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How will artificial intelligence transform the way we work in the next few years? What impact will it have on sectors like marketing, human resources and the legal profession? And what biases are buried in AI that we need to understand and fix?

These are a few questions facing business leaders in the AI age. And they’re questions tackled (with some answers) in the latest episodes of the Smith Business Insight podcast. AI Reality Check is a six-part series that’s now available and features school faculty and alumni experts.

As Professor Stephen Thomas notes in Episode 1, Welcome to the Age of AI, artificial intelligence is already clicking away in countless products and services we use every day. AI isn’t coming. It’s already here! Yet the pace of innovation is astounding. Exhibit A: Chat GPT and the rise of generative AI over the last year.

Each episode of AI Reality Check delves into various issues and industries: Episode 2 is on battling AI bias; Episodes 3, 4 and 5 focus on AI in HR, marketing and the law, respectively. Finally, Episode 6 explores how we’ll work in the office with our robot colleagues.

Throughout history, humans have created machines to help us work more efficiently. But, as Professor Anton Ovchinnikov says in the episode, AI is something utterly new. “We really never had brain machinery — something that extends us intellectually. And that’s what’s different.”

Tune in to AI Reality Check on Smith Business Insight or wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.