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Lee Ferchoff (MSc) has returned from a three-month around-the-world adventure through Canada, Asia, Europe, and the U.S. Highlights included cycling between villages in Taiwan, hiking in the Mojave Desert, and surviving the aggressive drivers found on Portugal’s mountain roads.
Published in: Winter 2015
Madeline (Wang) Wong (MBA) and her husband, Matthew, welcomed their daughter Amelia Zelda Wong on June 10, 2014, the couple’s wedding anniversary. Madeline reports that she and Amelia are both doing well and enjoying their quality time together.
Published in: Winter 2015
James Armstrong (AMBA) worked with Prof. Marc Busch to deliver a session on global energy policy to oil and gas professionals at a Georgetown University executive education program. The presentation focused on major investment trends in Western Canada and Canadian energy policy strengths and challenges. James is the Manager, Land & Joint Venture, at Nexen Energy and continues to teach at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business.
Published in: Winter 2015
Chander Sharma (CQ-EMBA) joined forces with Subhas Mukhopadhyay to launch BizXL Solutions Inc., a management consulting firm focused on delivering strategic business partnership to maximize value creation for sustainable competitive advantage leading to Total Business Excellence (TBE). BizXL specializes in maximizing shareholder value by supporting businesses through business transformation, change management, and the development of a progressive and responsive culture. Contact Chander at 416.619.7953 or
Published in: Winter 2014
Leslie Dunning (MBA) celebrated a major milestone: 35 years of service with the Canadian Red Cross. She is currently the Director General, Violence and Abuse Prevention, working to advance the growth of the Canadian Red Cross’s education programs to prevent violence, bullying and abuse.
Published in: Winter 2014
Madeline Wang (MBA) is engaged to Matthew Wong (“finally,” she says). They’re in the process of planning their wedding for next year. Email:
Published in: Winter 2012
Sandeep Achar, MBA, took over as Manager, Innovation & Corporate Strategy, at Purolator in October. His role involves acting as the Enterprise Innovation lead responsible for the development of the innovation agenda, working closely with the CEO’s office and Corporate Strategy team.
Published in: Summer 2016
James Armstrong, AMBA, was excited to be the recipient of the inaugural Canadian version of the Breitling Energy Future Industry Leader Award at the Oil and Gas Awards held in June. The awards, affiliated with the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, recognize a young professional who has shown an inspiring contribution to the petroleum industry. 
Published in: Winter 2016
James Armstrong, AMBA, accepted the position of vice-president at Heritage Royalty in December 2017. Based in Calgary, Heritage is a subsidiary of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. James notes that he continues to teach cases in petroleum land management at the University of Calgary.
Published in: Summer 2018
Molly and Caden Armstrong
James Armstrong (AMBA) is teaching courses in petroleum land management at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business. He continues to work at Nexen and gained invaluable experience during the company’s acquisition by the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), the largest Chinese purchase of a Canadian company to date. He and his wife Laura welcomed their second child, Molly, on May 2—a sister for big brother Caden (2 ½).
Published in: Summer 2013