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Ika Janiszewski, MIB’20, says she helped organize the largest undergraduate business school competition in Central Canada as the director of academics for JDCC 2022. The event brought together 300 student delegates virtually from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.

Published in: Spring 2022
Gaurav Kaushik
Gaurav Kaushik, MFin’20, married Neha Kaushik on April 20.
Published in: Fall 2022

David Kidane, MFin’20, is living in San Francisco and tells us that he started a new position as vice-president and models portfolio specialist with global asset manager and technology provider BlackRock.

Published in: Spring 2023

Sekhar Maddula, MMAI’20, is excited to share he recently joined NTT Data as a senior director (AI & integration), leading a team of PhDs and AI engineers. Sekhar lives in Bangalore, India and says a good thing to come from the pandemic has been the opportunity for him to enjoy some great times with his family.

Published in: Spring 2022

Alura McMorran, MIB’20, moved to Montpellier, France in 2020 to join the Mars Leadership Experience program at the Royal Canin headquarters. She is currently completing her second rotation in the pet owner experience and insights team, working in CRM. “I feel very fortunate to have gotten this opportunity at the start of a pandemic. I love the sea and sun, so being in the south of France is a great bonus!” Alura writes.

Published in: Spring 2022

Yama Mubtaker, MMIE, tells us he’s launched an online masterclass, Certified Sustainable Business Strategist, to train the new generation of business strategists and help companies become responsible and sustainable entities.

Published in: Spring 2021

Jasjeet Mushiana, EMBAA’20, has joined HCL-PowerObjects as a solution director, providing leadership and strategic guidance to the delivery team, driving strategic conversations with client C-suite leadership and managing client relationships. Since graduating, Jasjeet has completed 60 courses for a total of nine certificates from Cornell. Jasjeet has also lost 25 kilograms “thanks to intermittent fasting and keto. This thing actually works! Flip side: a huge wardrobe bill.”

Published in: Spring 2022

Janane Nagasivakumaran, MIB’20, has started a new job at Bell after completing her double-degree at Smith and ESADE. She lives in Toronto.

Published in: Spring 2022
Michael Parker

Michael Parker, MBA, is living in Toronto and was recently promoted to team lead in commercial business development for Salesforce, a position that will allow him to continue to hone his customer-facing skills while also mentoring young talent for the Fortune 500 company. “My Queen's MBA experience gave me the confidence and professional tool box necessary to exceed in the tech world, something I never would have even considered pre-MBA.”

Published in: Fall 2021
Pankaj Prasoon
Pankaj Prasoon, EMBAA’20, has been busy since finishing the program. He joined Microsoft, where he is senior director of product management; acts as an advisor for ventures in the startup ecosystem; serves on the Digital Marketing Program Advisory Council at California State University, Chico; and has written a soon-to-be published book on purposeful leadership. “From a consultant striving to make a mark to a product leader at Microsoft, an advisor for startups, an academic contributor and an author, my journey has been exhilarating. It’s a testament to the transformative power of the EMBA Americas program and the myriad opportunities it opens up,” he writes.
Published in: Fall 2023