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Jude Tu, MIB, pictured fourth from left, was one of six Royal Bank of Canada performers to receive the bank’s Conference Award and the youngest Toronto recipient. She participated in the RBC international conference cruise along with fellow award-winners from around the world in January 2017. 
Published in: Winter 2017
Jude Tu, MIB, was awarded an RBC 2015 Royal Performer Award, GTA market in October. Jude, second from left, is shown with Kim Mason, RBC Regional President (centre) and other award recipients at the annual RBC Gala in Toronto. 
Published in: Winter 2016
Christopher Mitchele (BSc’96, EMBA) is the President of ITC Systems, an international company specializing in cashless integrated-transaction control systems. Previously, he was a Director at BlackBerry, where he worked in operations, sales and finance.
Published in: Summer 2015
Mindy Mok
Mindy Mok (MBA) married Matt Sikstrom at Knox Chapel in Toronto on Sept. 4, 2010. A number of her MBA classmates attended. Recently, Mindy made an exciting career change, joining BMO Nesbitt Burns as an Investment Advisor, working with individuals on issues surrounding financial planning, such as retirement and tax minimization strategies. “I would be happy to connect with Queen’s classmates.”
Published in: Summer 2011
Hasan Mujtaba (MBA) and his wife Nazia currently reside in Toronto, where Nazia is exploring business opportunities in the Canadian market. They would be happy to connect with alumni in the area and can be reached at
Published in: Summer 2015
Nik Nanos, EMBA, Artsci’88, writes that his book, The Age of Voter Rage, has been published in the United Kingdom. The book examines the voter anger that led to, among other things, the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president and Emmanuel Macron as France’s president, and the pro-Brexit vote in the U.K. Nik tells us that he also started a two-year term as chair of the board of Carleton University.
Published in: Winter 2019
Joel Nicholson, BCom, announces the acquisition of his venture, UniversityHub, by web-conglomerate Square Crop Studios, owner of Parent Life Network and Student Life Network, among others. UniversityHub attracts tens of thousands of students each month, helping them make more informed decisions in choosing which university to attend, their field of study, extra-curricular options and more. Joel maintains his role as Managing Director, and can be contacted at
Published in: Winter 2017
Joel Nicholson (BCom) has returned to Toronto to start a new venture called the Global Leadership Academy (GLA), after having spent five years abroad working in management consulting. GLA is a youth leadership program focused on self-discovery, skills development and real-world leadership experiences. Visit for details.
Published in: Summer 2015

Manny Padda, AMBA, joined Junior Achievement of B.C. (JABC) in a volunteer capacity as the new JABC ambassador in March. In this role, Manny represents JABC across the province, increasing awareness of the organization and advocating for the educational needs of youth in British Columbia.

Published in: Fall 2020
Misha Plotkine, BCom, launched a new end-to-end trip-planning application,, which helps users craft in minutes amazing travel itineraries for destinations anywhere in the world. The app features real-time travel-planning collaboration for groups of any size; hotel and flight booking capabilities; and a new way to share thousands of photos with family and friends.
Published in: Summer 2016