William (Bill) Blake
Adjunct ProfessorOverview
Dr. Bill Blake is an Adjunct Professor. He teaches Leadership and Global Leadership in the Masters and MBA programs and is actively involved in teaching, consulting and executive development nationally and internationally.
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- International Business
Interest Topics
- Ethics
- Global Business
- Leadership & Teams
- Management
Faculty Details
Full Bio
A native of Kingston and a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, Dr. Bill Blake spent six years in a variety of leadership positions in the Canadian Navy prior to entering the University of Western Ontario where he completed an MBA and a PhD in business.
Dr. Blake joined the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1986. At Memorial Dr. Blake served as Director of the Centre for Management Development and, from 1993 to 2002, as Dean of the Faculty. During his tenure as Dean, the Faculty became the first business school in Atlantic Canada to be accredited by AACSB International.
Dr. Blake joined Smith School of Business in 2001. In 2002 he was appointed Associate Dean, MBA Programs, and served in that capacity for 6 years. During that time the Accelerated MBA and The Executive MBA Americas (a Cornell-Queen’s partnership), were launched and the Full-time MBA program was named #1 in the world outside the U.S.A by BusinessWeek in three successive bi-annual rankings.
Dr. Blake’s research and teaching have focused on the characteristics of effective leaders and the relationship between cultural adaptability and international effectiveness. He teaches Leadership and Global Leadership in the Masters and MBA programs and is actively involved in consulting and executive development. He has delivered programs in leadership, cross-cultural management and human resource management nationally and internationally, in Mexico, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Oman.
Dr. Blake has served on the board of directors of Fishery Products International, Ireland Business Partnerships, the Genesis Group, the CA Educational Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Homestead Land Holdings. He also served as External Examiner for the MBA Program at the Dublin Institute of Technology, on the Steering Committee for the Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) and on the International Advisory Council of AACSB International. From 2000-2002 he was Chair of the Canadian Federation of Business School Deans (CFBSD).
Academic Degrees
PhD (Business Administration)
University of Western Ontario (1987)
M.B.A. (Dean's Honours List)
University of Western Ontario (1980)
B.A. (Commerce)
Royal Military College (1972)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Adjunct Full Professor (2002 - Present)
Associate Dean, MBA Programs (2003-2009)
Director, Executive Development (2002-2003)
Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Associate/Assistant Professor (1986 - Present)
Dean (1993-2002)
Director, Centre for Faculty of Business Administration Management Development (1989-1991)
School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario
Research Associate (1980-1982)
The International Success of Small and Medium Sized Companies: Assessing the Role of Culture and Cultural Adaptability, Presented at the 1993 Academy of International Business Conference
The Importance of Cultural Issues as Barriers to International Success: A Small Firm Perspective, ASAC Conference Proceedings, Lake Louise, Alberta, 1993
Assessing the Importance of Cultural Adaptability, with D. Hogan, ASAC Conference Proceedings, 1992 Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, 1992
Cultural Adaptability and International Performance, with D. Hogan, ASAC Conference Proceedings, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 1991
Organizational Performance and the Cultural Gap: Toward a Framework, with D. Hogan, ASAC Conference Proceedings, Whistler, B.C., 1990
Managing the Human Resource Function: The Prentice- Hall Survey, with V. Murray and D. Whitehead, in "Human Resource Management in Canada", Toronto, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990
Role Orientation and Influence in Organizational Level Decision Making: Scale Development and Quantitative Analysis, ASAC Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Quebec, 1989
The Role of the Human Resource Executive: Orientation and Influence, ASAC Conference Proceedings, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1988, (Honourable Mention, Human Resource Division)
Orientation and Influence - The Case of the Senior Human Resource Executive, ASAC Conference Proceedings, Whistler, B.C., 1986
Cases in Books
"Canada Royal International" (A), with H.Lane, in:
Lane H., DiStefano J. & Maznevski, M.L., International Management Behaviour, 3rd. edition, Boston, Blackwell, 1997 (Also in 1st & 2nd ed.)
Deresky, H., International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, New York, Harper Collins, 1994
"Canada Royal International (B)", with H. Lane, in Ronen. S., Comparative and Multinational Management 2nd ed., Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 1986
"Dykins Ltd.", with H. Lane, in:
Irbrahim A.B. and Argheyd K., Cases in Strategic Management: A Canadian Perspective, McGraw Hill Ryerson Ltd.,1994
Jauch, L.R., Business Policy and Strategic Management, 5th edition. 1988
"Fishery Products International", with D. Hogan, in Beamish P and Woodcock,C., Strategic Management 5th. edition, Boston, Irwin, 1999 (also in 3rd and 4th editions
"Footwear International" in:
Deresky H., International Management: A Cross Cultural Approach, 3rd edition, Harper Collins, New York, 2000 (Also in 1st and 2nd editions)
Fatehi, Kamel, Managing Internationally, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, 2007
Lane H., DiStefano J. & Maznevski, M.L.,International Management Behaviour, 5th. edition, Boston, Blackwell, 2005 (Also in 1st – 4th editions)
Sexty, R., Contemporary Management in Canada, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1992
Sharp, David, 1998, Business Ethics Cases, Beijing, China Machine Press/Huazhang Graphics Company, (in English), ISBN 7-111-06617-O/F
Sharp, David, 1999, Business Ethics Cases, Beijing, China Machine Press/Huazhang Graphics Company, (in Chinese), ISBN 7-111-06617-O/F
Sharp, David, 2002, Business Ethics Cases, Taipei, Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., (in Chinese), ISBN 957-32-4728-3
Thomas, David C. & Lazarova, Mila, International Human Resource Management Sage Publications, Inc., June, 2013
Thomas, David C. Editor, International Management: Readings and Cases, Sage Publications, Inc., June 2003
"Nippon Diversey", with P. Ritchie, in Canadian Companies in Japan: Lessons From Experience, A. Conway and V. Jones (editors), University of Calgary Press, 1998
"Polysar (A-D)", with J. DiStefano, in Lane H. and DiStefano J., International Management Behaviour, 2nd. edition, Boston, Kent, 1992. (Also in 1st ed.)
"Solartron (A)", with H. Lane, in Irbrahim A.B. and Argheyd K., Cases in Strategic Management: A Canadian Perspective, McGraw Hill Ryerson Ltd.,1994
"Solartron (C)", with H. Lane, in:
Deresky, H., International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, New York, Harper Collins, 1994, 1997, 2000(3rd Edition)
Lane H. , DiStefano J. & Maznevski, M.L.,International Management Behaviour, 3rd. edition, Boston, Blackwell, 1997 (Also in 1st & 2nd ed.)
Jauch, L.R., Business Policy and Strategic Management, 5th edition, 1988
"Thurlow Limited", with H. Lane, in Lane H. and DiStefano J., International Management Behaviour, 2nd. edition, Boston, Kent, 1992. (Also in 1st ed.)
R.W. Blake, Editor, Y. Shafai, Management in a Multi-Cultural Setting, 2nd. ed., 1997 and 3rd. ed., 1999, Halifax, Dalhousie University
Blake R.W., Lee-Gosselin H. & Grise, J, Human Resources Management in a Bank Setting 2nd. ed, Montreal, The Institute of Canadian Bankers, 1993
H. Lane, J. DiStefano, International Management Behaviour 2nd. ed, (in collaboration with L. Wright & R.W. Blake), Boston, PWS-Kent, 1992
Doing Business in Kenya: A Guide for the Canadian Investor, with H. Lane, D. Simpson & D. Lindsay, London, Ontario, CABAG, 1984
Executive Education and International Teaching
Queen’s Executive Development Centre
Taught modules on a variety of topics, including leadership and cross-cultural management on Queen’s Executive, Public Executive, Operations Leadership and Leadership Programs. Faculty Lead for Operations Leadership and Leadership programs. Developed materials and taught on custom programs for Royal Sun Alliance, BMW Canada, Canada Post, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Government of Manitoba. Developed and delivered custom three to five day leadership programs to a variety of clients in Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, including Mobily, Bank Muscat, the National Bank of Oman, and Ahli Bank.
Dalhousie University - Financial Services MBA
Taught the first offering of Management in a Multi-Cultural Setting to a group of senior bankers from across Canada during the fall of 1996. From then until 2001 I taught this course on an annual basis, for the last three years for cohorts of managers from the Bank of Montreal as part of a custom program.
Institute of Canadian Bankers
Human Resources Management in a Bank Setting: I taught this eight-day residential program for middle managers from the banking sector in a variety of locations in Canada as well as offering programs in Mexico and Brazil. In 1991, 1992 and 1993 I taught a similar program for senior managers.
Stockholm School of Economics
From 1994 to 1997 I taught a one-week module to international MBA students on the Cross Cultural Management course of the Institute for International Business.
Executive Programs: University of British Columbia
Managerial Achievement: A five-day residential program presented annually to a group of approximately thirty middle and senior managers. (With R. Roskin) 1988-1992.
Center for Management Development: Memorial University
Management School: Taught a three-day module on Managerial Achievement used as the introduction to this two-week residential program. (With R. Roskin) 1988-1992.
Client Courses: Developed and delivered seminars on such topics as corporate culture, conflict resolution, team building, leadership and motivation to managers and supervisors from a variety of organizations including Newfoundland Hydro, Air Atlantic, CEIC, Fishery Products International, Cross Memorial Hospital, the Iron Ore Company of Canada, the Royal Bank of Canada , Newtal Communications and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Continuing Education, University of Western Ontario
Supervisory Training Program for First-Line Manufacturing Supervisors: Designed and taught a six session module on human resource management for the London Industrial Training Advisory Board (LITAB), 1985-86
Supervisory Training Program for First-Line Administrative Supervisors: Co-designed and team-taught a four session module on high performance management for LITAB, 1985-86
Leadership & Administration: Co-designed and team-taught a four session general interest course. Fall 1984, 1985
Program Reviews
Served as External Advisor on the development of the MBA Program at the Dublin Institute of Technology and subsequently spent five years as External Examiner for the Program
Served on:
1) Review panels for the business schools at:
- The University of New Brunswick - Fredericton
- Bishops University
- Wilfred Laurier University
- The University of Regina
- The University of Fredericton
2) The program review teams for the:
- Management and Organizational Sciences program at the University of Western Ontario
- MBA programs at Waikato University, New Zealand (Chair)
- EMBA program at Saint Mary’s University
- Proposal by the University of Phoenix to open a University in New Brunswick
- Proposal by by Yorkville University to offer a BBA degree. (Chair)
- CEEMAN initial accreditation review for the Estonian-American Business School
- CEEMAN initial accreditation review for the Warsaw School of Economics (Chair)
- CEEMAN reaccreditation review for IEDC-Bled (Chair)
- MBA Program at the University of Fredericton
University Committees
- The Senior Academic Administrative Group
- The Advisory Committee on the Capital Campaign
- The International Relations Advisory Committee
- The Optimum Student Profile Committee
- The University Research Council
- The Priorities and Planning Committee
- The External Communications Subcommittee of the Priorities and Planning Committee (Chair)
- The Steering Committee for the Human Resource Management Strategic Review
- The Steering Committee for the Offshore Oil and Gas Strategic Plan
- The Collective Agreement negotiating team
- The Search Committees for the Director of Human Resources, the Dean of the School of Continuing Studies and the Director of International Recruitment
- The Review Committee for the Principal of Sir Wifred Grenfell College (Chair)
External Committees and Boards
- The Canadian Federation of Business School Deans (Chair 2000-2002)
- The International Advisory Committee of the AACSB (The International Association for Management Education (2000- 2003)
- The Nominating Committee for 2001-02 for the AACSB
- The Network of International Business Schools
- External advisor for the MBA program at the Dublin Institute of Technology (1999-2004)
- The CA Educational Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador
- The Genesis Group (Executive Committee and Chair of the Audit Committee)
- The International Recruitment Working Group of the Council on Higher Education (Chair)
- Global Forum 2002 (Planning Committee)
- Irish Business Partnerships (Executive Committee)
- Fishery Products International (Audit and Human Resources Committees)