commanding 2 (Electronic Warfare) Squadron and he retired as the Director of the Army Experimentation Centre.
Paul is a professional engineer with two degrees in Engineering Management from the Royal Military College (RMC) and a PhD from Queen's (Mining Engineering) that he received in 1999. Upon leaving the military, Paul started a management consulting company with Syncrude Canada Ltd and the Department of National Defence as primary clients. In this capacity, Paul has applied his skills in business process re-engineering to projects ranging from the development of a combat development process for the Canadian Army to enhancing the relationship between operations and maintenance at Syncrude.
He has been a facilitator at the Army's Campaign Planning sessions helping to convert the Army Strategy into aligned business plans at the directorate level. He has also helped formulate strategy and policy regarding the application of modeling and simulation as the primary enabling technology necessary to help the Army meet its' strategic objectives.
Paul has been a full-time academic since 2002 working at both The Royal Military College and Queen's. He has taught courses for Queen's since 1995 for both Smith School of Business and Smith Engineering. In July of 2011 Paul accepted a full-time position at Queen's and, in addition to his academic responsibilities, was the Director of the Executive MBA Americas Program from 2011 until 2017.
Paul's papers usually stem from his active consulting practice with publications in The Engineering Economist, The Canadian Institute of Mining and Manufacturing Bulletin, and The Canadian Army Journal. He has chaired several International Symposia and has also been a consulting editor for the Journal of Defence Modeling and Simulation. His paper “Games - Just How Serious Are They?” earned the prestigious I/ITSEC best paper award in 2008.
Academic Degrees
PhD, Mining Engineering
Queen’s University (1999)
M. Eng. Engineering Management
Royal Military College (1992)
B.Eng. Engineering Management
Royal Military College (1985)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor/Continuing Adjunct (2011 - Present)
Director Cornell-Queen’s Executive MBA Program (2011-2017)
Royal Military College
UT-3/ Associate Professor Business Administration (2002-2011)
Adjunct Assistant Professor/Business Administration (2000-2002)
Assistant Professor/Engineering and Management (1995-2000)
Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Engineering and Management (1989-1992)
Journal Articles
Roman, P.A. and Brown, D.G. (2008) Games – Just How Serious Are They? MSAIC Journal, Volume 4, Number 1 March 2009. “invited paper”
Roman, P.A. and Brown, D.G. (2007) Constructive Simulation versus Serious Games: A Canadian Case Study, MSIAC Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, March 2008. “invited paper”
Roman, P.A. and Brown, D.G. (2007) Note to File – Constructive Simulation versus Serious Games for the Army, The Canadian Army Journal, Volume 10, Number 3, Fall 2007.
Roman, P.A. and Chapman, B.J. (2002) Using Simulation to Estimate the Performance of the Situational Awareness System, Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin, Volume 5, Number 3, Fall 2002.
Roman, P.A., and Cyr, J.L. (2002) Enabling the Army Strategy with Synthetic Environment Technology, Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin, Volume 5, Number 3, Fall 2002.
Roman, P.A., and Daneshmend, L.K. (2001) Integration and Enhancement of Mine Operations and Maintenance - A Structured Analysis Approach , CIM Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 1046.
Roman, P.A. and Daneshmend, L.K. (2000) Economies of Scale in Mining – Assessing Upper Bounds with Simulation, The Engineering Economist, Volume 45, Number 4.
Roman, P.A. and Surdu, J. (2009) Simulations Support to Operations: Bringing Simulation to the Fight. Intereservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), December 2009, Orlando Fl.
Roman, P.A. (2009), 21st Century Decision Making - The Art of Modelling and Simulation, Keynote Address, ModSIM World 2009, October, 2009, Virginia Beach, VA.
Roman, P.A. (2009), Serious Games, Virtual Worlds and MMOGs, building the puzzle without a Picture, MOVES Institute Research Summit, Naval Postgraduate School, July 2009, Monterey, CA. INVITED.
Roman, P.A. (2009), The Decision Making Paradigm. ModSim World Canada, June 2009, Montreal, PQ.
Roman, P.A. (2009), Immersive Simulation Training. Naval Research Advisory Committee, Immersive Simulation for Marine Corps Small Unit Training Study Panel, May 2009, Washington D.C. INVITED
Roman, P.A. and Brown, D.G. (2008) Games – Just How Serious Are They? Intereservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), December 2008, Orlando Fl.
Roman, P.A.(2008), How are Modelling and Simulation Meeting the Defence Challenges out to 2015? NATO Modelling and Simulation Group Conference MSG-060, Academic Keynote Address, September 2008, Vancouver, B.C. INVITED
Roman, P.A. and Bassarab, R.R.(2008), The Simulation Interoperability Framework – Mapping Interoperability Requirements to Coalition Outcomes. NATO Modelling and Simulation Group Conference, MSG-060, September 2008, Vancouver, B.C.
Roman, P.A. and Bassarab, R.R. (2007). The Training Needs Framework – Mapping Simulation Tools to Desired Outcomes. Intereservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), December 2007, Orlando Fl.
Roman, P.A. and Brown, D.G. (2007) Constructive Simulation versus Serious Games: A Canadian Case Study, Military Modeling & Simulation Symposium, SpringSim 2007, March 2007, Norfolk, VA.
Roman, P.A. (2006). Garbage in, Hollywood Out! , Intereservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), December 2007, Orlando Fl. INVITED
Roman, P.A. (2005). Garbage in, Hollywood Out! , SimtecT Simulation Conference and Exhibition, May 2005, Sydney, Australia.
Roman, P.A., (2003) Canadian Army Simulation Initiatives, Defence Simulation and Training Conference, September 2003, London, England.
Roman, P.A. (2003) Enabling Army Strategic Objectives using Synthetic Environment Technology. INFORMATICS, May 2003, Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Roman, P.A., and Daneshmend, L.K. (1999) Cost Impact of Larger Capacity Haulage Fleets, Proceedings, 5th International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation, Sudbury, On.
Roman P.A., and Daneshmend, L.K. (1999) A Structured Analysis of Heavy Truck Maintenance at Syncrude Canada Ltd, Proceedings, 101st Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Calgary, Alberta.
Roman, P.A., and Daneshmend, L.K. (1997) Integrating Mine Maintenance and Planning, Challenges and Rewards. Proceedings, 1997 CIM District 5 Mining Conference, Fort McMurray, Ab.
Roman, P.A. (1996) Ethical Failure: Principle Solution. Proceedings, 1st Annual Conference on Defence Ethics, Ottawa, Ontario
Decchechi,T., Pelot, R. and Roman, P.A. (1992) A Subjective Evaluation of Different Classroom Techniques in Use in an Engineering Management Program, Proceedings, 8th Canadian Conference on Engineering Education, Laval, Quebec.
Roman, P.A., and Simms, B.W. (1990) Radio Network Modelling using Criticality and Conditional Probability Theory, Proceedings, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Los Angeles, Ca.
Professional Reports
Future Immersive Training Environment Joint Capability Technology Demonstration Operational Demonstration 2 Independent Assessment Report, Joint Technology Assessment Activity, Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane, November 2010.
Future Immersive Training Environment Joint Capability Technology Demonstration Operational Demonstration 1 Independent Assessment Report, Joint Technology Assessment Activity, Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane, June 2010.
Future Immersive Training Environment Joint Capability Technology Demonstration Operational Demonstration 1 Demonstration Execution Document, Joint Technology Assessment Activity, Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane, August 2009 (limited distribution).
Roman, P.A., Bethel, G., Huston, C., Morgan, C., Rasch, R. (2009). Simulation Interoperability. ABCA Report 083, May 2009, ABCA Program Office, Washington, D.C.
Roman, P.A., Bethel, G., Huston, C., Morgan, C., Rasch, R. (2008). Simulation Interoperability Progress Report to the ABCA Armies Program. ABCA Report 063, June 2008, ABCA Program Office, Washington, D.C.
Roman, P.A., Roy, R. and Cameron F.W.P. (2001) Army Experiment 5 – Validation of Tactics Techniques and Procedures for the LAV III, AEC Report 2001-1, Army Simulation Centre, Kingston, Ontario.
RMC Courses (2001 – 2011)
- MDEM/LFTSP/ATWO 515, Modelling and Simulation
- MDEM/LFTSP/ATWO 517, Engineering and Logistics Management MDEM/LFTSP/ATWO 513, Systems Engineering
- MDEM/LFTSP/ATWO 519, Project Management
- MBA 555, Operations Management
- BAE 260, Principles of Management AAF 260, Principes de Gestion
- BAE 360, Operations Management
- MDEM/LFTSP/ATWO 511, Decision Analysis, Probability & Statistics
- DM 553, Decision Analysis
- DM 563, Modelling and Simulation in Defence
- BAE 266, Management Decision Making in Defence
- GEE 283A, Engineering Economics
- AAF 342B, Méthods Quantitative
- EME 421, Human Factors Engineering
- EME 423, Reliability Engineering
- EME 425, Engineering Economics
- EME 422, Operations Research
Current and Previous Queen’s Courses Taught
- Queen’s Executive Education Execution Program (current)
- MBUS 941, Operations Management (current) MBUS 962, Analysis Based Decision Making (current) MBQC 961, Business Decision Modelling (current)
- COMM 163, Applied Business Decision Models I (current)
- MBAS 841, Operations Management
- MBQC 962, Supply Chain Management
- COMM 200, Introduction to Business
- COMM 244, Project Management
- APSC 194, Engineering in the Workplace
- CIVIL 463, Engineering Economics
- COMM 164, Applied Business Decision Models II
Masters Thesis Supervision
- 2007 – Capt Michael Lakatos and Captain John Benson, LFTSP. Simulation Platforms for Army Training.
- 2006 – Capt Sonny Hatton, RMC, MDEM. Linking Live and Constructive Simulations in the CF.
- 2005 – Capt Chris Sines, RMC, MDEM. Transparent Displays and the Soldier Visual Display System 2003 – Maj James Denford, MBA, A Theory and Research Basis for Command Support Experimentation in the Land Force
Principal Areas of Teaching Specialization
Management Science and Operations Management with emphasis on Modelling and Simulation
Teaching Awards
Best Teacher Award, Queen’s School of Business full time MBA Program (2015)
Best Teacher Award, Queen’s University School of Business National Executive MBA Program (2008)
Best Teacher Award, Queen’s University School of Business Ottawa Executive MBA Program (2008)
Queen’s University Engineering Society Golden Apple Teaching Award (2006)
Other Awards
SpringSim Outstanding Service Award (2010)
Commander Land Forces Doctrine & Training System Commendation (2010)
SpringSim Special Award for Sustained Superior Performance as Military Modelling and Simulation Symposium Chair (2008)
Inter-Service/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference Best Paper Award (2008)
SimTecT Conference Best Paper Award (2005)
Chairs of conferences and symposia
- General Chair, Military Modelling and Simulation Symposium (Orlando, Fl, 2010)
- General Chair, Military Modelling and Simulation Symposium (San Diego, Ca, 2009) General Chair, Military Modelling and Simulation Symposium (Ottawa, On, 2008)
- Program Chair, Military Modelling and Simulation Symposium (Norfolk, Va, 2007)
- General Chair, Simulation Support to Operations in the Contemporary Operating Environment (Ottawa, 2006)
- Chair, Defence Simulation and Training Conference (London, England 2006) INVITED
- Chair, Defence Simulation and Training Conference (London, England 2004) INVITED
- Chair, Defence Simulation and Training Conference (Singapore, 2003) INVITED
Consulting Activities
June 2001 – 2011, JDPAR Incorporated: Performed numerous functions in support of defence modeling and simulation:
Future Immersive Training Environment Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (2009 – 2011) Provided experimental design and analytical support to this US JFCOM lead project that is recommending future immersive technology to support training for the US Army and US Marine Corps.
Land Force Modelling and Simulation Master Plan – led the creation of this plan that lays out specific objectives and priorities associated with achieving the Army Synthetic Environment Strategy.
Land Force Verification, Validation and Accreditation Policy – assisted in the creation of this policy that describes processes and procedures to help ensure that models and simulations used in support of Army projects are fit for purpose.
ABCA Simulation Interoperability Project Team Leader (2001 – 2011) - Involved with the American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies program since 2001 participating in several activities aimed at enabling interoperability through simulation. I also lead the project team on Simulation Interoperability aimed at converting the ABCA Program from a paper-based, information sharing organization into a simulation based learning organization.
Member of DND Synthetic Environment Working Group (2004 – 2011) - Performed as the principal Army representative to the DND Synthetic Environment Working Group since its creation. Through this WG I had significant input into DND modelling and simulation policy and plans. In several cases, documents I drafted for the Army have become templates for DND level equivalent documents.
OneSAF Program Involvement (2001-2011) – Involved with the US One Semi-Automated Forces program helping to ensure Canadian Army requirements for constructive simulation are met by this software. I was also instrumental in creating the conditions necessary for a DND wide license for this software through a Foreign Military Sales Contract with the US.
Chair Simulation Support to Operations Symposium (Sept 2006). In cooperation with the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), I Chaired the first ever symposium dedicated to determining how simulation tools can best directly support the war fighter in operations.
LFCO 28-01 Land Force Simulation Policy (March 2005) - In collaboration with the members of DLSE, I was the primary drafter of this document that described how the objectives associated with the Army SE Strategy are to be achieved.
Canadian Forces Transformation Campaign Planning Team (2005). Based upon my experience assisting in the creation of the Army Campaign Plan, I was engaged by the Director General Strategic Plans (DGSP) to assist in the creation of the Canadian Forces Transformation Campaign Plan. From June 2005 until June 2006, I was a member of the Operational Planning Group for this plan. This plan informed the Chief of Defence Staff’s strategic framework and roadmap for CF transformation over the long-term.
Army Capability Development Process (2003-2004) – I completed a structured analysis of the Army Capability development process that was instrumental in redefining the process to move from equipment focus to a capability-based focus.
The Army Synthetic Environment Strategy (March 2003) – In collaboration with the Chief of Land Staff and members of DLSE, I was the primary drafter of this document that describes the vision and principles to be applied in the application of modelling and simulation technology as the primary enabling technology necessary to help the Army meet it’s strategic objectives.
Canadian Land Forces Campaign Planning Facilitator. In 2003 and 2004 I was requested by Director General of the Land Staff (DGLS) to be a facilitator at the Army’s Campaign Planning Sessions. These one-week long annual sessions were aimed at converting the Army Strategy into executable business plans at the directorate level.
Memberships held in scholarly or professional societies
- Associate Editor Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (2008 – Present)
- Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (1990 – Present)
- International Society for Modeling & Simulation (2007 – 2011)
- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation (2008 – 2011)
- Operational Research Society (1990 – 2000)
- International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives (1999 – 2001)
- Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium Management Committee (1991-1992)