Goce Andrevski
Associate Professor & Distinguished Research & Teaching Fellow of StrategyOverview
Goce Andrevski is an Associate Professor and a Distinguished Research & Teaching Fellow of Strategy at Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Canada.
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- Strategy and Organizations
Interest Topics
- Alliance Networks
- Competitive Dynamics
- Diversity Management
- Management
- Strategic Management
Forbearance: Strategic nonresponse to competitive attacks
Evidence suggests that firms often do not respond to competitive attacks even when they are aware of an attack and have the capability to counter it. We believe that this is because they engage in a form of nonresponse that we designate as strategic forbearance, a phenomenon that has been mostly neglected by scholars of competitive dynamics. We view such forbearance as a critical component of competitive strategy an attempt to situate responses to attacks within a more complex and nuanced strategic, organizational and environmental context. Forbearance, we argue, represents managers' mindful attempts to transcend reflexive responses by expanding the range of considerations a) beyond an attacker to other stakeholders and rivals, b) beyond the immediate attack to its historical setting and long-term relational implications, and c) beyond unitary tactics to those concerning global strategic coherence and adaptation. We define formally and tentatively operationalize strategic forbearance, before deriving propositions concerning its five general transcending drivers. Ultimately, we believe, the study of forbearance can bring scholars of competitive dynamics closer to the heart of the reflective competitive strategy.
Read the journalDoes it pay to compete aggressively? Contingent roles of internal and external resources.
We examine, in hypercompetitive environments, why some firms fail to benefit from competitive aggressiveness while others experience superior profits. We explore the relationship between competitive aggressiveness and performance in a sample of 141 firms from three hypercompetitive industries personal computers, computer-aided software engineering, and semiconductors from 1995 to 2006. Contrary to the predominant view within competitive dynamics research, we find that competitive aggressiveness is not a universally effective strategy. For some firms, excessive competitive aggressiveness can escalate costs and diminish performance. Using polynomial regression analysis and response surface methodology, we identify the conditions under which competitive aggressiveness enhances firm performance. Our findings reveal that firms benefit from competitive aggressiveness when they have specialized technological resources and support from a dense network of alliance partners. Read moreFaculty Details
Full Bio
Professor Andrevski’s research examines how firms can outcompete rivals in dynamic competitive environments. His research interests include competitive dynamics, alliance networks, and diversity management.
Goce has published in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Review, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management and Strategic Organization. He is a recipient of several research awards such as 2009 Best Doctoral Student Paper Award (Academy of Management), 2010 Best Published Paper Award (Information Systems Research) and 2011 Dorothy Harlow Best Paper Award (Academy of Management). He is also a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Management.
He teaches Business and Corporate Strategy at the undergraduate and MBA level, Dynamic Strategy Analysis at the MBA level, and Contemporary Issues in Strategy Management at the graduate level. He is a recipient of the 2008 Provost’s Outstanding Teaching Award (University of Kentucky).
Professor Andrevski received his PhD from the University of Kentucky, MBA from Grand Valley State University, and BBA from the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia. Prior to his academic career, he was a professional basketball player (1991-2001).
Academic Degrees
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky (2009)
Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan (2004)
University of Cyril & Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia (1998)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Associate Professor - with tenure (2015 – Present)
Assistant Professor (2009 – 2015)
Gatton School of Business, U. of Kentucky
Research/Teaching Assistant (2004 – 2009)
Grand Valley State University
Adjunct Faculty (2003)
Journal Articles
Andrevski, G., Miller, D., Le Bretton-Miller, & Ferrier, W. 2022. Competitive rationales:
Beneath the surface of competitive behavior. Journal of Management, 48: 2286-2317.
Andrevski, G. & Miller, D. 2022. Forbearance: Strategic nonresponse to competitive attacks. Academy of Management Review, 47: 59-74.
Vlas, C.O., Richard, O.C., Andrevski, G., Konrad, A.M., & Yang, Y. 2022. Dynamic capabilities for managing racially diverse workforces: Effects on competitive action variety and firm performance. Journal of Business Research, 141: 600-618. .
Andrevski, G., Miller, D., Le Bretton-Miller, & Ferrier, W. 2021. Competitive rationales: Beneath the surface of competitive behavior. Journal of Management, doi.org/10.1177/01492063211040555
Andrevski, G. & Miller, D. 2020. Forbearance: Strategic nonresponse to competitive attacks. Academy of Management Review, in press.
Clegg, K-A., Moskowitz, D., Miners, C., Andrevski, G., Sadikaj, G., & Zuroff, D. 2020. Interpersonal perception and interpersonal spin. Journal of Personality, in press.
Clegg, K-A., Moskowitz, D., Miners, C., Andrevski, G., Sadikaj, G. 2020. Person, situation, and spin: Examining the correlates of interpersonal spin with mobile application-based ECR. Personality and Individual Differences, in press.
Andrevski, G. & Ferrier, W.J. 2019. Does it pay to compete aggressively? Contingent roles of internal and external resources. Journal of Management, 45: 620-644.
Andrevski, G., Brass, D.J., & Ferrier, W.J. 2016. Alliance portfolio configurations and competitive action frequency. Journal of Management, 42: 811-837.
Andrevski, G., Richard, O., Ferrier, W. and Shaw, J. 2014. Racial diversity and firm performance: The mediating role of competitive intensity. Journal of Management, 40: 820-844.
Chi, L., Ravichandran, T., & Andrevski, G. 2010. Information technology, network structure and competitive action. Information Systems Research, 21(3): 543-570 (the authors contributed equally).
Labianca, G., Fairbank, J.F., Andrevski, G. and Parzen, M. 2009. Striving toward the future: Aspiration-performance discrepancies and planned organizational change. Strategic Organization, 7 (4): 1- 34.
Best Paper Proceedings
Andrevski, G. 2018. When forbearance is preferable to counteraction and words: A model of competitive response. In Leslie A. Toombs (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventy First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.
Richard, O., & Andrevski, G. 2011. Managerial diversity, its nonlinear performance effects, and the complementarities of board of director diversity. In Leslie A. Toombs (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventy First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643. 2011 Dorothy Harlow Best Paper Award in GDO Division
Andrevski, G., Richard, O., Ferrier, W.J., & Shaw, J.D. 2010. Managerial Racial Diversity, Competitive Aggressiveness, and Firm Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model. In Leslie A. Toombs (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.
Andrevski, G.. 2009. Competitive strategy and the alliance network formation: Understanding the origins of network positions. In George T. Solomon (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643. 2009 Best Doctoral Student Paper Award in BPS Division
Andrevski, G., Ferrier, W.J., & Brass, D.J. 2007. Social capital and competitive behavior: A study of interfirm networks and rivalry among automakers. In George T. Solomon (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-Seven Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.
In the Media
Andrevski, 2022. A competition cheat sheet for entrepreneurs. Smith Business Insight.
Morantz, A. 2022. How diversity builds tough competitors. Smith Business Insight.
Andrevski and Miller, 2021. Forbearance: Strategic nonresponse to competitive attacks. AMR Origins Series: Where does theory come from?
Andrevski, 2020. When a Rope-a-Dope strategy makes sense. Smith Business Insight.
Andrevski, 2018. Sometimes the best move is the one you don’t make. National Post, The Conversation.
Andrevski, 2016. How to contain the costs of aggressive competition. Smith Business Insight.
Andrevski, 2015. In the praise of not acting. Smith Business Insight.
Andrevski, 2014. How to assemble alliances for a lasting edge. Smith Business Insight.
Andrevski, G., Shaw, J.D. and Ferrier, W.J. (2015). "Entrepreneurial proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness and performance among single-unit supermarkets". In V. Filipovski (Ed.), Economic recovery in the post - crisis period (pp. 361-369).
Work in Progress
Andrevski, G., Miller, D., & Ndubuisi, U. Situational experience, expertise, and the Janus-face of Forbearance.
Lee, H., Andrevski, G., & Ferrier, W. Corporate social responsibility and competitive activity of firms: Substitutes or complements
Kalanovski, D., Andrevski, G., Goudarzi, K. Acquirers’ competitive behavior and rival stock performance.
Andrevski, G., Richard, O., Wu, J. CEO Succession and competitive rivalry.
Andrevski, G., Barling, J., & Trivisonno, M. Leadership Forbearance.
Andrevski, G., Simon, I. Miners, C. Clegg, K-A., Moskowitz, D. Managerial interpersonal spin, competitive behavior, and firm performance.
Courses Taught
Dynamic Strategy Analysis – MBAS 883, Queen’s University (2019 – present)
Business and Corporate Strategy – MBAS 832, Queen’s University (2013- present)
PhD/MSc Seminar in Strategy – MGMT 907, Queen’s University (2009-present)
Business and Corporate Strategy - COMM 401, Queen’s University (2009-present)
Strategic Management - MGT 499, University of Kentucky (2008-2009)
Business Management - MGT 301, University of Kentucky (2005-2007)
Managerial Finance, Grand Valley State University (2003)
Competitive Dynamics, Alliance Networks, Diversity Management
Referreed Conference Presentations
Andrevski, G., Miller, D., & Ndubuisi, U. Situational experience, expertise, and the Janus-face ofForbearance.
- Presented at the 2023 Competitive Dynamics Conference (Imperial College London)
- Presented at the 2022 Academy of Management Conference (Seattle)
Kalanoski, D., Andrevski, G., Goudarzi, K., & Miller, D. When do firms benefit from their rivals’
acquisitions? The role of acquirers’ competitive behavior.
- Presented at the 2023 Competitive Dynamics Conference (Imperial College London)
- Presented at the 2023 Academy of Management Conference (Boston)
- Presented at the 2022 British Academy of Management (Manchester) – Best Paper Prize
- Presented at the 2022 Strategic Management Society (London)
- Presented at the 2021 European Academy of Management (Montreal)
Andrevski, G., Miller, D., Le Breton-Miller, I., & Ferrier, W. Why fight? Discovering micro-rationales for tactical actions.
- Presented at the 2021 Competitive Dynamic Conference (Virtual)
- Presented at the 2021 Virtual Paper Development Workshop – Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data.
- Presented at the 2020 Academy of Management Conference (Virtual)
- Presented at the 2020 Strategic Management Society (Virtual).
Lee, H., Andrevski, G., & Ferrier, W. Corporate social responsibility and competitive activity of firms: Substitutes or complements.
- Presented at the 2019 Eastern Academy of Management International (Dubrovnik)
- Presented at the 2018 Strategic Management Society Conference (Paris)
Andrevski, G. When forbearance is preferable to counteraction and words: A model of competitive response.
- Presented at the 2018 Academy of Management Conference (Chicago).
- Presented at the 2018 Competitive Dynamics Conference (Kingston)
Andrevski, G. & Ferrier, W. Competitive aggressiveness and firm performance: The moderating role of competitors and collaborators.
- Presented at the 2016 Strategic Management Society Conference (Rome)
Andrevski, G., Ferrier, W., Nokelainen, T. Competitive forbearance: The role of purposeful “non-actions” in competitive behavior.
- Presented at the 2015 Academy of Management Conference (Vancouver).
Andrevski, G. Orlando R. Scaggs, S. Managerial racial and gender diversity and firm performance: The moderating role of alliance network structure.
- Presented at the 2014 Strategic Management Society (Madrid)
Andrevski, G. Advantage-creating frequency and firm profitability: The moderating role of alliance network density.
- Presented at the 2014 Academy of Management Conference (Philadelphia)
Andrevski, G. Orlando R. Scaggs, S. Temporal and spatial contingencies of the managerial diversity's effect on firm performance.
- Presented at the 2014 Academy of Management Conference (Philadelphia)
Andrevski, G. Advantage-creating frequency and firm profitability: The moderating role of alliance network density.
- Presented at the 2013 Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference (Atlanta).
- Presented at the 2012 Strategic Management Society Conference (Prague).
Andrevski, G., Ferrier, W.J., & Brass, D.J. Network resources and competitive action: Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective.
- Presented at the 2011 Academy of Management Conference (San Antonio).
Richard, O.C., & Andrevski, G. The complementary effect of managerial diversity and board diversity on firm performance: A crosscutting approach to conceptualizing diversity.
- Presented at the 2011 Academy of Management Conference (San Antonio).
Andrevski, G., Labianca, J., & Ferrier, W. Strategic entrepreneurship and the alliance network formation.
- Presented at INSEAD - Network Evolution Conference 2010 (Fontainebleau, France)
Andrevski, G., Richard, O., Ferrier, W. and Shaw, J. Managerial racial diversity, competitive aggressiveness and firm performance: A moderated mediation model.
- Presented at the 2010 Academy of Management conference (Montreal).
Andrevski, G., Ferrier, W.J., & Brass, D.J. Network resources and competitive action: Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective.
- Presented at the 2010 Strategic Management Society conference (Rome).
Andrevski, G. Competitive strategy and the alliance network formation: Understanding the origins of network positions.
- Presented at the 2009 Academy of Management conference (Chicago)
Ofem, B. & Andrevski, G. CEO versus top management teams: Performance differences in the entrepreneurial environment.
- Presented at the Academy of Management 2009 conference (Chicago)
Andrevski, G., Shaw, J., Richard, O., & Ferrier, W. Racial diversity in management, competitive actions and firm performance.
- Presented at the Academy of Management 2008 conference (Anaheim).
Andrevski, G., Chen, D., & Yao, E. (alphabetical order). The relationship between country culture, and alliance termination: Evidences from the information technology industry.
- Presented at the Strategic Management Society 2008 conference (Cologne, Germany).
Labianca, J., Fairbank, J., Andrevski, G., & Parzen, M. The dream of future aspirations, and its relationship to planned organizational change.
- Presented at the Academy of Management 2008 conference (Anaheim).
Andrevski, G., & Ferrier, W. Toward an “Austrian” theory of sustainable competitive advantage: The role of value-enhancing actions.
- Presented at the Competitive Dynamics Research Workshop 2008 (Helsinki, Finland).
Andrevski, G., Ferrier, W., & Brass, D. Social capital and competitive behavior: A study of interfirm networks and rivalry among automakers.
- Presented at the Academy of Management 2007 conference (Philadelphia).
- Presented at the ACAC 2007 conference (Atlanta).
Andrevski, G. & Shaw, J.D. Entrepreneurial orientation, competitive aggressiveness, and store performance among supermarkets.
- Presented at the Academy of Management 2007 conference (Philadelphia).
Andrevski, G., & Damron, J. Toward a universal definition of the construct of competitive action in competitive dynamics research.
- Presented at the Academy of Management 2006 conference (Atlanta).
Ferrier, W. & Andrevski, G. Behavior-eliciting options: Testing the waters prior to launching a competitive attack on rivals.
- Presented at the Strategic Management Society 2006 conference (Vienna).
Research Awards
2022 Best Proposal Finalist, Strategy Process IG
42nd Strategic Management Society Conference, London, UK
2022 Best Paper Prize for Advances in Strategic Management Research
The Long Range Planning, British Academy of Management Conference
QSB Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Strategy, Queen’s School of Business (2014)
IS Publication of the Year, Association for Information Systems - selected from 45 nominations from the associate editors of the top IS journals for best papers published in their journals in 2010 (2011)
ISR Best Published Paper Award, Information Systems Research (2011)
Dorothy Harlow Best Paper Award, Gender and Diversity Division, Academy of Management Conference (San Antonio) (2011)
Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management Conference (Chicago) (2009)
Myrle E. and Verle D. Nietzel Visiting Distinguished Faculty Program Award, Only three doctoral students received this award for the quality of their doctoral research at the University of Kentucky (2009)
Teaching Awards
Provost’s Outstanding Teaching Award, One of only three graduate students to receive this honor across all colleges at the University of Kentucky (2008)
Max Steckler Fellowship Award for outstanding academic accomplishments, University of Kentucky (2007/2008 and 2008/2009)
Grants & Funding
Insight Grant, Strategic Forbearance: The role of purposeful “non-actions” in competitive behavior. (2014)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $136,417
General Research Grant (2013)
Queen’s University | $4,200
Insight Grant, Interpersonal Consequences of Within Personal Variability (2013)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | $295,250
New Database Acquisition Grant (2010)
Queen’s University | $1,657
Research Initiation Grant (2009)
Queen’s University | $75,000
Professional Experience
Management Consulting
Strategic plans - Center of Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky (summer 2007), Basketball Club Rabotnicki, Skopje, Macedonia (2013);
Workshops - Economic chamber of Macedonia (2019); Macedonia2025 (2020)
Political advisor, strategy – VMRO DPMNE, one of the two major political parties in Macedonia (2019, 2020)
Professional Basketball Player - FIBA (1992-2000). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goce_Andrevski
Professional Service
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Management (2010 - present)
Member of the Editorial Board of Decision Sciences Journal (2020 – present)
Ad-hoc reviewer, Academy of Management Journal, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization Theory, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Management Studies