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Shaping the future of sustainable finance

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The Institute for Sustainable Finance is a multi-disciplinary network of research and professional development that brings together academia, the private sector, and government to shape Canada’s innovations in sustainable finance.

Professional Development

Sustainable Investing - Virtual Program

Learn sustainable investing strategies that are transforming finance.

This program will provide the key components and considerations for sustainable investing and ESG assessment, including deeper dives into integrating ESG into securities selection and portfolio management processes, and best practices for stewardship and engagement.

The Wealth of Wetlands

Canada’s vast tracts of nature are a valuable asset that has not been properly accounted for. A new ISF report finds that wetlands contribute roughly $225-billion in value to the Canadian economy each year.

Understanding Voluntary Carbon Markets, Part 1

A new study, the first in a series by the Institute for Sustainable Finance, CPA Canada and the International Federation of Accountants, provides a crucial resource for understanding how VCMs function and how to critically assess the quality of carbon credits.

CSRD Briefing Note

How the EU’s sustainability reporting requirements will affect Canadian businesses and how Canadian policy makers should respond.

What is Sustainable Finance?

The Canadian Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance defines it as: capital flows, risk management activities, and financial processes that assimilate environmental and social factors as a means of promoting sustainable economic growth and the long-term sustainability of the financial system.

In its simplest form, this means aligning our financial systems and services to promote long-term environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. Learn more about Sustainable Finance through our Primer Series.

Ryan Riordan, Distinguished Professor of Finance at Smith School of Business and director of research at the Institute for Sustainable Finance explains sustainable finance.

July 12, 2024

Unlocking the power of sustainable finance in the climate transition: Barbara Zvan for WFE

"The climate crisis requires an approach that allows for enhancing livelihoods while at the same time drawing down emissions to net zero. It’s a path that relies on the deployment of low-carbon solutions across industries and society to affect unprecedented systems change," writes ISF Advisory Board member Barbara Zvan for the World Federation of Exchanges.

June 26, 2024

ISF report: Canadian wetlands providing hundreds of billions in natural services

A new report by the Institute for Sustainable Finance estimates that wetlands in Canada provide natural services worth approximately $225-billion annually, an amount equivalent to around 10% of Canada’s GDP. Nature’s value to humans is immense. Our economy and even our existence depend on the health of the environment around us. However, Canada's vast natural wealth does not yet appear on any balance sheet. ISF's work seeks to further develop this promising field, enabling us to properly account for nature's value to the economy and create incentives for investing in its preservation.