Editor's Note (Spring 2009)

If you’re looking for hints on selecting hors d’oeuvres for your next party, just drop me a line. I’ve become expert in picking out the best nibbles at Queen’s Business Club events. Of course, I don’t go just for the food. The main attraction is always the chance to meet and pick the brains of our alumni. With my ‘editor’ hat on, I’m always on the look-out for story ideas for this magazine. From the alumni relations perspective, my colleagues and I learn a lot by asking attendees, “So, what brought you out tonight?” “The speaker’s topic,” is a popular response, as is, “Catching up with classmates.” Events tend to bring out a mix of repeat attendees and newcomers, from current MBA students and recent graduates to retirees and all ages in between. The Clubs provide a great opportunity to network and to learn about interesting topics from dynamic speakers.
The Clubs are run by a dedicated group of alumni volunteers who put together a program of events that typically run from September to June. Over the years, they’ve scored such prominent speakers as former Prime Minister Paul Martin in Ottawa; former American Airlines CEO Don Carty, BA’68, LLD’01, in Toronto; Agrium’s CFO Bruce Waterman, BCom’73, in Calgary; and Jerry del Missier, BSC’85, MBA’87, President of Barclay’s Capital, in London and New York, to name just a few. Frequent guest speakers Dean David Saunders and our own QSB professors also attract large numbers of alumni interested in hearing School updates.
The Toronto Club has been ably led by Jason Flowerday, EMBA’04, since 2004. Jason is stepping down to devote more time to his other personal, professional, and community interests. These include raising a young family of three with his wife Angela, growing RxMedia's business as its Vice President, and training for the upcoming Toronto Ride to Conquer Cancer – a 200-km, two-day bicycle ride to Niagara Falls in June. Thank you, Jason, for your dedication and enthusiasm, not to mention your impressive time management skills!
Incoming President Ryan Garrah, MBAst’04, is Director of Growth and Planning at Emerson Canada and has been on the Club’s Executive since 2005. He’s been project leader on several QBC events and is a member of his Class Reunion planning committee, so he comes to the position with terrific event management credentials.
The Ottawa Club is also under new leadership. Kevin Horseman, MBAst'01, has rejoined the Ottawa Executive as President and is looking forward to sustaining the Club’s momentum. Kevin served as President from 2001-03 before heading to New York on an assignment with Deloitte, and now he’s back as a manager in their Ottawa Human Capital practice.
If you’ve attended any Business Club events this season, check out pages 26 and 27 to see if you’re in any of the candid photos there. If you’ve never attended an event, or haven’t in a while, please consider this a personal invitation. They’re great opportunities for you to reconnect with your classmates, extend your professional network and hear some terrific speakers. And of course, the hors d’oeuvres are usually excellent.
Shelley Pleiter
Your letters and messages are always welcome. This issue’s offering comes from Michele C. Gustafson, BCom’00, from Lloydminster, AB.
I just received my QSB Magazine and immediately read the cover story “Bearing Witness.” I was surprised how intrigued I was at the description of a financial event that I’m positive will define my generation. It read very much like a high-octane television drama and drew me in at my office desk. As always, I appreciate the updates on the School’s direction and on notable Queen’s alumni. Thank you!