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Christopher A.R. Lythgo, MBA, is still running his consulting firm, Seajay Consulting Ltd., and is active on a number of boards, including the national board of Commissionaires Canada. Christopher is chairman of the board of Commissionaires BC. He’s also on the boards of SkyTrain and West Coast Express. Both are subsidiaries of TransLink, the regional transportation agency for British Columbia’s Lower Mainland.
Published in: Winter 2019
Chris Lythgo, MBA, is easing into retirement on the West Coast while also serving as Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissionaires BC, and as a board member of the BC Rapid Transit Corporation and West Coast Express.
Published in: Winter 2016
Elizabeth (Liz) MacKenzie (BEd’81, MBA) has accepted the Regina-based position of The United Church of Canada's Saskatchewan Conference Personnel Minister, effective Sept. 1, 2015. Liz will manage and implement the human resources, oversight, support and vocational policy for all ministry personnel and students in the Saskatchewan Conference. Says Liz: “It finally makes sense that I have an MBA and a Master of Divinity!”
Published in: Summer 2015
Sean O'Donnell, BCom, LLB’91, will celebrate 25 years as Counsel for the federal government’s Department of Justice (Toronto office) this year.
Published in: Winter 2018

Bryan Pearson, MBA, Artsci’86, was inducted into Canada’s Marketing Hall of Legends, which honours people who have significantly contributed to the marketing and advertising industry during their careers. Bryan is the former CEO of LoyaltyOne. He is an adviser and board member for a number of organizations.

Published in: Fall 2021
Brian Pearson, BCom, died on June 23, 2018 at age 52 in Toronto. Brian spent most of his career as an investment advisor at RBC and ScotiaMcLeod, until he left to follow his passion and founded a hops farm and Quayle’s Brewery in the hills of Oro-Medonte, Ont. He enjoyed spending time at the York Club, where he was a past board member. He also volunteered with the Mooredale and North Rosedale Ratepayers Association in Toronto. He leaves behind his wife, Catherine, and children Jessica, David and Samantha.
Published in: Winter 2019
Jackie Roberge, BCom, tells us that she’s found a way to combine her love for business with her passion for meditation and mindfulness. “I have been asked to teach a course for leaders at the McGill Executive Institute in Montreal,” she wrote. “The course  is called Authentic Leadership. It is all about a shift in how leaders lead, from a place of power to a place of service and empowering others. It is an invitation for people to bring their leadership to the next level of performance, presence and contribution, using a conscious approach to doing business that focuses on how businesses can go beyond the bottom line and help solve big issues faced by society while increasing their bottom line.”
Published in: Summer 2019
Jackie Roberge
Jackie Roberge, BCom, became a marketing and strategic planning consultant after graduation. But upon learning meditation at 23, her career path shifted and she became a yoga teacher and life-purpose coach. Now, she writes, “my two worlds have collided and I am happy to say that the business world now seems open to the power of mindfulness-based resiliency training and even meditation. I have developed what I call ‘whole person coaching’ for business people… I help people create more balance and alignment in their life and help them be at their best at home and at work.” Jackie’s new company is called Business & Beyond, and she says she's “super excited about bringing it to the world.”
Published in: Summer 2018
Nancy (Fenwick) Vamvakas (BCom) graduated with a Master of Theological Studies from Tyndale Seminary in November 2012.
Published in: Winter 2014
John Wenek

John Wenek, MBA’88, has many hobbies but is most passionate about motorcycling and playing guitar. “Responsible motorcycling hyper-stimulates the senses and leaves a rider feeling alive. It’s like flying on the ground and is my summer equivalent of downhill skiing.” John adds that making good music, alone or with friends, has been a passion for the past three decades. “The science is true: making music leaves you happier and healthier in so many ways . . . when you master a new guitar riff or solo for a particular piece of music, it’s like being the maestro at your own rock concert.”

Published in: Spring 2023