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Alumni Notes

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Shannon Valliant (BCom), who is coordinating the upcoming 25th anniversary reunion of the Commerce Class of 1989, is looking forward to seeing classmates at Homecoming weekend, Oct. 17-19. She asks that all mark the date and plan to attend. For details and registration information, contact
Published in: Summer 2014
Sarah Davis (BCom) was named Chief Financial Officer of Toronto-based Loblaw Companies Ltd. in May.
Published in: Winter 2011
Tom Wells (BCom) was named Partner, Arma Partners, in London, UK, in July. Tom will be responsible for spearheading the company’s push into Telecom banking.
Published in: Summer 2009


Jeanette S. Hepburn (BCom) is thrilled to be back at Queen’s, where she’s working with the Development and Alumni Relations team at QSB as a Senior Relationship Manager. She travels frequently to Toronto and the US to connect with the School’s alumni. She commutes to Kingston from her Belleville home, where she lives with her husband, Mark Schneider (BEd’96), and children Alexandria (10) and Duncan (6). Email:
Published in: Winter 2012
Bruce Beggs (BCom), CA, is now an Associate Partner with Deloitte LLP in Edmonton.
Published in: Winter 2012
Bronwen Beedle (MBA) retired in May from her position as the BC Government’s Chief Negotiator for aboriginal treaty cases. She negotiated the province’s first urban treaty of modern times, the Tsawwassen Treaty, and had been working on several others before she retired. Bronwen was formerly Deputy Chief Forester for the Ministry of Forests in Victoria. She and her husband Peter built a new house and moved to Courtenay, BC, in October. Email
Published in: Winter 2012
Matt Aaronson (BCom, Artsci’98) and his wife Kate Sanderson (Artsci’98), along with big sisters Alex (8) and Caroline (5), are thrilled to welcome the newest addition to their family, Sarah, born in June 2013. The family continues to live in Chicago, where Matt is Partner & Managing Director at The Boston Consulting Group and Kate is Vice President, Human Resources, at Aon plc.
Published in: Winter 2014
Robert Inglis, BCom, worked for Price Waterhouse for about nine years until joining a small mortgage brokerage company in downtown Toronto in 1997. The company had about 30 employees but was led by two highly entrepreneurial individuals. Nine years later the company, First National Financial Corporation, went public and, in 2015, co-founder Stephen Smith pledged $50 million to the business school at Queen’s. Today, Robert is CFO of First National and competes weekly with Mr. Smith on the cryptic crossword.
Published in: Winter 2018
Gord Card

Gord Card, MBA, retired in February 2020 from the Bank of Montreal. There, he was senior vice-president and head of Ontario and Atlantic Canada in the corporate finance division. Gord and his wife plan to spend more time at their cottage in Muskoka, Ont. They also intend to travel frequently when it is safe to do so. He says he would love to hear from any classmates. He can be reached at

Published in: Spring 2021
Francisco Chevez (MBA) is now Managing Director for the newly formed Latin America Division of Global IR Group, an international investor-relations’ consultancy. Previously, he held senior roles with HSBC, Bear Stearns and Citigroup.
Published in: Summer 2015