Fall Reunion Sept. 14 to 16, 2012

All reunion classes are planning to attend the Saturday Brunch and tour of the new wing of Goodes Hall and then the football classic that pits the Gaels against Western’s Mustangs. Additional activities and reunion organizers’ contact information follow.
Add a Friday night reception to the activities above. Get in touch via Facebook (‘Commerce Reunion’) or email Jim Jaques at jj5291@hotmail.com or jim.jaques@cibc.com
Drinks at the Grad Club are planned in addition to the activities above. Contact the Reunion Planning Committee at mba87@gmail.com
The annual Petter Cup Golf Tournament takes place Friday afternoon, followed by Saturday’s activities noted above, capped off with a class dinner on Saturday evening. Contact either Jenn Bourgeois at pbandjathome@comcast.net or Darren McCaugherty at dmccaugherty@business.queensu.ca
A full weekend is planned. Check out the Commerce 2002 Facebook page or contact Rob Mellema, robmellema@hotmail.com, or Stephan Smith at stephan.m.smith@gmail.com
A Friday evening social precedes the full slate of activities on Saturday with a class dinner on Saturday night. Visit the Queen’s Accelerated MBA Class of 2007 page on Linkedin or contact Darren McCaugherty at dmccaugherty@business.queensu.ca
Priti Kapoor (priti.kapoor89@gmail.com) and Rose Thuringer (rose.thuringer@ca.pwc.com) have planned several surprise socials in addition to the Saturday activities above. A class gift—a scholarship in memory of classmate Simon Deng—is being coordinated by Morgan Klein-MacNeil (m.kleinmacneil@gmail.com).