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Laurence Ashworth

Associate Dean (Research), Professor, & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Marketing


Laurence Ashworth is a researcher and teacher at Smith School of Business. Laurence teaches courses on Principles of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour to students in the undergraduate, M.Sc., PhD, and M.B.A. programs at Smith School of Business.

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Full Bio

Laurence Ashworth is a researcher and teacher at the Smith School of Business. He completed his PhD in 2004 at the University of British Columbia prior to coming to Queen’s.

His research is quite varied, but he is generally interested in social and emotional influences on consumers’ decision-making. His work has been published in a variety of top journals such as, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. He also comments regularly and has had his work cited in the New York Times, the National Post, the Globe and Mail, Macleans, Psychology Today, etc. He has been interviewed on Canada AM, Global TV, and other television and radio stations.

Laurence teaches courses on Principles of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour to students in the undergraduate, M.Sc., PhD, and M.B.A. programs at the Smith School of Business. A central theme of Laurence’s teaching is to integrate broad strategic approaches to marketing with more specific, evidence-based ideas that help predict how and why consumers will react to the decisions that marketers make. The goal is to provide students with a broad framework that they can take to the marketplace that will help them make good marketing decisions.

Academic Degrees

PhD Marketing
University of British Columbia (2004)

B.Com (honours)
University of British Columbia (1998)

Academic Experience

Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Professor (2021 - Present)
Associate Professor (2010-2021)
Assistant Professor (2003-2010)

University of British Columbia
Research Assistant, Faculty of Commerce (1998-2002)
Instructor, Faculty of Commerce (2001)


Journal Articles

Gonzalez, Paola A. and Laurence Ashworth (2021), “Not Your Typical Leader? How Perceptions of CIOs Compare to Other Members of the Top Management Team,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 49, 515-534.

Ashworth, Laurence and Maureen Bourassa (2020), “Inferred Respect: A Critical Ingredient in Customer Satisfaction,” European Journal of Marketing, 54(10), 2447-2476.

Philp, Matthew and Laurence Ashworth (2020), “I Should Have Known Better!: When Firm-Caused Failure Leads To Self-Image Concerns and Reduces Negative Word-of-Mouth,” Journal of Business Research, 116(August), 283-293.

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter R. Darke, Lindsay McShane, and Tiffany Vu (2019), “The Rules of Exchange: The Role of an Exchange Surplus in Producing the Endowment Effect,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 152 (May), 11-24.

Gonzalez, Paola, Laurence Ashworth, and James McKeen (2019), “The CIO Stereotype: Content, Bias, and Impact,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28 (1), 83-99.

Philp, Matthew, Martin A. Pyle, and Laurence Ashworth (2018), “Risking the Self: The Impact of Self Esteem on Negative Word-of-Mouth Behavior,” Marketing Letters, 29 (1), 101-113.

Held, Johanna, Maximilian Stieler, Claas Christian Germelmann, and Laurence Ashworth (2017), “When Brand Representatives Act as Sales Associates: Mechanisms and Effects of Native Selling and Its Disclosure,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 39(1), 44-62.

Bourassa, Maureen A., Peggy H. Cunningham, Laurence Ashworth, and Jay Handelman (2016), “Respect in Buyer/Seller Relationships,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, doi: 10.1002/cjas.1426.

Ashworth, Laurence and Lindsay McShane (2012), “Why Do We Care What Others Pay? The Effect of Other Consumers’ Prices on Inferences of Seller (Dis)Respect and Perceptions of Deservingness Violation,” Journal of Retailing, 88(1), 145 – 155.

Ashworth, Laurence, Martin Pyle, and Ethan Pancer (2010), “The Role of Dominance in the Appeal of Violent Media Depictions,” Journal of Advertising, 39(4), 121 – 136.

Darke, Peter R., Laurence Ashworth, and Kelley J. Main (2010), “Great Expectations and Broken Promises: Misleading Claims, Product Failure, Expectancy Disconfirmation and Consumer Distrust,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(3), 347 – 362.

Darke, Peter R., Laurence Ashworth, and Robin R. Ritchie (2008), “Damage from Corrective Advertising: Causes and Cures,” Journal of Marketing, 72(Nov), 81 – 97.

Van Boven, Leaf and Laurence Ashworth (2007), “Looking Forward, Looking Back: Anticipation is More Evocative than Retrospection,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136(2), 289 – 300.

Ashworth, Laurence and Clinton Free (2006), “Marketing Dataveillance and Digital Privacy: Using Theories of Justice to Understand Consumers' Online Privacy Concerns,” Journal of Business Ethics, 67(2), 107 – 123.

Darke, R. Peter, Amitava Chattopadhyay, and Laurence Ashworth (2006), “The Importance and Functional Significance of Affective Cues in Consumer Judgment and Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33(3), 322 – 328.

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter R. Darke, and Mark Schaller (2005), “No One Wants to Look Cheap: Trade-Offs Between Social Disincentives and the Economic and Psychological Incentives to Redeem Coupons,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15(4), 295 – 306.

Working Papers

Ashworth, Laurence, Margaret Matear, and Matthew Philp, “'What Will They Think?': The Origin, Impact, and Accuracy of Consumers’ Concerns about Product-Related Impressions”, under review.

Bourassa, Maureen and Laurence Ashworth, “All I Ask Is that You Respect Me: Inferences of Respect Are a Critical Source of Consumer Satisfaction,” under review.

Ashworth, Laurence and Peter R. Darke, “The Principle Matters: Fairness and Procedural Justice in Marketing Interactions,” under review.

Philp, Matthew and Laurence Ashworth, “The Victimized Consumer: Firm-Caused Failures and Consumer Well-being,” under review.

Philp, Matthew, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille, and Suzanne Rath, “The Gifted Identity: How Receiving Gifts Can Impact Consumer Identity,” manuscript in preparation.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth, “It’s Not Just Business, It’s Personal: Identity Threats and Price Fairness Judgments,” manuscript in preparation.

Philp, Matthew and Laurence Ashworth, “Concealing Your Consumer Stupidity: How the Fear of Appearing as an Incompetent Consumer Impacts Negative Word of Mouth,” manuscript in preparation.

Sobol, Kamila, Peter R. Darke, and Laurence Ashworth, "The Price of Suspicion: Defense Goals and the WTP-WTA Gap", manuscript in preparation for submission to Psychological Science.

Main, Kelley J. and Laurence Ashworth, “Application Denied: An Examination of Consumer Responses to Organizational Rejection,” manuscript in preparation.

Ashworth, Laurence, Martin Pyle, and Ethan Pancer, “Consuming Violence: Understanding the Appeal of Violent Media,” manuscript in preparation.

Ashworth, Laurence, Kate White, and Darren Dahl, “What Makes a Good Gift?: Towards an Understanding of Consumer Gift Giving and Receiving,” [working title].

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth, “Fairness and Schadenfreude,” [working title].

Xiao, Na, Laurence Ashworth, and Peter Dacin, “Consumer Goals and Product Attributes,” [working title].

Book Chapters

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter Dacin, and Matt Thomson (2009), “Why on Earth Do Consumers have Relationships with Marketers: Toward Understanding the Functions of Brand Relationships,” in Handbook of Brand Relationships, eds. Deborah J. MacInnis, C. Whan Park, and Joseph W. Priester.


Graduate Student Involvement

Supervisor, Aybike Mutluoglu (Ph.D.) (current) Supervisor, Suzanne Rath (Ph.D.) (defended 2019) Supervisor, Stephan Carney (M.Sc.) (defended 2018) Supervisor, Matthew Philp (Ph.D.) (defended 2016)

Supervisor, KB Koo (M.Sc.) (defended 2015) Supervisor, Brianne Wheeler (M.Sc.) (defended 2015)

Supervisor, Cheryl Mihalin (M.Sc.) (defended 2014) Supervisor, Ethan Pancer (Ph.D.) (defended 2013)

Supervisor, Lindsay McShane (Ph.D.) (defended 2012)

Supervisor, Matthew Philp (M.Sc.) (defended 2012)

Supervisor, Christopher Ling (M.Sc.) (defended 2012)

Supervisor, Tiffany Vu (M.Sc.) (defended 2012)

Co-supervisor, Na Xiao (Ph.D.) (defended 2010)

Supervisor, Michael Haslett (M.Sc.) (defended 2008)

Supervisor, Ethan Pancer (M.Sc.) (defended 2008)

Supervisor, Jodie Whelan (Directed Studies Course) (graduated 2008)

Committee, Joel Mohr (Ph.D., Marketing) (current)

Committee, Kimberley Mosher (Ph.D., Marketing) (defended, 2018) Committee, Yi Zou (Ph.D., MIS) (defended 2016)

Committee, Paola Gonzalez (Ph.D., MIS) (defended 2015)

Committee, Margaret Matear (Ph.D., Marketing) (defended 2014)

Committee, Jennifer Robertson (Ph.D., OB) (defended 2014)

Committee, Martin Pyle (Ph.D., Marketing) (defended 2013)

Committee, Maureen Bourassa (Ph.D., Marketing), “The Meaning and Impact of Respect in the Context of Marketing Relationships” (defended 2009)

Committee, Minette Sandy Hershcovis (Ph.D., OB), “The Prediction and Consequences of Workplace Aggression: A Meta-analytic Approach” (defended 2006)

Internal examiner, Katie Lawrence (M.Sc.), Psychology, Queen’s (defended 2019)

Internal examiner, Alexander Lithopoulous (Ph.D.), Kinesiology & Health Studies (defended 2018)

External examiner, Kendra Hart (Ph.D.), Marketing, Ivey (defended 2013)

External examiner, Pei-Shiuan Lily Lin (Ph.D.), Marketing, UBC (defended 2013)

External examiner, Yanan Wang (Ph.D.), Marketing, McGill (defended 2013)

Internal examiner, Ning Zhang (M.Sc.), Psychology, Queen’s (defended 2013)

External examiner, Aiyin Wang (Ph.D.), Marketing, McGill (defended 2010)

Internal examiner, Leigh Turner (M.Sc.), Psychology, Queen’s (defended 2009)

Internal examiner, Pamela Stager (M.Sc.), Psychology, Queen’s (defended 2006)

Chair, Bryan James Paterson, Faculty of Economics (defended 2006)

Chair, Nicole Laurent, Faculty of Law (defended 2006)

Courses Taught

Advanced Experimental Methods Ph.D. Course, Queen’s University, Bayreuth University

Consumer Behaviour Ph.D. Seminar, Queen’s University

Consumer Behaviour MBA Course, Queen’s University

Consumer Behaviour, Queen’s University and University of British Columbia Principles of Marketing, Queen’s University


Published Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Mutluoglu, Aybike and Laurence Ashworth (2021), “Does Customer Loyalty = Faithful Partner? Inferences from Consumers’ Relationship with Brands Affect Romantic Attraction,” in NA-Advances in Consumer Research.

Mutluoglu, Aybike, Laurence Ashworth, and Nicole Robitaille (2021), “Why Recipients Don’t Appreciate Expensive Gifts: The Role of Suspicion,” in NA-Advances in Consumer Research.

Ashworth, Laurence and Lynnette Purda (2020), “Identifying the Psychological Barriers to Seeking Investment Advice,” poster presentation at the Academic Research Colloquium for Financial Planning and Related Disciplines, Washington, DC.

Mutluoglu, Aybike, Laurence Ashworth, and Nicole Robitaille (2020), “When Recipients Are Suspicious of Gift- Giver Motives: The Role of Power Dynamics,” poster presented at the Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP).

Ashworth, Laurence and Nicole Robitaille (2019), “Purchase Reluctance: The Effect of Irrelevant Price Offers,” paper presented at the Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research Conference, University of Waterloo, Ontario.

Rath, Suzanne, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille (2019), “Perceived Persuasion Conveys a Threat to Consumers’ Social Worth,” in NA-Advances in Consumer Research.

Carney, Stephan, Laurence Ashworth (2019), “I Can Find it Myself: Advertisement Disclosure in Persuasion Attempts Cause a Threat to Competence,” in NA-Advances in Consumer Research.

Rath, Suzanne, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille (2018), “Pangs from Persuasion: When Recommendations Undermine Consumers’ Social Worth,” in NA- Advances in Consumer Research Volume 46, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

Philp, Matthew, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille, Suzanne Rath (2018), “You Are What You Get: The Effects of Receiving Gifts on Reflected Appraisals, Identity, and Future Consumption,” in NA – Society for Consumer Psychology, eds. Ryan Hamilton and Cait Lamberton, 360-365.

Rath, Suzanne, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille, and Matthew Philp (2017), “I’m Not Your Friend, Buddy: Friendliness Without Friendship Hinders Consumer-Firm Relationship Development,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45, eds. Ayelet Gneezy, Vladas Griskevicius, and Patti Williams, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 829-830.

Rath, Suzanne, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille, and Matthew Philp (2017), “I’m Not Your Friend, Buddy: When Friendliness Reduces Desire to Stay in Sales Interactions,” paper presented at Ivey Symposium on Consumer Behaviour, London, ON.

Rath, Suzanne, Laurence Ashworth, Matthew Philp, Nicole Robitaille and Jennah Kerman (2016), “I’m not your Friend, Buddy: The Unfavourable Effects of Firm Friendliness on Consumer Attitudes,” Brand and Brand Relationships Conference, Toronto, ON.

Philp, Matthew, Laurence Ashworth, Nicole Robitaille, and Suzanne Rath (2016), “Gifting an Identity: The Effect of Gifts on Receiver Identity,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 44, eds. Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 591-592.

Philp, Matthew and Laurence Ashworth (2016), “Feeling Stupid about Nothing: Inferring Competence from Externally Caused Negative Outcomes,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 44, eds. Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 593-594

Suzanne Rath, Laurence Ashworth, Matthew Philp, and Nicole Robitaille (2016), “Friend of Firm: When Friendliness Reduces Comfort Perceptions during Sales Interactions,” poster presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin.

Rath, Suzanne and Laurence Ashworth (2015), “Thawing a Cold Shoulder with a Warm Brand,” poster presented at Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Ashworth, Laurence, Katherine White, and Darren Dahl (2015), “How Reasons Can Undermine the Symbolic Value of Gifts”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 229-233.

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter Darke, Lindsay McShane, and Tiffany Vu (2015), “The Role of Desires to Trade on Favorable Terms in Producing the Endowment Effect”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 455456.

Ashworth, Laurence, Margaret Matear, and Matthew Philp (2014), “What Will They Think of Me?: Anticipated Impressions and Product Decisions”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 399-400.

Philp, Matthew and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Hiding From the Press: Negative Product Reviews, Feeling Incompetent, and Product Usage”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 642-643.

Pancer, Ethan, Martin Pyle, and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Attraction and Repulsion to Violent Media: the Role of Justice and Empathy in the Appeal of Violent Media Depictions”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 803-803.

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Consumer Schadenfreude: Deservingness of Product Ownership Impacts Affect Following Another’s Product Failure”, in Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, eds. M. Groza and C. Ragland.

Pyle, Martin, Ethan Pancer, and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Is All Fair in War-Themed Video Games? Promotional Premiums and Achievement-Based Hierarchies”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 806-806.

Philp, Matthew, Martin Pyle, and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Negative Word-Of-Mouth and Trait Self Esteem: the Inverse Effects of Self-Liking and Self-Competence”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 640-641.

Bourassa, Maureen and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Depictions of (Dis)Satisfaction: Do Consumers Recall Respect?,” American Marketing Association Summer Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Bourassa, Maureen and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Expressions of (Dis)Respect: Understanding Respect in a Consumer Context,” in Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era, Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Indianapolis, IN: Springer, 687-688.

Ashworth, Laurence, Lindsay McShane, Peter Darke, and Tiffany Vu (2014), “Prices that Feel Good: The Role of Trading Motivation in the Endowment Effect,” Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research Conference, University of Guelph, ON.

Philp, Matthew and Laurence Ashworth (2014), “Effect of Consumer Incompetence on Negative Word-of-Mouth,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Muskoka, ON.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth (2013), “What Does This Price Differential Say About Me? Self-threat and Consumers’ Price Fairness Judgments,” Society for Consumer Psychology North American Conference, San Antonio, TX, 276-278.

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2013), “Poseurs: Understanding When Product Use is Perceived as Impression Management,” in Advances in Consumer Psychology Volume 5, eds. Tom Meyvis and Raj Ragunathan, San Antonio, TX: Society for Consumer Psychology, 151-151.

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2013), “Consumer Schadenfreude: Perceived Deservingness Impacts Attitudes Regarding Another’s Product Failure,” in Advances in Consumer Psychology Volume 5, eds. Tom Meyvis and Raj Ragunathan, San Antonio, TX: Society for Consumer Psychology, 151-151.

Ashworth, Laurence, Lindsay McShane, and Tiffany Vu (2012), “To Trade Or Not?: Removing Trading Motivation Eliminates the Endowment Effect”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 1128-1128.

Philp, Matthew, and Laurence Ashworth (2012), “Sharing Stupidity: The Effect of Gift-Cards on the Willingness to Share Negative Word-of-Mouth,” Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 186-186.

Ashworth, Laurence, Ethan Pancer, and Martin Pyle (2011), “Buying Violence: Understanding the Appeal of Violence in Popular Media”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 39, eds. Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Rebecca K. Ratner, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 872-873.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “Price Comparisons As Information About Personal Competence and Relational Value: the Influence on Perceived Fairness”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 39, eds. Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Rebecca K. Ratner, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 841-842.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth (2011) “It’s Not Just Business, It’s Personal: The Self-Threatening Nature of Price Comparisons and Their Influence on Fairness Judgments,” Behavioral Pricing Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Ashworth, Laurence, Lindsay McShane, and Svetlana Davis (2011), “Unfair Or Unfavourable?: Social Comparisons and the Spontaneous Activation of (Un)Fairness Concerns”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 39, eds. Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Rebecca K. Ratner, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 880-881.

Ashworth, Laurence and Lindsay McShane (2011), “Invidious Comparisons: Multiple Sources of Unfairness in Comparisons to Prices Paid By Other Consumers”, in AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Volume 9, eds. Zhihong Yi, Jing Jian Xiao, and June Cotte and Linda Price, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 323-323.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “Simply Inequitable Or Exploitative Too? Exploitation, Self-Threats and Perceptions of Fairness in Marketplace Exchanges”, in AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Volume 9, eds. Zhihong Yi, Jing Jian Xiao, and June Cotte and Linda Price, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 188-189.

Ashworth, Laurence and Margaret Matear (2011), “Inaccurate Beliefs about Impressions Affect Product Valuation,” in Advances in Consumer Psychology, vol. 3, eds. Naomi Mandel, David Silvera, and Maura Scott, Atlanta, GA: Society for Consumer Psychology, 58-60.

Ashworth, Laurence and Margaret Matear (2011), “Product Myopia and Egocentric Bias in Product Users’ Judgments of Observers’ Impressions,” paper presented at Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research, Toronto, ON.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “Taken Advantage Of or Taking Advantage Of? Consumer Reactions to Advantageously Inequitable Prices,” poster presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 249-249.

McShane, Lindsay and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “Is That Really Relevant? An Equity Theory Perspective on What Inputs and Outcomes Consumers Consider Relevant to Fairness Judgments,” poster presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 249-249

Xiao, Na and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “When Trivial Attributes Are No Longer Trivial: The Role of Extra-Consumption Goals in Product Evaluation,” poster presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 28-28.

Xiao, Na and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “How Goals Influence the Impact of Attributes in Product Evaluation: The Role of Goal Importance and Goal-Product Fit,” poster presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 29-29

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2011), “Poseurs: Understanding When Product Use Is Perceived As Impression Management”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 39, eds. Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Rebecca K. Ratner, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 851-852.

Main, Kelley, and Laurence Ashworth (2010), “Consumer Sensitivity to Firm Rejection,” in Advances in Consumer Psychology, vol. 2, eds. Margaret Meloy and Adam Duhachek, St. Pete Beach, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology, 123.

Xiao, Na and Laurence Ashworth (2010), “How Goals Affect the Impact of Product Attributes on Product Evaluation: The Role of Attribute Ability, Goal Activation, and Goal-Product Fit,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 38, eds. Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar, and Stijn M.J. van Osselaer, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research.

Xiao, Na, Peter Dacin, and Laurence Ashworth (2010), “Conditions Under Which ‘Trivial’ Attributes Become Important in Consumer Judgment,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 37, eds.

Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research.

Ashworth, Laurence, Ethan Pancer, and Martin Pyle (2010), “Dominance and the Appeal of Violent  Media,” in European Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 8, ed. Chris Hackley, Duluth, MN:  Association for Consumer Research.

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2009), “Getting What They Deserve: The Role of Fairness in Schadenfreude from Another’s Product Failure,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 8, eds. Sridhar Samu, Rajiv Vaidyanathan, and Dipankar Chakravarti, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 2-3.

Ashworth, Laurence and Margaret Matear (2009), “The Impact and Accuracy of Beliefs Relating to Impressions Caused by Products,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 8, eds. Sridhar Samu, Rajiv Vaidyanathan, Dipankar Chakravarti, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 128-129.

Ashworth, Laurence, Andrew Wilson, Peter Darke (2009), “How Does the Defensive Consumer Choose?,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 36, eds. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

Xiao, Na, Peter Dacin, and Laurence Ashworth (2009), “Examining the Role of Trivial Attributes in Product Evaluation: The Effects of Anxiety and Self-Confidence,” poster presented at Association for Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, PA.

Xiao, Na and Laurence Ashworth (2009), “Product Attributes in Sight, Goals in Mind: How Attributes Activate Goals and Influence Product Evaluation,” paper presented at Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Xiao, Na, Laurence Ashworth, and Peter Dacin (2009), “How Trivial Attributes Become Important? The Roles of Anxiety and Self-confidence,” paper presented at Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Ashworth, Laurence and Margaret Matear (2009), “My Product, My Self: Self-Presentation Concerns in Product Evaluation,” Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.  Awarded best paper in track.

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2009), “Reveling in the Misfortunes of Others: Fairness and Schadenfreude in Consumption,” poster presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, San Diego, California.

Pancer, Ethan and Laurence Ashworth (2009), “The Effect of Fairness and Psychological Closeness on Schadenfreude in a Consumption Context,” in Advances in Consumer Psychology, vol. 1, eds. Alexander Chernev, Michal Herzenstein, and Shailendra Pratap Jain, San Diego, CA: Society of Consumer Psychology, 233.

Laurence Ashworth and Margaret Matear (2009), “The Impact and Accuracy of Beliefs Relating to Impressions Caused by Products,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 8, eds. Sridhar Samu, Rajiv Vaidyanathan, and Dipankar Chakravarti, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 128-129.

Ashworth, Laurence and Peter R. Darke (2008), “Respect and Fairness in Exchange,” in Advances in Consumer Psychology, vol. 1, eds. Maria L. Conley and Dhananjay Nayakankuppam, New Orleans, LA: Society for Consumer Psychology, 134-136.

Ashworth, Laurence and Maggie Matear (2008), "Much Ado About Nothing: Avoiding Products Because of the Negative Impressions They Never Create,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 35, eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 982.

Ashworth, Laurence and Maggie Matear (2007), "The Influence of Impression Management Concerns on Product Evaluation,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 34, eds. Gavan Fitzsimons and Vicki Morwitz, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 423-425.

Ashworth, Laurence and Margaret Matear (2007), “In the Spotlight: Impression Management and Product Avoidance,” paper presented at the Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Thomson, Matthew, Laurence Ashworth and Peter Dacin (2007), "I Like You So You Must Be Good: Exploring Two Measures of Relationship Strength as Indicators of Brand Equity and as Predictors of CSR,” paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Meeting, Coral Gables, Florida.

Peter Darke, Laurence Ashworth, and Robin Ritchie (2007), “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Firm Reputation, Advertising Correction, and Consumer Defensiveness,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 34, eds. Gavan Fitzsimons and Vicki Morwitz, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 326327.

Main, Kelley and Laurence Ashworth (2006), “The Ultimate Service Failure: An Investigation of Consumer Responses to Rejection,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Asia-Pacific, vol. 7, eds. Margaret Craig Lees, Teresa Davis, and Gary Gregory, Sydney, Australia: Association for Consumer Research, 24-25.

Main, Kelley and Laurence Ashworth (2006), “That’s the Last Time I Will Do Business Here: Consumers’ Negative Responses to Rejection,” paper presented at Society of Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Miami, Florida.

Ashworth, Laurence and Peter Darke (2006), “The Principle Matters: Antecedents and Consequences of Procedural Justice in the Context of Pricing,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 33, eds. Connie Pechmann and Linda Price, San Antonio, TX: Association for Consumer Research, 236.

Darke R. Peter, Laurence Ashworth, and Robin Ritchie (2006), “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Firm Reputation, Advertising Correction, and Consumer Defensiveness,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 34, eds. Gavan Fitzsimons and Vicki Morwitz, Orlando, FL: Association for Consumer Research, 326.

Main, Kelley and Laurence Ashworth (2006), “The Ultimate Service Failure: An Investigation of Consumer Responses to Rejection,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 7, eds. Margaret Craig Lees and Teresa Davis and Gary Gregory, Sydney, Australia: Association for Consumer Research, 185.

Main, Kelley and Laurence Ashworth (2005), “What Do You Mean I Was Rejected? An Investigation of Consumer Responses to Rejection,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 32, eds. Geeta Menon and Akshay R. Rao, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 257.

Ashworth, Laurence & Peter R. Darke (2004), “The Social Component of Fairness in Exchange,” paper presented at Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Ashworth, Laurence and Peter R. Darke (2003), “It’s the Principle that Matters: Consumer Reactions to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness,” in European Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 6, eds. Darach Turley and Stephen Brown, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 325-326.

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter R. Darke, and Mark Schaller (2003), “No One Wants to Look Cheap: Impression Management and Coupon Use,” paper presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Peter R. Darke, Amitava Chattopadhyay, and Laurence Ashworth (2003), “The Functional Influence of Affective Cues on Consumer Judgment and Decision Making under High and Low Elaboration,” paper presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Ashworth, Laurence and Aparna A. Labroo (2003), Chair, Special Session: Affect and Cognition: Bidirectional Effects with Costs and Benefits. Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Ashworth, Laurence and Leaf Van Boven (2002), “Hedonic Consequences of Anticipation versus Recollection,” paper presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Ashworth, Laurence and Peter R. Darke (2002), “No One Wants to Look Cheap: An Examination of Embarrassment and Impression Management Concerns as Reasons for Not Using Coupons,” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 29, eds. Susan M. Broniarczyk and Kent Nakamoto, Valdosta, GA: Association for Consumer Research, 227.

Darke, Peter R., Amitava Chattopadhyay, and Laurence Ashworth (2002), “Going with Your Gut Feeling: The Importance and Functional Significance of Affective Cues in Consumer Choice,” paper presented at Social Psychology Winter Conference, Whistler, BC.

Darke, Peter R., Amitava Chattopadhyay, and Laurence Ashworth (2001), “Experience Counts: Affective Experience Influences Consumer Decision-Making under High and Low Elaboration Conditions,” in European Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 5, eds. Andrea Groeppel-Klien and Frank-Rudolf Esch, Provo: UT: Association for Consumer Research, 163.

Darke, Peter R., Amitava Chattopadhyay,and Laurence Ashworth (2001), ”Going with Your Gut Feeling: The Importance and Functional Significance of Affective Cues in Consumer Choice,” paper presented at Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Savannah, Georgia.

Other Presentations

Ashworth, Laurence and Lindsay McShane (2014), “It’s Not Just Business, It’s Personal: Identity Threats and Price Fairness Judgments,” invited presentation, Social-Personality Brown Bag Series, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter Darke, Lindsay McShane, and Tiffany Vu (2014), “To Trade or Not to Trade: The Role of Trading Motivation in the Endowment Effect,” faculty speaker series, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence, Peter Darke, Lindsay McShane, and Tiffany Vu (2013), “Buying, Selling, and the Endowment Effect,” invited presentation, College of Business and Economics, University of Guelph, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence and Lindsay McShane (2013), “It’s Not Business, It’s Personal: Threat and Emotion in Fairness Judgments,” invited presentation, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence, Lindsay McShane, and Tiffany Vu (2013), “Trading Motivation and the Endowment Effect,” Annual Ivey Symposium on Consumer Behaviour, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Pancer, Ethan, Laurence Ashworth, and Martin Pyle (2010), “I Came, I Saw, I Conquered: The Role of Dominance in the Appeal of Violent Media Depictions,” invited presentation at the 3rd Consumer Behaviour Winter Research Camp, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence and Margaret Matear (2009), “Standing Out Like a Sore Thumb: Inaccurate Impressions Drive Product Evaluations,” invited presentation at the 2nd Consumer Behaviour Winter Research Camp, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence (2008), “Advertising Deception, Correction, and Defensive Consumers,” invited presentation at the Law, Economics, and Public Policy Workshop, Queen’s University, Canada.

Ashworth, Laurence, Matthew Thomson and Peter Dacin (2007), “Attached Consumers: Assessing Relationship Strength as an Indicator of Brand Equity,” invited presentation at the 1st International Workshop on Attachment Research in Marketing, Innsbruck, Austria.

Dacin, Peter, Laurence Ashworth and Matthew Thomson (2007), “Attachment as a Brand Building Block: Do Strong Relationships Matter?” invited presentation at the Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, June 9, Santa Monica, California.


Ashworth, Laurence (2010), “The Tea Room,” Queen’s School of Business Case.



Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Marketing (2019)

Commerce ’83 Fellow in Marketing (2011)

Faculty Fellowship (2010)

Jean MacDonald Graduate Fellowship (2002)

Fellow, AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium (2001)

Izaak Walton Killam Predoctoral Fellowship (2000-2002)

St. John's College Sir Quo-Wei Lee Fellowship (1999)

University Graduate Fellowship (1998)

Research Awards

Research Achievement Award, Queen’s Business School (2009)

New Researcher Achievement Award, Queen’s Business School (2007)

D.I. McLeod Research Assistantship (2003, 2004, 2005)

Grants & Funding

“It’s Not Just Business, It’s Personal: Identity Threats and Price Fairness Judgments,” with Lindsay McShane. (2018)
SSHRC | $44,532

Financial Planning Foundation Grant, “Identifying and Removing the Psychological and Information Barriers to Online Investment Advice,” with Lynnette Purda. (2018)

“How Does This Make Me Look? The Basis and Accuracy of Beliefs about Observers’ Reactions to Product Usage” (2012)
SSHRC | $52,460

“Understanding Consumer Judgments of Fairness” (2007)
SSHRC | $51,000

Research Award (2006)
Queen's School of Business | $5,000

Research Award (2006)
Queen's University | $5,000


University Committees


Vice-Chair, General Research Ethics Board


Chair, Research Pool


Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee


General Research Ethics Board


Graduate Committee


Graduate Committee


Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee


Graduate Committee


Unit Research Ethics Board


Appointments Committee


Research Committee


Renewal, Tenure and Promotion Committee


Ph.D. Committee


Research Committee

University Involvement

2019 - Judge, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition

2018 - Judge, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition

2015 - Judge, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition

2015 - Speaker, Shad Valley Program, Queen’s University

2014 - Judge, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition

2014 - Speaker Shad Valley Program, Queen’s University

2013 - Judge, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition

2011 - Judge, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition

2009 - Workshop, DECA Queen’s, Queen’s University

2008 - Speaker, E=MC2 Program, Queen’s University

2008 - Speaker, Shad Valley Program, Queen’s University

2006-08 - Steering Committee for The Tea Room, Queen’s University

2007 - QSB Workshop, Experiments on the Internet

2007 - Speaker, Shad Valley Program, Queen’s University

2007 - Speaker, Queen’s Business Forum on the Fashion Industry, Queens’ School of Business

2006-07 - Judge, Queen’s Marketing Association Conference

2006-07 - ACE co-supervisor, Queen’s School of Business

2006-07 - Seminar Series Organizer, Marketing Area

2006 - Speaker Shad Valley Program, Queen’s University

2005-07 - Judge, Queen’s Business Competition

Professional Associations

  • Association for Consumer Research
  • Society of Consumer Psychology
  • American Marketing Association
  • America Psychological Association

Ad-Hoc Reviewing

Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing Marketing Letters, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, American Marketing Association Summer and Winter Conferences, Association of Consumer Research Conference, Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Society of Consumer Psychology Conference