Queen's School of Business Milestones

The definitive history of QSB was penned by Professors Emeritus Merv Daub and Bruce Buchan. Entitled Getting Down to Business, A History of Business Education at Queen’s, 1889 -1999, the book is available through McGill-Queen’s University Press.
An overview of the School’s history, including highlights from the ten years since the book’s publication, is online from the homepage, select ‘About Us’ then ‘School History’.
1914: First Banking courses are launched in conjunction with the Canadian Banking Association. 1919:
Launch of the first business degree program in Canada – Queen’s Bachelor of Commerce – the genesis of Queen’s School of Business. 1921:
First Chartered Accountant extension courses are offered, making Queen’s the exclusive provider of CA education in Ontario and elsewhere. 1937:
Queen’s Board of Trustees votes to create a separate School of Commerce and Business Administration. 1959:
- Dunning Hall opens on the corner of University Avenue and Union Street, housing the School of Commerce.
- First Executive Education programs are offered, including ‘Executive Summer School.’
The Donald Gordon Centre for Continuing Education (now the Donald Gordon Conference Centre) opens and eventually becomes home to residential sessions of the Executive Education, Executive and Accelerated MBA programs. 1978: PhD in Management program launches. 1981:
Three-week, in-residence Executive Education program launches through the newly named Queen’s Executive Development Centre. 1992: Launch of Queen’s Executive MBA, delivered in an Ottawa classroom. 1994:
Queen’s Executive MBA goes national, delivered in several cities across Canada by videoconference 1996:
Launch of the 12-month Queen’s MBA for Science & Technology (MBAs), Canada’s first 1-year, privatized MBA 1997: Launch of MSc in Management 1998: Queen’s Centre for Knowledge-based Enterprises (now the Monieson Centre) is established. 2001:
Queen’s Centre for Enterprise Development (QCED Inc.) is established, later renamed the Queen’s Centre for Business Venturing. 2002:
- Goodes Hall opens, named to recognize benefactor Mel Goodes, BCom’57, LLD’94.
- Business Career Centre is established.
- Launch of Queen’s Accelerated MBA for Business Graduates.
- Queen’s Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility is established.
- QSB’s Centre for International Management is established.
- First time a Canadian business school is ranked #1 on all three BusinessWeek magazine rankings (MBA #1 outside the US; EMBA #1 in Canada; Executive Education #1 in Canada).
Launch of Cornell-Queen’s Executive MBA, the first cross-border, dual-degree Executive MBA in Canada. 2007:
- Launch of Canada’s first Master of Global Management (MGM) program.
- QSB opens an executive education facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- CA-Queen’s Centre for Governance is founded.

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