Elspeth Murray
Associate Professor, Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Social Impact & CIBC Fellow in EntrepreneurshipOverview
Elspeth Murray has served as the Associate Dean - MBA and Master’s Programs from 2012-2022 and has been a professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Smith School of Business since 1996
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- Strategy and Organizations
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Elspeth Murray has served as the Associate Dean - MBA and Master’s Programs from 2012-2022 and has been a professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Smith School of Business since 1996. She also holds the CIBC Fellowship in Entrepreneurship, and founded Smith's Centre for Business Venturing. She is the Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Social Impact.
Prior to joining Smith, she worked in industry for 7 years for several firms including IBM, and Canadian Tire. As an integral part of her work in the strategy and new venture fields, Dr. Murray specializes in the management of change.
In 2002, she co-authored a best-selling book, Fast Forward: Organizational Change in 100 Days, Oxford University Press, with Dr. Peter Richardson. She has recently co-developed (with Dr. David Saunders) the Analytics Climate Assessment Tool (ACAT), which is used to assess organizations technological capacity, skill sets, and analytics culture. Current research is focused on best practices in leading and managing change to create an analytics culture.
Dr. Murray teaches on many MBA and Executive Education programs, and consults widely with a diversity of firms including BMW, Detour Gold, Wawanesa Insurance, Versacold Logistics and the Auditor General for Canada.
She serves as a Director for several firms and is an advisor to several start-ups and CEO's. Dr. Murray received an undergraduate degree in computer science and mathematics, and an MBA, both from Queen's University. Her doctorate in Strategy and Management Information Systems was completed at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Academic Degrees
University of Western Ontario (1999)
Queen’s University (1987)
B.Sc. (Honours) Mathematics & Computer Science
Queen’s University (1985)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Dean, MBA Programs (2009 – Present)
Associate Professor, Strategy and New Venture Management (2009 – Present)
CIBC Fellow in Strategy and Entrepreneurship (2009 – Present)
Director, Queen’s Centre for Business Venturing (QCBV) (2009 – Present)
Associate Professor (2002 – Present)
Assistant Professor (1996-2002)
Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario
Instructor (1995)
Strategic Planning Department, Algonquin College
Consultant (1992-1993)
Books and Book Chapters
Elspeth Murray and Peter Richardson, Organizational Change in 100 Days: A Fast Forward Guide, 2003, Oxford University Press
Elspeth Murray and Peter Richardson, Fast Forward: Organizational Change in 100 Days, 2002, Oxford University Press, refereed
Elspeth Murray, Book Section Overview, with Peter Richardson, “Strategic Change and Transformation”, in Leaders on Leadership, Editors: Meredith Ashby and Stephen Miles, Prologue and Epilogue by Jay A. Conger, Professor, London Business School, Oxford University Press, September 2002
Elspeth Murray, Book Chapter, “The 21st century Board of Directors”, in Leaders on Leadership, Editors: Meredith Ashby and Stephen Miles, Prologue and Epilogue by Jay A. Conger, Professor, London Business School, Oxford University Press, September 2002
Elspeth Murray, Book Chapter, with Peter Richardson, “The Critical Few: First among Equals as Parameters of Strategic Effectiveness”, In Business Performance Measurement, Andy Neely, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002.
“The Critical Few: First Among Equals as Measures of Strategic Effectiveness”, Invited Book Chapter, Performance Measurement: Theory and Practice, edited by A. Neely, Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge, forthcoming, 1999 (with P. Richardson)
Refereed Journals
L. Neville and E. Murray, “Succession, Strategy, Culture, and Change at Santropol Roulant”, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Vol. 19, No 1, Fall 2008
E. Murray and L. Neville, “SMEs: Best Practice Employer Practices”, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 2005
E. Murray and L. Neville, “Terracycle: A Case Study”, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 2005
E. Murray and P. Richardson, “Strategic Focus as a Parameter of Strategic Planning Success”, International Journal of Business Performance Measurement, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1999
Refereed Conference Proceedings
L. Neville and E. Murray, “Microcell: A Case Study”, Presentation and Case Study Proceedings, ASAC 2007
Paper, Elspeth J. Murray, with Peter Richardson, “Establishing the Winning Conditions for Rapid Organizational Change”, presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Paris, September 2002. (refereed)
Paper, Elspeth J. Murray, with Peter Richardson, “Speed of Strategic Decision Making as a Determinant of Successful Organizational Change”, presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Paris, September 2002. (refereed)
“Strategic Focus: Defining and Measuring the Critical Few as parameters of Strategic Performance Evaluation”, Proceedings, International Performance Measurement Conference, University of Cambridge, 1998 (with P. Richardson)
H. Enns, E. Murray & S. Huff, “Shared Understanding Between IS and Business Executives: Impact on IS Effectiveness and Business Performance”, Proceedings, 1997 ASAC Conference St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 1997.
E. Murray and S. Huff, “Strategic Information Systems Planning: Lessons from Strategic Planning”, Proceedings, 1995 ASAC Conference, Windsor, Ontario, June 1995.
Publications - General
Matcha Men Case Study (condensed), National Post Magazine (February 2006)
Wrapped Apps Case Study (condensed), National Post Magazine (January 2006)
Terracycle Case Study (condensed), National Post Magazine (November 2005)
1-800- GOT JUNK Case Study (condensed), National Post Magazine (December 2005)
Elspeth Murray, “High Performing Advisory Boards: CEO Perspectives”, Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, Government of Ontario, 2003
“Leading Successful Business Turnarounds: Lean and Mean or Lean and Keen?”, Mastering Enterprise Series, Part 10, The Financial Post, 1998 (with P. Richardson)
“Measuring Strategic Planning Effectiveness”, Invited Symposium paper – Performance Measurement Symposium, University of Cambridge, July 15/16, 1999 (with P. Richardson)
Elspeth Murray, “Bridging Two Solitudes: An Examination of Shared Understanding Between Information Systems and Line Executives”, Ph.D Dissertation, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, November 1998
Cases and Other Teaching Materials
“Canada Post Corporation 2011” – 2011 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Evandale Caviar” – 2011 (with M. Romanow, A. Melnychuk, P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Sandringham Inns” – 2010 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Canada Post Corporation” – 2009 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“JS Redpath” - 2009 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Canada Post Corporation” – 2009 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Terracycle” – 2006 (with N. Neville) Queen’s School of Business
“1-800 GOT Junk” – 2006 (with N. Neville) Queen’s School of Business
“Paradigm Foods” – 2006 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Montreal Paper” – 2004 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Krispy Kreme in Canada” – 2003 Queen’s School of Business
“Bombardier” – 2001 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Onex Corporation” – 2001 (with P. Richardson) Queen’s School of Business
“Acklands-Grainger Inc.” – 2000 (with Z. Nutten) Queen’s School of Business
“World Heart Corporation” – 1999 Queen’s School of Business
“Hitech” – 1998 Queen’s School of Business
“Punta Arenas” (A), (B), & (C) - (with P. Richardson) – 1997 Queen’s School of Business
“Battery Technologies Inc.” (A) & (B) – 1997 Queen’s School of Business
“Metalco: The SAP Project” - 1997 Richard Ivey School of Business
“Regionalization at the CRTC” - 1995 Canadian Centre for Management Development (CCMD)
“Western Mining Corporation: The Operations Management Project” (A) - 1995
“Western Mining Corporation: The Operations Management Project” (B) - 1995
“Western Mining Corporation: The Operations Management Project” (C) - 1995 University of Western Ontario
“Prairie Home Improvement” - (with P. Richardson) - 1994 Queen’s University
“Ontario Institute of Technology: The Financial Crisis” - 1994 Canadian Centre for Management Development (CCMD)
Selected Teaching Assignments
- Business Policy (COMM 401)
- Leadership and Strategic Management (COMM 402)
Graduate - MBA and Executive MBA
- Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MBUS806)
- Managing New Ventures (MBUS 981, MBAS843)
- Strategic Management (MBUS 801)
- Strategic Leadership (MBUS 902)
- Management of Technology and Innovation (MBUS976)
- Fundamentals of Strategy (MBAS 880)
- Financing New Ventures (QMBA, MBAS 871)
Executive Programs, Queen's University, 1993 - present
- The Executive Program, (3 weeks)
- Strategic Leadership (1 week)
- Operations Leadership (1 week)
- Information Technology Management (1 week)
- Queen’s Public Executive Program (2 weeks)
- Governance Program (3 days)
- Numerous Custom Programs – assorted public and private sector organizations
Conference Publications – Invited Papers
E. Murray & A. Waitman, “Rural Revival or Requiem: Establishing New Creative Ventures in a Rural Context”, Fostering Entrepreneurship in the Creative Economy, Monieson Centre, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University, November 19th, 2010
CIBC Fellowship in Entrepreneurship (2008 - 2011)
CIBC Teaching Fellowship in Entrepreneurship (2005 - 2008)
U.W.O. Doctoral Studies Scholarship (1993-1996)
U.W.O. Graduate Studies Admission Scholarship (1993-1996)
Queen’s University Anniversary Entrance Scholarship (1980)
Other Awards
Fast Forward: Organizational Change in 100 Days, Bestseller (#2) Canadian Business Book (Globe and Mail) (2010)
Queen’s MBAST Teaching Award (1999 – 2000)
Grants & Funding
Doctoral Research Fellowship, Linkage between Business Strategy and Information Technology Strategy (1995-1997)
SSHRC | $28,900
Offices Held
- Director, Board of Trustees, Trinity College School, 2008 - 2011
- Vice Chair, Ontario Research and Innovation Council (Premier of Ontario’s council struck to advise the government on an innovation strategy for Ontario), 2005 – 2008
- Director, Queen’s Centre for Business Venturing, 2002 – present
- Advisor, Lawtons Drugs (a Sobey’s subsidiary), 2006 – present
- Director, Parteq Innovations, Queen’s University, 2000 – 2009
- Faculty Senator, Queen’s University (member, Nominating committee), 2001 – 2004
- University Council (elected member), 2003 - 2008