Murray Lei
Assistant Professor & Distinguished Research Fellow of Management AnalyticsOverview
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei is an Assistant Professor & Distinguished Research Fellow of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business in Kingston, Canada. Murray holds a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Michigan, and a B.Eng in Automation from Tsinghua University, China.
Download Full CV Academic Area
- Management Analytics
Interest Topics
- Analytics & AI
- Manufacturing
- Retail
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Murray is broadly interested in the intersection between business analytics and operations management. His research focuses on the development of provably near-optimal real-time prescriptive analytics solutions that are easily implementable in a dynamic business environment.
His current work lies in the area of pricing and revenue management, and is motivated by real business problems that arise in the context of e-commerce/omnichannel retail and on-demand service platforms.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Technology & Operations
University of Michigan, Ross School of Business (2018)
Bachelor of Engineering (with highest honor), Department of Automation
Tsinghua University (2012)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Assistant Professor (2018 - Present)
Working Papers
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Stefanus Jasin, Jinyi Wang, Houtao Deng, Jagannath Putrevu. Dynamic Workforce Acquisition for Crowdsourced Delivery Platforms. Submitted.
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Stefanus Jasin, Joline Uichanco, Andrew Vakhutinsky. Joint Product Framing and Order Fulfillment for E-commerce Retailers. Submitted.
Qi (George) Chen, Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Stefanus Jasin. Real-Time Spatial-Intertemporal Dynamic Pricing for Balancing Supply and Demand in a Network. Submitted.
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Sheng Liu, Stefanus Jasin, Andrew Vakhutinsky. Near-Optimal Joint Inventory and Pricing Controls for One-Warehouse Multi-Store Problems. Manuscript in preparation.
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Sean Zhou, Zhuolu Zhang. Dynamic Pricing under Trade-in Programs. Manuscript in preparation.
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Stefanus Jasin, Amitabh Sinha. Near-optimal Bisection Search for Nonparametric Dynamic Pricing with Inventory Constraint. In revision.
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Stefanus Jasin, Amitabh Sinha. Joint Dynamic Pricing and Order Fulfillment for E-commerce Retailers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20(2), 2018: 269 - 284.
- 2017 POMS-HK Student Paper Competition, Second Place
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Stefanus Jasin. Real-time Dynamic Pricing for Revenue Management with Reusable Resources, Advance Reservations, and Deterministic Service Time Requirements. Accepted
at Operations Research.
Student Supervision
Timothy Upson, Master of Science in Management, co-advised with Anton Ovchinnikov
Kiarash Hassani, Master of Science in Management, second reader, dissertation title "Investment Behaviour Prediction in New Ventures”
Applications: Pricing and Revenue Management, Service Operations, Retail Operations, On-demand Platforms.
Methodologies: Stochastic Control, Dynamic Optimization, Online Learning and Optimization, Asymptotic Analysis.
Conference Presentations (alphabetical order)
CORS Annual Conference: 2021, 2022 (scheduled)
CSAMSE Annual Conference: 2021
INFORMS Annual Meeting: 2014 - 2021
INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference: 2017
INFORMS Revenue Management & Pricing Section Conference: 2016, 2021
M&SOM Conference 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019
POMS Annual Conference: 2019, 2021
Invited Research Talks (alphabetical order)
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of System Engineering and Engineering Man- agement, 2018City University of Hong Kong, College of Business, 2018
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering & Decision Analytics, 2017
Imperial College Business School, 2018
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, 2018
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, 2018
Queen’s University, Smith School of Business, 2018
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management, 2017
Singapore Management University, 2017
University of Colorado Boulder, Leeds School of Business, 2017
University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, 2022
University of Waterloo, Department of Management Sciences, 2018
W. Allen Spivey/Valerie and William Hall Family Fellowship, University of Michigan (2017)
Other Awards
POMS-HK Student Paper Competition, Second Place (2017)
Rackham Early Candidacy Grant, University of Michigan (2015)
Phi Kappa Phi, University of Michigan (2013-2014)
Outstanding Graduate, Tsinghua University (2012)
First-class Scholarship, Tsinghua University (2009-2011)
Grants & Funding
Monieson Centre Future of Business Grant (2018 - 2020)
Queen's University | $9,000
Session chairs: INFORMS Annual Conference (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020), POMS Annual Conference (2020), CORS Annual Conference (2020)
Ad-hoc journal reviewer: Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Research
Part B: Methodological, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letter
Ad-hoc grant reviewer: Mitacs accelerate grant
Ad-hoc conference reviewer: 2020 MSOM Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SIG) Conference
Competition reviewer: 2020 POMS College of Supply Chain Management’s Best Student Paper Competition, 2020 INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper Award Competition
Queen's University Service
- Conflict Analytics Lab (2020 - Present)
- Scotiabank Scholar at the Scotiabank Centre for Customer Analytics (2019 - Present)
- Graduate student research grant committee, Smith School of Business (2019 - Present)
- Graduate student fellowship committee, Queen’s University (2020 - Present)