Anthony Goerzen
Professor & Sobey Professor of International BusinessOverview
Anthony Goerzen is the Sobey Professor of International Business at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University. Prior to academia, Anthony Goerzen spent 15 years in management positions in both small firms and MNEs.
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- International Business
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- Social Impact & Sustainability
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Faculty Details
Full Bio
Anthony Goerzen is the Sobey Professor of International Business at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
Prior to academia, Anthony Goerzen spent 15 years in management positions in small and multinational firms.
His areas of research interest relate to the behaviour and performance of multinational corporations with a particular focus on location strategy and cooperative strategies (e.g., joint ventures, alliances, and networks). Emerging areas of interest pertain to social and environmental sustainability in the context of international business.
Dr. Goerzen earned his PhD from the Ivey School of Business at the Western University. His thesis won the Udayan Rege Best Dissertation Award 2000-2002 and was selected into the final four of the European International Business Association’s Gunnar Hedlund Best Dissertation Award in 2002, the Academy of Management’s Barry Richman Best Dissertation Award in 2002, and was published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Anthony Goerzen’s research is published in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Management International Review, Journal of International Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Academy of Management Perspectives, and The Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship as well as the Peking University Business Review and Ivey Business Journal. His research has been shortlisted for the Academy of Management’s Carolyn Dexter Award in 2007 and the Doug Nigh Award in 2005.
He has written several book chapters and many teaching case studies some of which have been Ivey Publishing’s Top 10 Best Sellers. Further, Dr. Goerzen has received the Academy of International Business’ Best Conference Paper Award in 2002 and the Best Reviewer Award in 2003, the Best Reviewer Award from the Administrative Science Association of Canada in 2007, and the Best Reviewer Award from the Journal of International Business Studies in 2008, 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Aside from appearing on a variety of scholarly panels, Dr. Goerzen has given the keynote address at several conferences including the 2020 Brazilian Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2017 German Academy of Management Annual Conference, the 2017 Le Groupe de recherche en affaires internationales (GRAI) Annual Conference, and the 2015 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference.
Academic Degrees
University of Western Ontario (2001)
Bachelor of Business Administration - Honours
Wilfrid Laurier University (1984)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Sobey Professor of International Business (2010 - Present)
Director, Master of International Business Program (2013-2015)
UVic School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada
Director, PhD Program (Program Founder) (2008-2010)
Director, Research (2008-2010)
Associate Professor - Francis Winspear Research Fellow in International Strategy (2006-2010)
Director, MBA Program (2006-2008)
Assistant Professor of Strategy & International Business (2003-2006)
Babson College, USA
Assistant Professor of Strategy & International Business (2001-2003)
Western University, Ivey School of Business
Instructor (2000-2001)
Teaching Assistant (1999-2000)
Journal Articles
Goerzen, A., Asmussen, C., & Nielsen, B. “Global cities, the liability of foreignness, and theory on place
and space in international business”. Conditional acceptance: Journal of International Business Studies.
Goerzen, A., Sartor, M., Brandl, K., & Fitzsimmons, S. 2023. “Widening the lens: Multilevel drivers of
firm corporate social performance”. Journal of International Business Studies: 54: 42-60.
Elia, S., Goerzen, A., Piscitello, L., & Valentino, A. 2022. “Re-evaluating the offshoring decision: A
behavioral approach to the role of performance discrepancy”. Journal of Management Studies: 59: 1-52.
Chakravarty, D., Goerzen, A., Musteen, M., & Ahsan, M. 2021. Global cities: A multi-disciplinary review and research agenda. Journal of World Business: April 2021, 56(3) Article #101182
Hofstetter, J., Fiske, L., Goerzen, A., et al. 2021. From Sustainable Global Value Chains to the Circular Economy—Different Silos, Different Perspectives but Many Opportunities to Build Bridges, Circular Economy and Sustainability: June 2021 1(1) 21-47.
Goerzen, A, Iskander, S, Hofstetter, J. 2020. The effect of institutional pressures on business-led interventions to improve social compliance among emerging market suppliers in global value chains. Journal of International Business Policy. 4: 347-367.
Goerzen, A, Pedersen, T, Veglio, V, Elter, F, Gooderham, P. 2018. Global cities: A perspective on cultural differences at the sub-national and supra-national levels. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018: 1
Goerzen, A, Guitouni, A, and Mitchell, R. Stakeholders and multiple objectives: the case of global value chains. 2018. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018: 1
Li L, Goerzen A, Li D, Shi W. 2018. What and How do SMEs Gain by Going International? A Longitudinal Investigation of Financial and Intellectual Resource Growth, Journal of World Business, Forthcoming.
Asmussen C, Nielsen B, Goerzen A, Tegtmeier S. 2018. Global cities, ownership structures, and location choice: foreign subsidiaries as bridgeheads. Competitiveness Review, Forthcoming.
Goerzen A. 2017. Small firm boundary-spanning via bridging ties: Achieving international connectivity via cross-border intercluster alliances. Journal of International Management (10/03/2017).
Belderbos, R, Du, S, Goerzen A. 2017. Global cities, connectivity, and the location choice of multinational corporation regional headquarters. Journal of Management Studies, 54:1271-1302.
Mohr A, Wang C, Goerzen A. 2015. The impact of partner diversity within multiparty international joint ventures. International Business Review, 25: 883-894.
Goerzen A, Asmussen C, Nielsen, B. 2013. Global cities and multinational enterprise location strategy. Journal of International Business Studies, 44: 427-450.
Asmussen C, Goerzen A. 2013. Unpacking dimensions of foreignness: Firm-specific capabilities and international dispersion in regional, cultural, and institutional space. Global Strategy Journal, 3: 127-149.
Colovic A, Goerzen A, Mayrhofer U. 2011. Location strategies of multinational firms: Toward new practices and theories? Management International, 16: 5-10.
Jung J, Beamish P, Goerzen A. 2010. Dynamics of experience, environment, and MNE ownership strategy. Management International Review, 50: 267-296.
Schilke O, Goerzen A. 2010. Alliance management capability and alliance portfolio performance: Conceptualization and measurement. Journal of Management, 36: 1192-1219.
Goerzen A, Sapp S, Delios A. 2010. Investor response to environmental risk in foreign direct investment. Management International Review, 50: 683-708.
Verbeke A, Li L, Goerzen A. 2009. Towards more effective research on the multinationality-performance relationship. Management International Review, 49: 1-13.
Jung J, Beamish P, Goerzen A. 2008. FDI ownership strategy: A Japanese-US MNE comparison. Management International Review, 48: 491-524.
Goerzen A, Makino S. 2007. Multinational corporation internationalization in the service sector: A study of Japanese trading companies. Journal of International Business Studies, 38: 1149-1169.
Asmussen C, Goerzen A. 2007. Geographic orientation and performance of global versus regional MNEs. 2007 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Goerzen A. 2007. Alliance networks and firm performance: The impact of repeated partnerships. Strategic Management Journal, 28: 487-509.
Goerzen A, Beamish P. 2007. The Penrose effect: “Excess” expatriates in multinational enterprises. Management International Review, 47: 1-19.
Isobe T, Makino S, Goerzen A. 2006. Japanese horizontal keiretsu and the performance implications of membership. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23: 453-466.
Goerzen A, Beamish P. 2005. The effect of alliance network diversity on multinational enterprise performance, Strategic Management Journal, 26: 333-354.
Goerzen A. 2005. Managing alliance networks: Emerging practices of multinational corporations, Academy of Management Executive, 19: 94-107.
Goerzen A, Sapp S. 2005. Multinational enterprise investment: Investor response to entry mode and foreign country risks. 2005 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Goerzen A, Beamish P. 2003. Geographic scope and multinational enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 24: 1289-1306.
Beamish P, Karavis L, Goerzen A. & Lane, C. 1999. The relationship between organizational structure and export performance. Management International Review, 39 (1): 37-54.
Goerzen A. 1999. “The relationship between social and economic performance.” Administrative Science Association of Canada, International Business Division Best Papers Proceedings, 20 (8): 49-59.
Goerzen A. 1999. “The relationship between organizational slack and firm performance in multinational enterprises.” Administrative Science Association of Canada, International Business Division Best Papers Proceedings, 20 (8): 60-67.
Beamish P, Goerzen A, Munro H. 1985. The export characteristics of small Canadian manufacturers. The Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 3 (1): 30-36. (Also found in Kao R, Knight R (eds.) 1987. Entrepreneurship and new venture management: Readings and cases: 298-303. Toronto: Prentice-Hall).
Books, Book Chapters, & Other Publications
Goerzen, A. (Ed.) (forthcoming 2023). Research Handbook on International Corporate Social
Responsibility. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press.
Goerzen, A. (forthcoming 2023). “Global cities”. In Asmussen, C., Minbaeva, D., & Hashai, N. (Eds.)
Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press.
Goerzen, A., & Van Assche, A. (forthcoming 2023). “Cascading compliance: What is it and how does it
work?”. In Goerzen, A., (Ed.), Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press.
Deploying the OECD Due Diligence Guidance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: A Handbook.
2020. Geneva: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development.
Goerzen, A., & Van Assche, A. 2019. “Global value chain governance: A MNC capabilities view”. In
Mellahi, K., Meyer, K., Surdu, I., & Verbeke, A. (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of International Business
Strategy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nielsen, B., Asmussen, C., & Goerzen, A. 2017. “Toward a synthesis of micro and macro factors that
influence foreign direct investment location choice”. In Cook, G., McDonald, F. (Eds.), Routledge
Companion to the Geography of International Business. Routledge.
Goerzen, A., Asmussen, C., & Nielsen, B. 2014. “Global cities and multinational enterprise location
strategy”. In Cantwell. J. (Ed.), Location of international business activities: Integrating ideas from
research in international business, strategic management and economic geography. 137-180. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Shi L., & Goerzen A. 2011. “A framework for developing global account management strategies”.
Velocity: 13 (2): 17-19.
Goerzen, A. 2007. “Global cities and multinational corporation investment”. In Tallman, S., (Ed.),
International Strategic Management: A New Generation: 229-244. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Goerzen, A., & Asmussen, C. 2007. “Geographic orientation of MNEs and implications for
performance”. In Rugman, A. (Ed.), Regional Aspects of Multinationality and Performance, Vol. 13: 65-
83. Oxford: Elsevier.
Beamish, P., Goerzen, A., & Peng, G. 2007. “Alliance network diversity: Does it help or hurt?” Peking
University Business Review, 7(8): 28 - 31.
Goerzen A. 2005. Networks and Location: Organizing the Diversified Multinational Corporation for
Value Creation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (Book reviewed in the Journal of International Business
Studies Volume 37).
Goerzen, A., & Beamish, P. 2005. The changing character of Japanese investment in Canada. Asia-in-
Canada Series. Vancouver: Asia Pacific Foundation Canada.
Goerzen, A., & Zhou, C. 2005. “Activate your strategic alliance network”. Peking University Business
Review, 5(8): 113-119.
Goerzen, A., & Beamish, P. 2005. “Patterns of change in Japanese investment in Canada”. Ivey Business
Journal, April/May edition.
Goerzen, A. 1999. “The Foreign Subsidiary Location Decision: Transaction Costs, Industry Life Cycles,
and Psychic Distance”. In Safarian, E., & Beamish, P. (Eds.), Challenge and response: North American
firms in East Asia: 187-211. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Goerzen, A., Woo, Y., & Wu, M. 1999. The impact of trade liberalization: Communicating with APEC
communities—The furniture industry in Canada. Melbourne: Monash University.
Case Studies
“Moby – A Social Enterprise In The Making”. Work-in-progress 2020.
“1 Million Teachers: Scaling a Social Enterprise”. Work-in-progress 2020.
“Fair Trade Jewellery Company: Establishing an Ethical Global Value Chain”. 2020. London: Ivey Case & Publications.
“Pulp Molded Products—Managing international growth”. 2018. Kingston: Smith Living Cases.
“Blood Diamonds: IMPACT’s decision to withdraw from the Kimberley Process” (with teaching note). 2018: Forthcoming.
“Insight Global Education: Managing the conflict between values and business development” (with teaching note). 2017. Kingston: Smith Living Cases.
“Social Focus Consulting: Evaluating the long-term feasibility of a social enterprise startup” (with teaching note). 2017. London: Ivey Case & Publications.
“United Way—Taking a Stand on a Controversial Issue” (with teaching note). 2015. London: Ivey Case & Publications.
“Able Translations Ltd.—International strategy at the crossroads” (with teaching note). 2014. London: Ivey Case & Publications.
“Sobey’s Inc—Developing a strategic approach to sustainable seafood” (with teaching note). 2013. London: Ivey Case & Publications. In Beamish P (ed.), 2015. Cases in Strategic Management 11th Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill. Selected by Ivey Publishing as their entry into the 2015 EFMD Case Competition.
“Eikon Device Inc.—Creating an international strategy” (with teaching note). 2013. London: Ivey Case & Publications.
“System@tic: The race for partners” (with teaching note). 2009. London: Ivey Case & Publications. this case was selected as the sole case at the Mitel Virtual International Case Competition 2009.
“Lyonbiopôle: The challenge of becoming a world class cluster” (with teaching note). 2009. London: Ivey Case & Publications.
“Advanced Book Exchange: Geographic growth of an Internet-based business” (with teaching note). 2006. London: Ivey Case & Publications. In Beamish P (ed.), 2006. Strategic Management 8th Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill and in Cases in Strategic Management, 9th Edition. 2009. Beamish P (ed.), Toronto: McGraw Hill Ryerson.
“VanCity Credit Union—Strategy in Financial Services” (with teaching note). 2006. London: Ivey Case & Publications. 2004. London: Ivey Case & Publications. In Beamish P (ed.), 2006. Strategic Management 8th Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill and in Cases in Strategic Management, 9th Edition. 2009. Beamish P. (ed.), Toronto: McGraw Hill Ryerson
“The global branding of Stella Artois” (with teaching note). London, Ontario: Ivey Case & Publications. In James S, Meaghan M. (eds), 2007. Country Manager. 2nd Edition: Interpretive Simulations. In Beamish P (ed.). 2006. Strategic Management 8th Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill. In Delios A, Beamish P (eds.). 2004. International Business: An Asia Pacific Perspective. Singapore: Prentice Hall: 346-367. In Beamish P, Morrison A, Inkpen A, Rosenzweig (Eds.). 2003. International management 5th Edition: 270-288. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. In Phatak A, Bhagat R, Kashlak R (Eds.). 2004.1st Edition: Fundamentals of International Management. Burr Ridge: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. In Conklin D (ed.). 2005. The Environment of Business: International Perspectives. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. In Cases in Strategic Management, 9th Edition. 2009. Beamish P (ed.). Toronto: McGraw Hill Ryerson. In Bartlett C, Beamish P (eds.). 2011, Transnational Management: Text, Readings and Cases in Cross Border Management, 6/E. Burr Ridge, Illinois, Irwin McGraw-Hill. This case was named as one of Ivey Publishing’s Top 10 Best Sellers for 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 and is currently being used at schools across Canada, the US, Europe, and Asia.
“Mabuchi Motor Ltd.” (with teaching note). London: Ivey Case & Publications. In Delios A, Beamish P (Eds.). 2004. International Business: An Asia Pacific Perspective. Singapore: Prentice Hall: 548-560. Also in Beamish P (ed.). 2001. Asia-Pacific cases in strategic management: 186-196. Toronto: Irwin/McGraw-Hill and in Beamish P, Morrison A, Inkpen A, Rosenzweig P (Eds.). 2003. International management 5th Edition: 714-724. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. This case is currently being used at York University, University of Ottawa, and the Ivey Business School, among others.
“Palliser Furniture Ltd.” (with teaching note). London: Ivey Case & Publications. In Beamish P, Morrison A, Rosenzweig P, Inkpen A (Eds.). 2001. International management 4th Edition: 250-263. Toronto: McGraw-Hill and in Beamish P (Ed.). 2001. Strategic Management 6th Edition: 296-306. Toronto: McGraw-Hill. This case is currently used at Acadia University, Ivey Business School, McMaster University, and St Mary’s University, among others.
“Caron Furniture Ltée.—Revised” (with teaching note). 1999. London: Ivey Case & Publications. In Beamish P (ed.) 2001. Strategic Management 6th Edition: 296-306. Toronto: McGraw-Hill).
“Stella Artois in the UK” (with teaching note). 2001. London: Ivey Case & Publications. Currently being used at Babson College, Ivey Business School, among others.
“Beer.com: The evolution of Interbrew’s Internet strategy.” 2001. Developed for Interbrew Corp.’s Key Managers Training Program.
In The Media
“The challenges in policing multinational behaviour”. 2023. Smith Business Insight:
“The root of supply chain woes? It’s Us”. 2023. Smith Business Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight.
“What's the new supply chain playbook”. 2020. Smith Business Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight.
“What’s stopping better work conditions in offshore factories?” 2020. Smith Business Insight:
“Going global with a little help from your competitors”. 2018. Smith Business Insight:
“Research First Look: Behold the Global City” 2018. Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/research_first_look_behold_the_global_city.
“How Small Players Look Big on a Global Stage” 2018. Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/how-small-players-look-big-on-a-global-stage.php.
“These Professors Don’t Work for a Predatory Publisher. It Keeps Claiming They Do”. 2018. Chronicle of Higher Education. August 1.
“The true cost of keeping up with the Joneses.” 2016. The Globe & Mail. April 8.
“Three’s a Crowd?” 2016. Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/threes_a_crowd.php.
“The Magnetic Power of Global Cities.” 2014. Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/the_magnetic_power_of_global_cities.php.
“Getting Team World on One Page.” 2014. Insight: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/getting-team-world-on-one-page.php.
“Would BlackBerry have been better off somewhere like Silicon Valley?” 2013. The National Post on September 30.
“Would BlackBerry have been better off somewhere like Silicon Valley? 2013. The Financial Post newspaper. “Strategic Planning” 2007. The Times Colonist newspaper.
“Victoria Ice Garden.” 2006. The Times Colonist newspaper. “Outsourcing.” 2006. The Times Colonist newspaper.
“Vancouver Island Technology Park.” 2006. The Times Colonist newspaper.
“Corporate Scandals and the Role of Lead Directors.” 2004. http://www.bridges.com on November 23.
Master’s Thesis Supervisor
E. Stock defended Master thesis (Management) in April 2004. “A Study of the Relationship between the Legality of Grey Marketing and Multinational Enterprise Strategies”.
A. Boylan, W. Hong, & I. Rosell defended Master thesis (Management) in November 2005. “Strategic Marketing Plan for RBC Dominion”.
M. DeMonye and A. Wright defended Master thesis (Management) in 2005. “Vancouver Island Technology Park: An Economic Impact Study”.
C. Gray & M. Rankin defended Master thesis (Management) in 2005. “Vancouver Island Technology Park Business Plan”.
Masters and PhD Thesis Committees
I. Matheson defended PhD (Education) on February 28, 2018 entitled, “Unpacking Reading Comprehension by Text Type: An Examination of Reading Strategy Use and Cognitive Functioning in Poor and Typically-Achieving Comprehenders”.
C. Kelly defended PhD thesis (History) on November 21, 2017. “Latin Christian Manhood on Crusade: A Gender Analysis of French and Norman Laymen, 1095-1145.
S. Du defended PhD thesis (Management) in June 2016. “Global cities, headquarter location, and the liability of foreignness”.
H. Li and N. Vincent defended Master thesis (Management) in March 2007. “Rosenbauer and the Chinese fire fighting vehicle market”.
C. Elford defended Master thesis (Management) in March 2007. “A political economy of the Gulf States: Identifying signals for engaging in successful FDI in the Middle East”.
H. Aboulnasr, K-J. Han, Y. Li, & J. Nairon defended Master thesis (Management) in March 2007. “Rowing BC: Building a strategy”.
R. Chilibeck, C. Zhang, & N. Ford defended Master thesis (Management) in February 2007. “Voestalpine: Expatriates and international expansion”.
J. Goodman, S. Greenberg, J. Keefe, & N. Pu defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “Asian expansion of ABE Books”.
Y. Abe, G. Capasso, J. Gao, & P. Perraud defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “A business plan for Habiterra”.
S. Hajnahjaafy & M. Shaforost defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “Imprint Plus”.
C. Bunyasiriphant, J. McArthur, M. Takakepisuth, & H. Wang defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “Economic development plan for Juan de Fuca”.
D. Domalpalli, G. Fraser, G. Newman, & N. Weathington defended Master thesis in December 2006. “Triton Logging”.
A. Arslan, T. Keith, & B. Coles defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “Whistler Resort and Club”.
M. Briggs, J. Chase, J. Li, & K. Reid defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “Downtown Learning Commons”.
A. Dewan & J. Loeb defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2006. “Integrated Land Management Bureau”.
J. Durham defended Master thesis (Management) in April 2006. “A study of East-West mobility trends in the EU: A focus on Latvia and human capital flight”.
A. Ates, K-W. Lee & T. Su defended Master thesis (Management) in April 2006. “Digital Image Market Analysis”.
G. Srivastava defended PhD thesis (Computer Science) in August 2006. “Pseudorandom Number Generators Using Multiple Sources of Entropy”.
JP Beaudry, R. Ketchabaw, & C. Nicholl defended Master thesis (Management) in December 2005. “Downtown Victoria 2020 economic strategy”.
Y. Chen, S. Pop, & D. Popowich defended (Management) in December 2005. “Canadian Institute for Climate Studies: Marketing and Strategic Plan”.
T. Walker defended PhD thesis (Curriculum and Instruction) in December 2005. “Water ways: Exploring through metaphoric imagery, discussion, and action”.
A. Asif, A. Chapman, U. Reddy, & D. Drok defended Master thesis (Management) in November 2005. “Analysis of Custom House Global Foreign Exchange Retail Business”.
T. Hughes defended PhD thesis (Physics) in September 2005. “Pion Energy Reconstruction Methods for the Atlas”.
L. Macleod & J. Murray defended Master thesis (Management) in April 2005. “Transition to a New Property and Expansion to Year-round Programming”.
Visiting Positions
Visiting Scholar
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Visiting Professor of Management
Universität St. Gallen, School of Management, Switzerland
Visiting Scholar of International Business
Bocconi University, Italy
Visiting International Business Scholar
University of Sydney, Australia
Visiting Scholar of International Business
Luiss University Guido Carli, Italy
Distinguished Visiting Winspear Scholar
University of Victoria, Canada
Visiting Scholar
ESC Groupe—Rouen School of Management, France
Visiting Scholar of International Management
Kobe University, Japan
Conference Presentations & Proceedings
Zhang, L., & Goerzen, A., 2023. “Is environmental upgrading attainable in the first mile of global value
chain?: Evidence from the artisanal gold mining in Africa”. Presented at the Administrative Science
Association of Canada annual conference in Toronto.
Pedersen, T., Dasi, A., & Goerzen, A. 2023. “Global cities and their cultural values”. Presented at the
DRUID Conference in Lisbon.
Fiske, L., & Goerzen, A. 2023. “On socially responsible GVC governance structures: Outsourcing or
internalization?” Presented at Academy of Management annual conference in Boston.
Rahman, K., & Goerzen, A. 2023. “Child labor in global value chains: A critical review of the concept,
determinants, and business practices”. Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
annual conference in Toronto.
Li, S., & Goerzen, A. 2022. Improving gender equality in GVCs: A comparative analysis of interventions
in three countries. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Seattle.
Goerzen, A., Asmussen, C., & Hashai, N. 2022. GVC governance and the theory of the MNC: Modelling
cascading and direct social responsibilities. Presented at the Academic of International Business
Conference in Miami.
Fiske, L., Goerzen, A., & Van Assche, A. 2022. Building and transforming to achieve social and
environmental compliance in global value chains: A dynamic capabilities view" presented at the
Academic of International Business Conference in Miami and also at Academy of Management Annual
Conference in Seattle.
Elia, S., Goerzen, A., Piscitello, L., & Valentino, A. 2021. Post-offshoring scenarios: a behavioral approach to the decision-making process. Presented at the European Association of International Business Conference in Madrid.
Pedersen, T, Goerzen A, Dasi, A 2021. “Global Cities and Individual Work-Related Values”. Presented at the European Association of International Business Conference in Madrid.
Fiske, L., & Goerzen, A. 2021. Cross-Sector Partnerships and Perceived Social Risk. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference (virtual).
Li, S., & Goerzen, A. 2021. Stop Violence in GVCs! A Critical Analysis of Interventions To Reduce Gender-Based Violence. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference (virtual).
Fiske, L., Goerzen, A., & van-Assche, A. 2021. Orchestrating Sustainability: A Capability-Building Perspectives. Presented at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference (virtual).
Li, S., Goerzen, A. 2020. “The First Mile of the Global Value Chain—Bringing Gender into GVC Analysis”. To be presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Miami.
Goerzen, A., Iskander, S., Hofstetter, J. 2020. “The Effect of Institutional Pressures on Third Party Interventions to Improve Social Compliance Among Emerging Market Suppliers Along the Global Value Chain”. To be presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Miami and at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference in Amsterdam.
Fiske, L., Goerzen, A. 2020. “Due Diligence in the ‘First Mile’ of a Global Value Chain”. To be presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Miami.
Valentino, A., Goerzen, A., Piscitello, L. 2019. “The Effects of Offshoring Performances on the Post- Offshoring Strategic Choices of MNCs: An Exploratory Study”. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Copenhagen and European International Business Association 2019 Conference in Leeds
Goerzen, A., van der Burg, G. 2019.“Improving Social Justice and Economic Stewardship along the Global Value Chain: The Effectiveness of Interventions within Fragile Environments”. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Copenhagen and at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston.
Mitchell, R, Goerzen, A, Guitouni, A, Mitchell R. 2019. “Stakeholder Inclusion, Value Aggregation and the Objective Function of Organization: The Case of Global Value Chains”. Presented at the Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship Conference in Miami and 2018 Association of International Business Conference in Minneapolis.
Goerzen A, Pedersen, T, Veglio, V, Elter, F, Gooderham, P. 2018. “Global Cities: A New Perspective on Cultural Differences at the Sub-national and Supra-national Levels”. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Minneapolis and at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference in Olso. Shortlisted for the AIB “That’s Interesting!” Award (for papers that crosses boundaries, challenges taken-for-granted assumptions in the field, denies old “truths”, attracts the reader’s attention, and/or makes an original argument). Also presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston.
Goerzen A, del Mar Cobeña Ruiz-Lopera, M. 2018. “Conflict within Alliance Portfolios and the Mitigating Effect of Alliance Experience”. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Minneapolis and at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference in Olso.
Valentino, A, Goerzen, A. 2018. “Offshore or reshore? A strategic response to global value chain sustainability”. Presented at the Association of International Business Conference in Minneapolis and at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference in Olso.
Goerzen, A. 2017. Multinational corporation governance of global value chains: Extending the alliance management capability approach. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference in San Jose.
Mueller M, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2016. “Garment suppliers strategies to manage commercial and social tensions: An institutional logic perspective” presented at the 2016 Decision Sciences Institute Conference in Austin, Texas.
Wuetz S, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2016. “A process-based view of the integration-responsiveness framework” presented at the 2016 Academy of International Business Conference in New Orleans as well as the 2016 EurOMA Conference in Trondheim, Norway.
Mueller M, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2016. “Mediation between organizational aspirations for adjusting compliance with a minimum social standard: Evidence from emerging market suppliers” presented at the 2016 Academy of International Business Conference in New Orleans.
Wuetz S, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2016. “A balance between global integration and local responsiveness of business processes” presented at the 2016 Academy of International Business Conference in New Orleans as well as the 2016 EurOMA Conference in Trondheim, Norway.
Mueller M, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2016. “Coping with competing institutional logics: decoupling, compromising and experience” presented at the 2016 Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN) conference in Hamburg, Germany.
Mueller M, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2015. “Organizational aspirations and violations of a social standards minimum requirements in the emerging economies clothing industry” presented at the 2015 Strategic
Management Society Conference in St. Gallen, Switzerland as well as the Academy of International Business Conference in Bangalore, India.
Belderbos R, Du S, and Goerzen A. 2015. “Global cities and the establishment of regional headquarters” presented at the 2015 Strategic Management Society Conference in St. Gallen, Switzerland, the Academy of International Business Conference in Bangalore, India, the Strategic Management Society conference in Milan, Italy and the European International Business Academy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (shortlisted for EIBA 2015 Best Paper Award).
Wuetz S, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2015. “An empirical analysis and extension of factors driving global integration of business processes within MNCs” presented at the 2015 Strategic Management Society Conference in St. Gallen, Switzerland as well as the Academy of International Business Conference in Bangalore, India.
Shi L and Goerzen A. 2014. “An ambidextrous perspective on global account management program” presented at the Institute for the Study of Business Markets Annual Conference in San Francisco.
Cetin B, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2014. “The financial impact of value-added tax (VAT) on supply chains” presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Vancouver.
Wuetz S, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2014. “Adding the perspective of process integration to the Bartlett and Ghoshal typology of MNCs” presented at the Academy of Management Conference in Philadelphia.
Mueller M, Hofstetter J, Goerzen A. 2014. “Social standard compliance in global textile supply chains: a comparative study between Bangladesh and India” presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Vancouver as well as the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) in Rotterdam.
Mohr A, Wang C, Goerzen A. 2013. “International joint venture survival: The role of partner diversity” presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Istanbul.
Shi L and Goerzen A. 2013. “Global account management: A boundary spanning capabilities approach” presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Istanbul.
Belderbos R, Du S, and Goerzen A. 2013. “Global cities and international headquarters location” presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference in Istanbul.
Mohr A, Wang C, Goerzen A. 2012. “The role of partner diversity for the survival of international multi- party joint ventures” presented at the European International Business Academy in Brighton.
Goerzen A. 2011. Invited panel member of the “Multinationality and performance” session at the 2011 Strategic Management Society annual conference in Miami.
Li L, Goerzen A, Shi W, Li D. 2011. “SME evolutionary trajectories: A dynamic comparison between international and domestic expansion” presented at the 2011 Academy of International Business conference in Nagoya, Japan, the Academy of Management annual conference in San Antonio, Texas and the 2011 Strategic Management Society annual conference in Miami.
Goerzen A, Williams C. 2011. “Evolution of interclusteral alliances” presented at the Academy of Management annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, and the 2011 Strategic Management Society annual conference in Miami.
Valente M, Goerzen A. 2011. “Strategy and sustainability” presented at the Academy of Management annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, the 2011 International Association for Business & Society annual conference in Bath, England, and the 2011 Strategic Management Society annual conference in Miami.
Goerzen A. 2010. “Countering the centripetal force of agglomeration: Interclusteral cross-border alliances” presented at the 2010 Academy of International Business conference in Rio de Janeiro and the Academy of Management conference in Montreal.
Goerzen A, Asmussen C. 2010. “Global cities: Beachheads, supply points, and multinational enterprise location decisions” presented at the 2010 Academy of International Business conference in Rio de Janeiro and the Academy of Management conference in Montreal.
Jung J, Goerzen A. 2009. “Dynamics of experience, environment, and MNC ownership strategy” presented at the 2009 Academy of Management Conference in Chicago.
Schilke O, Goerzen A. 2008. “Alliance management capability and alliance performance: The mediating effect of dynamic organizational routines” presented at the 2008 Strategic Management Society annual conference in Köln.
Goerzen A. 2008. “Global cities and multinational corporation investment” presented at the 2008 Academy of International Business conference in Milan and the 2008 Academy of Management Conference in Anaheim.
Jung J, Beamish P, Goerzen A. 2008. “MNE ownership strategy: A Japan-US comparison” presented at the 2008 Academy of Management Conference in Anaheim, US and at the 2007 Working Paper Symposium—Contemporary Topics in International Business in Kansas City.
Goerzen A. 2007. “Country versus city effects in foreign direct investment” presented in the AIB Special Panel on “Multi-level issues in International Business” at the 2007 Academy of International Business conference in Indianapolis.
Asmussen C, Goerzen A. 2007. “Geographic orientation of MNEs and implications for performance” presented at the 2007 Academy of International Business conference in Indianapolis, US, the Academy of Management conference in Philadelphia and the European International Business Association conference in Catania. This paper was nominated for the Academy of Management’s Carolyn Dexter Award, an all- Academy honour given to the research manuscript that best embodies the overall mission of the Academy.
Isobe T, Makino S, Goerzen A. 2006. “Financial performance and membership of Japanese horizontal keiretsu” presented at the 2006 Association of Japanese Business Studies conference in Beijing.
Goerzen A, Makino S. 2006. “Multinational enterprise internationalization in the service sector: A study of Japanese trading companies” presented at the 2006 Journal of International Business special issue workshop in Berlin.
Goerzen A. 2006. Invited presentation entitled, “The basics of case teaching” at the 2006 UVic Learning & Teaching conference in Victoria.
Goerzen A. 2006. Invited speaker for the Showcase Panel entitled, “Multinationality and performance” at the 2006 Academy of International Business conference in Beijing.
Goerzen A. 2006. “Network characteristics and performance: The impact of repeated partnerships” presented at the 2006 Academy of International Business conference in Beijing.
Li L, Goerzen A, Verbeke A. 2006. “Multinationality and performance: Theories and empirical studies” presented at the 2006 Academy of International Business conference in Beijing as well as the 2006 Academy of Management conference in Atlanta. Was also an invited paper presented at the “Showcase Symposium” entitled, “Research on the multinationality-performance relationship: Current status and new directions” at the 2005 Academy of International Business conference in Quebec City.
Goerzen A. 2006. “The impact of network characteristics on performance” presented at the 2006 Academy of International Business conference in Beijing.
Goerzen A. 2005. “Penrose, slack resources, and firm growth in host countries.” Invited paper presented at the “Showcase Symposium” entitled, “Edith Penrose and MNE Strategic Management” at the 2005 Academy of Management conference in Honolulu.
Goerzen A. 2005. “Multinational corporation networks: Practices and performance.” Invited paper presented at the symposium entitled, “Networks in International Management Research: Assessing Progress, Opportunities and Challenges” at the 2005 Academy of International Business conference in Quebec City.
Li L, Goerzen A, Verbeke A. 2005. “Multinationality and performance: Theories and empirical studies.” Invited paper presented at the “Showcase Symposium” entitled, “Research on the Multinationality- Performance Relationship: Current Status and New Directions” at the 2005 Academy of International Business conference in Quebec City.
Goerzen A. 2005. “The impact of repeated partnerships on MNC performance” presented at the 2005 Academy of Management Conference in Honolulu, US, the 2004 Academy of International Business conference in Stockholm and the 2004 European International Business Association annual conference in Ljubljana.
Goerzen A, Sapp S. 2005. “Multinational enterprise investment: Investor response to entry mode and foreign country risks” presented at the 2005 Academy of Management Conference in Honolulu, the 2005 Academy of International Business Conference in Quebec City and the 2003 Academy of Management conference in Seattle, US. Named as a “Best Paper” by the Academy of Management’s International Management Division, included in the 2005 Best Paper Proceedings, and was a finalist for the Doug Nigh Award.
Goerzen A. 2004. “The effect of alliance network diversity on multinational enterprise performance” presented at the 2004 European International Business Association annual conference in Ljubljana.
Goerzen A. 2004. “Alliance portfolio management: Multilevel practices of multinational companies” presented at the 2004 Academy of International Business conference in Stockholm and the 2003 European Academy of International Business conference in Copenhagen.
Goerzen A, Beamish P. 2003. “The alliance portfolio effect on MNE performance” presented at the 2003 Academy of International Business conference in Monterey and also at the 2003 European Academy of International Business conference in Copenhagen.
Goerzen A, Makino S. 2003. “The internationalization process of multinational enterprises in the service sector: A comparison of Japanese trading companies in the US and China” presented at the 2003 Academy of International Business conference in Monterey.
Goerzen A, Beamish P. 2002. “Network diversity and multinational enterprise performance” presented at the 2002 Academy of Management Conference in Denver.
Goerzen A, Beamish P. 2002. “Geographic scope and multinational enterprise performance” presented at the 2002 Academy of International Business conference in San Juan. Winner of AIB 2002 Best Paper Award.
Goerzen A. 2000. “The relevance of range and embeddedness in the process of strategy development and implementation among multinational enterprises” presented at the Academy of International Business Conference in Phoenix.
Goerzen A. 2000. “The relationship between network characteristics and firm performance of multinational enterprises” presented at the Academy of International Business Conference in Phoenix.
Goerzen A. 2000. “The relationship between organizational slack and MNE performance” presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Toronto.
Goerzen A. 1999. “The social and economic performance of multinational enterprises” presented at the 1999 Academy of International Business Conference in Charleston.
Haggerty N, Goerzen A. 1999. “Characteristics and performance of Japanese foreign direct investment in the service sector” presented at the Academy of International Business Conference in Charleston.
Honours, Awards & Recognition
Winner of the 2023 JIBS Decade Award. The award, sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan, is designed “to
recognize the most influential research published in the Journal of International Business Studies over the
prior ten years, 2013-2023”.
Elected in 2023 to the Academy of International Business College of Fellows. The AIB Fellows are “a
select group of distinguished scholars who have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to
both our association and the international business field as a whole.”
Winner of the 2023 Aalto University That’s interesting! Award for the paper entitled, “On socially
responsible gvc governance structures: Outsourcing vs internalization in the first mile" (with S. Iskander, C. Asmussen, & N. Hashai). This award “recognises the conference paper that most effectively pushes the
boundaries of our existing knowledge in the field”.
Shortlisted for the 2023 Temple/AIB Best Paper Award for the paper entitled, “Responsibility boundaries
for multinational enterprises: The role of institutional logics in driving incremental versus revolutionary
change” (with L. Fiske). This award is for the “best paper at the AIB Annual Meeting where finalists are
identified by their peers through a rigorous review process as making the strongest scholarly submission
to that year’s conference”.
Shortlisted for the 2023 UNCTAD-AIB Award for Research on Investment and Development for
“Is environmental upgrading attainable in the first mile of global value chain?: Evidence from the
artisanal gold mining in Africa” (with L. Zhang). This award is considered the “premier prize for
exceptional policy- and development-focused research, this award was established through a joint
agreement between Academy of International Business and United Nations Conference on Trade and
Panelist on “The importance of academic manuscript reviewing” at the 2023 Academy of International
Business annual conference in Warsaw.
Panelist on ““More growth versus de-growth? Towards a new sustainability paradigm” at the 2023
Strategic Management Society annual conference in Toronto.
Profiled in “AIB Frontline”. A 2023 video interview, sponsored by the Academy of International Business
of “prominent scholars and thought leaders in IB that showcases them a) as a person, b) as a scholar, and
c) as a mentor; in a dynamic 30-minute segment.”
Panelist on “Global value chain-oriented government policies” at the 2021 Academy of International
Business annual conference.
Panelist on “Developing and managing collaborative research” at Smith webinar (May, 2021).
Panelist on “How do MNEs contribute to social sustainability in developing countries?” at the Academy
of International Business Journals webinar on February 9, 2021.
Best Reviewer Award 2020 awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business
Keynote speaker at the 2020 Brazilian Academy of Management Annual Conference in Sao Paulo.
Journal of International Business Studies “Best Reviewer Award 2019” awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business Studies.
Shortlisted for the 2018 Academy of International Business “That’s Interesting!” Award (awarded to a paper that “crosses boundaries, challenges taken-for-granted assumptions in the field, denies old ‘truths’, attracts the reader’s attention, and/or makes an original argument”).
Panelist on “Global Value Chains, Governance, and Globalization Strategies” at the 2018 Academy of International Business Conference, Minneapolis.
Panelist on “Teaching Social Enterprise” at the 2018 World University Services Canada Annual Conference, Ottawa.
Panelist on “Pathways to Impact: Enabling your Research to Influence Practice” at the 2018 Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
Panelist at the “Junior Faculty Consortium” at the 2018 Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
Panelist on “Global value chains, governance and globalisation strategies” at 2017 Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Dubai.
Keynote speaker at the 2017 German Academy of Management Annual Conference in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Keynote speaker at the 2017 Le Groupe de recherche en affaires internationales (GRAI) Annual Conference in Montreal.
European International Business “Best Paper Award 2015” shortlist. “Global Cities and the Establishment of Regional Headquarters” (with R. Belderbos & S. Du).
Keynote speaker at the 2015 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference (major academic conference in Canada) in Halifax.
Panelist at the 2015 in Academy of International Business annual conference Doctoral Consortium in Bangalore.
Journal of International Business Studies “Best Reviewer Award 2013” awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business Studies.
Journal of International Business Studies “Best Reviewer Award 2012” awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business Studies.
Journal of International Business Studies “Best Reviewer Award 2011” awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business Studies.
Journal of International Business Studies “Best Reviewer Award 2008” awarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business Studies.
Asmussen, C, Goerzen A. 2007. “Geographic orientation of MNEs and implications for performance” presented at the 2007 Academy of International Business conference in Indianapolis, US, the Academy of Management conference in Philadelphia, US, and the European International Business Association conference in Catania, Italy. This paper was shortlisted for the 2007 Carolyn Dexter Award, an all- Academy honour given to the best research manuscript that embodies the overall mission of the Academy of Management.
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Outstanding Reviewer Award 2006-2007 awarded by the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
University of Victoria Faculty of Business Outstanding Researcher Award 2005 and in 2006. Annual recognition awarded by the Faculty of Business to a scholar who is actively pursuing research activities and publishing in top journals.
Doug Nigh Award, Finalist (annual “Best Paper” award given by the International Management Division of the Academy of Management) for manuscript entitled, “Investor response to foreign direct investment risk: The effects of direct and indirect experience of multinational corporations.” This paper is also included in the 2005 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
AIB Best Reviewer Award 2003. Annual recognition from the Academy of International Business.
AIB Best Paper Award 2002 for “Geographic scope and MNE performance”. Annual competition held by the Academy of International Business.
Udayan Rege Best Dissertation Award 2000-2002. Biannual PhD thesis competition held by the Administrative Science Association of Canada.
Gunnar Hedlund Best Dissertation Award Finalist 2002. Annual PhD thesis competition held by the Institute of International Business and the European International Business Association.
Barry Richman Best Dissertation Award Finalist 2002. Annual PhD thesis competition held by the Academy of Management International Management Division.
Ivey Top 10 Best Selling Case 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 for “The Global Branding of Stella Artois.” Annual award presented by Ivey Publishing.
2001 Annual Case Competition Second Runner-up for “The global branding of Stella Artois”. Annual teaching case competition held by the Academy of International Business.
Grants & Funding
Pending application: “Beyond adaptation: Toward transformative, sustainable and resilient global supply
networks” (transdisciplinary team with A. Guitouni, A. Kushniruk, M. Khan, A. Hutzler, S. Flynn, M.
Rungtusanatham, & V. Crooks). Target: SSHRC New Frontiers in Research ($5 mm).
Pending application: “Adaptation and mitigation strategies within indigenous communities in Mexico and
Argentina: Addressing the impact of extreme droughts and floods in a changing climate” (with W. Hejazi
and C. Murray). Target: SSHRC New Frontiers in Research ($1.5 mm).
Research project: “Benefiting the impoverished within developing economies through value chain
interventions”. Awarded $154,996 as Principal Investigator in 2023 by Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council.
Research project: “Improving global value chain governance”. Awarded $83,816 as Principal Investigator
in 2021 by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Research project: “Multinational corporation resources and capabilities for governance of global value
chains”. Awarded $136,390 as Principal Investigator (with A. Van-Assche, HEC Montreal) in 2021 by
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Research Project: “Improving Social Justice and Economic Stewardship along the Global Value Chain: The Effectiveness of Interventions within Fragile Environments”. (2020)
MITACS | $30,000
Research Project: “Evaluating Global Value Chain Interventions”. (2019)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $25,000
Research Project: “Interventions to Improving Social Justice and Economic Stewardship”. (2019)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $7,000
Research Project: “Enhancing supply chain stability, resilience and sustainability through improved sub- supplier management—chocolate and cotton apparel case studies. Co-Investigator with U Niggli, C. Schader D. Zoogah, J. Hofstetter, J. Sarkis (2018)
Swiss National Science Foundation | €160,000
Fellowship: “D.R. Sobey Chair in International Business”. (2017-2022)
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University | $125,000
Research Project: “Global supply network management governance”. (2016)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $54,150
Research Project: “Global supply chain practices—Management of environmental and social sustainability”. (2016)
Queen’s University International Research Fund | $20,000
Fellowship: “D.R. Sobey Chair in International Business”. (2015-2017)
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University | $50,000
Workshop: “Finding growth and innovation through mergers, acquisitions, and corporate reorganization”. Co-Investigator with B. Aharonson, A. Anand, N. Brueller, S. Harel, N. Hashai, K. Li, A. Oliver, L. Purda, S. Saadi, I. Stern, and Y. Yafeh. (2018)
Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem | $12,000
Research Project: “Mapping global value chains in identified sub-thematic priority areas of Croatia”. Co-Investigator with J. Hofstetter and J. Sarkis. (2016)
World Bank | US $45,500
Research Project: “Sustainability in operative procurement”. Co-Investigator with J. Hofstetter and M. Mueller. (2015)
Swiss Federal Commission of Technology and Innovation | CHF 400,000
Research Project: “MNC location choice: A city-centric analysis of regional balance of power”. Co-Investigator with C. Asmussen and B. Nielsen. (2015)
Danish Institute for Urban Economic Research | DKK 1.25mm
Research Project: “Determinants of the global activity configuration of multinational firms”. Co-Investigator with R. Belderbos and S. Du. (2014)
Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research | €250,000
Research Project: “Corporate supply chain management governance”. Co-Investigator with J. Hofstetter and S. Wuetz. (2014)
Consortium of 10 multinational companies (i.e., BASF, Bosch, Bühler, Deloitte, Mercuri, Urval, SR Technics, SBB, Tchibo, Würth) | US $125,000
Research Project: “Capabilities for ensuring compliance with corporate sustainability standards”. Co-Investigator with J. Hofstetter and M. Mueller (2013)
Swiss National Science Foundation | CHF 200,000
Fellowship: “D.R. Sobey Chair in International Business”. (2010-2015)
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University | $125,000
Research Project: “Boundary spanning capabilities of global account managers: The role of affective and cognitive systems at organizational and individual levels”. Co-Investigator with L. Shi (2009)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $59,310
Research Project: “Behaviour and performance of Canadian multinational corporations and foreign multinationals in Canada”. (2005)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $4,000
Research Project: “Globalization patterns among multinational enterprises”. Co-Investigator with P. Beamish (2004)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $69,100
Research Project: “Global cities and multinational enterprise investment”. (2004)
University of Victoria | $2,500
Research Project: “Multinational enterprise networks”. (2002)
Glavin Center for Global Leadership at Babson College | US $5,000
Fellowship: “International Thesis Research Fellowship”. (2000)
Ivey School of Business | $10,000
Fellowship: “SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship”. (1998)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | $75,000
Fellowship: “Ontario Graduate Scholarship”. (1998)
Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities | $30,000
Fellowship: “Graduate Tuition Scholarship”. (1997)
University of Western Ontario | $30,000
Fellowship: “Special University Scholarship”. (1997)
University of Western Ontario | $10,000
Academic & University Service
- President, Academy of International Business Association—Canada, 2016-present
- Consulting Editor, Journal of International Business Policy: 2023-present
- Chair, Academy of International Business Best Paper Award Committee, 2021-present
- Member, Academy of International Business Eminent Scholar Selection Committee, 2023
- Editorial Board Member, Strategic Management Journal: 2007-present
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Business Studies: 2007-present
- Editorial Board Member, Global Strategy Journal: 2011-present
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Business Policy: 2022-present
- Organizer & Moderator, Academy of International Business “Burning Issues” webinar series 2019-
present - Queen’s University “Scholars-at-Risk” Committee 2019-present
- Chair, PhD Thesis Defense. K. Goudarzi “Essays on Secondary Financial Markets and Firm Strategic
Decisions” (A. Chakrabarti, Supervisor). July 17, 2023. - Chair, PhD Thesis Defense. Y. Chen “Behavioral Consumers and Behavioral AIs: Three Studies (A.
Ovchinnikov, Supervisor). August 3, 2023. - Smith School of Business Associate Dean Selection Committee member 2020
- DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies Curricular Review Committee 2023
- Faculty Research Excellence Committee member 2020
- Canada Graduate Scholarship Committee Member, 2019-present
- Smith School of Business Graduate Student Award Selection Committee member 2020
- Smith School of Business Research Supervision Award Selection Committee member 2020
- Smith School of Business Research Fellowships, Professorships, and Chairs Advisory Committee
Member, 2020-present - Smith School of Business Research Fellowships, Professorships, and Chairs Criteria Committee Member, 2020
- Smith School of Business Graduate Program Committee Member, 2017-present
- Smith School of Business Research Committee Member, 2017-present
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) College of Reviewers, 2014-present
- Queen’s University Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Merit Review
Committee Member, 2016-present - Smith School of Business Graduate Program Executive Committee Member, 2015-2016
- United Way Leadership Program Curriculum Advisory Committee Member, 2016
- Smith School of Business Master of Management Academic Committee Member, 2013-2015
- Vice President & Founding Member, International Forum on Sustainable Value Chains, 2014-present
- Queen’s University Chancellor’s Scholarship Committee Member, 2013-2019
- Queen’s Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNOLAB) 5-year Review Committee Member, 2014
- Chair, MIB Redesign Committee, Queen’s School of Business, 2013-2014
University of Victoria Committees
- Internal Research Grant Committee: 2004 Graduate Executive Committee: 2006-2007 UVic Senate: 2006-2007
- Faculty of Graduate Studies Dean Search Committee: 2006-2007 UVic Senate Committee on Libraries: 2006-present
- Richard Ivey School of Business Advisory Board: 1999-2000
UVic Business Committees
- Re-appointments, Promotion, & Tenure Committee: 2007-2008 EDC International Studies Scholarship Committee: 2005-2006
- Canadian Manufacturers’ Association International Business Scholarship Committee: 2005-2006 Executive Committee: 2006-2007
- Graduate Programs Committee Chair: 2006-2007 Recruiting/Appointments Committee: 2005-2010
- President, Ivey School of Business PhD Student Association: 1999-2000