Christine Coulter
Assistant Dean (Academic), Adjunct Lecturer & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Organizational BehaviourOverview
Christine Coulter is a faculty member in the organizational behaviour/human resources area group. She teaches human resources, human capital management, and industrial relations in the Commerce and MBA programs.
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- Organizational Behaviour
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Christine Coulter is a faculty member in the organizational behaviour/human resources area group. She teaches human resources, human capital management, and industrial relations in the Commerce and MBA programs. Christine is interested in the vast complexity of employee relations, especially: the role of government in the regulation of work and workplaces; employee rights, accommodation and inclusion; and unions in Canada. She has also delivered sessions and been a panellist on such topics as EDI strategy, workplace accommodations, collaboration, and professional integrity.
Christine is Chair of the Smith Academic Appeals Committee and sits on various Queen’s and Smith committees. She has also held administrative positions at Smith, and regularly consults on policy and procedure across the school. Prior to joining Queen’s in 2001, Christine worked as a project analyst at the Teachers’ Pension Plan in Toronto.
Christine holds a B.A. (Honours) from Queen’s University, a Master of Arts from Western University and a Master of Industrial Relations from Queen’s. She holds Certificates in Administrative Adjudication and Human Rights Theory and Practice from Osgoode Hall Law School. She is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, and has been a contributing panel member for the Human Resource Professional Association CHRP Knowledge Exams. She regularly writes teaching cases for courses and case competitions.
Academic Degrees
Professional Master of Industrial Relations (MIR)
Queen’s University (2014)
Master of Arts in Political Science (MA)
Western University (2001)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Studies (BAH)
Queen’s University (1998)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Continuing Adjunct Lecturer (2008 - Present)
Session Leader, Queen’s Executive Development Centre Programs (2013 - Present)
Session Leader, Commerce Program (2013)
Academic Assistant, Queen’s MBA programs (2011-Present)
Commerce Program, Director of Operations (2008-2011)
Commerce Program, Associate Director (2006-2008)
Commerce Program, Program Manager/Academic Advisor (2003-2006)
Queen’s University
Queen’s University Enrichment Studies Unit, Coordinator and Instructor – Advanced Business Practices (2004-2005)
Queen’s Executive Development Centre, Program Coordinator (2001-2003)
University of Western Ontario
Teaching Assistant – Introduction to Politics (2000-2001)
Refereed Publications
Rowbotham, Kate and Christine Coulter (2015). Issues of Academic Integrity: Implications for Teachers and Learners. Presentation at Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Coulter, Christine and Kate Rowbotham (2015). Employee Social Media Use: Implications for HR Practices and Policies. Conference presentation at EuroMed Academy of Business Conference “HR Practices, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Challenges: Academic and Practitioner Views”, Paris, France.
Coulter, Christine (2012). Chapter 2: Theories of Ethics: An Introduction for Business Students. Business Ethics: Concepts, Cases and Canadian Perspectives. Edited W. Peter Kissick, Emond Montgomery Publications, Toronto.
Teaching materials/Instructor resource contributor for Business Ethics: Concepts, Cases and Canadian Perspectives. Edited W. Peter Kissick, Emond Montgomery Publications, Toronto, 2012.
Rowbotham, Kate and Christine Coulter (2012). Exchange Students in the Classroom: Met and Unmet Expectations of Students and Faculty. Conference presentation at Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, St. Catharines, ON, 2012.
Smith Teaching Cases Authored
YourHome Ltd.: A Communications Challenge, 2016
The Pension Group: Maria Couto’s Absence, 2015
TalentTek Co.: HR Software in the Cloud, 2014
Nurse Jennie and Mount Imperial Hospital, 2014
Facebook at The Wheel Group, 2013
Lakeview Retirement Home, 2013
Courses Taught
- COMM 104 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- COMM 105 Business Communications, 2014, 2015, 2016
- COMM 181 Introduction to Human Resource Management, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
- COMM 251 Organizational Behaviour, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- COMM 356 Gender and Diversity in Organizations, 2014, 2015
- COMM 357 Interpersonal Skills for Managers, 2011
- COMM 358 Strategic Human Resource Management, 2014, 2015
- COMM 501 Directed Special Reading, 2015
Conferences Attended
QUFA/CAUT Grievance Handling Workshop, 2016
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Opening Governance, 2015
EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, HR Practices, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Challenges:
Academic and Practitioner Views, 2015
Association for Business Communications Conference, Race to the Future, 2013
Organizational Behavior Teaching Society Conference, Sustainable Conversations, 2012
Queen’s School of Business Conference on Moral and Ethical Issues in Consumer Decision Making, 2012
Queen’s Finance for the Non-Financial Manager Executive Education Program, 2010
Queen’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Symposium, 2009
AACSB International Conference on Sustainability, 2009
Richard Ivey School of Business Case Teaching Workshop, 2008
Current Service to Queen's University
Chair, Academic Appeals Committee, Smith School of Business, 2015 - present
Adjudicate appeals of academic decisions arising from all academic programs in the School. Resolve appeals relating to progress and/or academic integrity to ensure compliance with program regulations, School policy and procedural fairness.
Committee to Manage the Collective Agreement, 2015 – present
Meet as required by the Joint Committee to Administer the Agreement to deliberate issues related to QUFA-Queen’s Collective Agreement.
Guest Lecturer: Strategic HR Management (COMM 181), Introduction to Ethical Theory (COMM 104), Case Analysis (COMM 105), Business Communication and Diversity in North America (COMM 370).
Previous Service to Queen's University
Academic Integrity Panel Member, 2012 - 2015
Undergraduate Academic Progress Committee member, 2014 - 2015
Acting Secretary to Faculty Board, 2012 – 2015 (intermittently)
Bachelor of Commerce Program Admissions Committee, various years
Academic Integrity Advisor, 2010 - 2011
Judge/speaker/advisor in student competitions and conferences: ICBC, QIAA, QWIL, QCC, QCPA, QLEAD, QIDC, SOAR, 2008 - 2015
Major Admission Awards Committee: Chancellor’s Scholarship, 2013, 2015
Centre for Responsible Leadership Advisory Board; Chair of Commerce Certificate Program Review
Hiring Committees in the Commerce Program, the Centre for International Management, the Business
Career Centre and Queen’s Executive Development Centre, 2002 - 2013
Queen’s University Administrative Systems Replacement (PeopleSoft): Student Advisory Committee
Queen’s University Timetabling Committee
Queen’s University Academic Integrity Working Group
Professional Memberships and Associations
- Human Resources Professional Association (CHRP Knowledge Exam Item-Writing Panel)
- Society for Human Resource Management (member)
- Academy of Management (member)