China and India International Study Trips

Doing business in India and China?
International Study trips to Shanghai and Bangalore open to MBA alumni
Join Queen’s Executive and Cornell-Queen’s Executive MBA participants in exploring the challenges and opportunities of doing business in two of the world’s fastest growing economies.
Intensive one-week modules are offered in partnership with the School’s international partners, CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) in Shanghai, and IIMB (Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore). Classroom sessions, led by CEIBS and IIMB faculty, are augmented by field visits to local companies and presentations by local business executives.
These unique professional development opportunities are open to all alumni of the QSB’s MBA programs, including the Full-time, Executive, Accelerated and Cornell-Queen’s Executive MBA programs.
Oct. 9-16, 2012
“Doing Business in China” at CEIBS, Shanghai
Winter, 2013
“Doing Business in India” at IIMB, Bangalore
Price to be confirmed
*For more information or to register, contact Gloria Saccon, Director, Executive MBA, at or 613.533.6918.