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Elliott Jacobson (MBA) was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee award in 2012 for community service. He was nominated by the Canadian Liver Foundation in recognition of his long service as its Treasurer, and is also Treasurer and Vice Chair of Dixon Hall, a Toronto social services agency. In 2013, he was elected a Fellow (FCPA, FCA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario.
Published in: Winter 2014
Harry Blake Dulmage, MBA, died in April 2016 in hospital in Winchester, Ont., aged 93. Husband of the late Doris Dulmage and the late Gladys Alton-Dulmage, he is survived by his six children and six stepchildren, as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and a large extended family.
Published in: Winter 2017
Michael Howe, MBA, BCom’68, joined KPMG in Bermuda for a three-year period as Director of Risk Management, effective early 2017, having previously worked out of KPMG’s New York office. 
Published in: Winter 2017
Michael Howe, MBA, BCom’68, with the extinguishing of the flame for the Toronto 2015 Parapan Am Games, successfully completed his dual role as Lead, Enterprise Risk Assurance and as an integral senior member of the Enterprise Risk Management team. He is now looking for new challenges and can be reached at
Published in: Winter 2016
Michael Howe (MBA) has accepted a senior risk-management position with the 2015 Pan American Games, after “wandering the wilderness for a few months” following his career at KPMG International. The Games will take place in the Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario next summer. “It’s very exciting being involved in an incredibly dynamic environment, working to ensure the best multi-sport games ever,” says Michael. Email:
Published in: Summer 2014
Elliott Jacobson

Elliott Jacobson, MBA, has been elected national chair of the Canadian Liver Foundation. He had served as treasurer and vice-chair since 2011.

Published in: Spring 2021


Tom Murtha, MBA, BCom’63, died Sept. 10, at home, on the 49th anniversary of the day he wed Lynda (Moore). In addition to Lynda, he is survived by his daughters Julie Murtha, BCom’91, MIR’92 (Jim Palmateer); Christy Murtha; and Leigh Vyn (David); and two grandchildren. Following his MBA graduation, Tom joined Colgate-Palmolive, where he held progressively senior posts before leaving in 1980 to become VP of Marketing for the Toronto Star. He was VP of Corporate Newspaper Development for Torstar Corporation when he retired in 1995. Post-career, Tom and Lynda split their time between Florida and their century farmhouse north of Port Hope before moving to a condo in Toronto. Tom had eclectic passions; he maintained a daily watch over the TSX, continued a deep interest in the newspaper industry, was a passionate Toronto Blue Jays fan, had a love/hate relationship with the Leafs and held a deep devotion to Seinfeld. 
Published in: Winter 2016
John Eden Cloutier, MBA’68, PhD’84, died on March 17 in Ottawa. Eden, as he was known to family and friends, pursued a flying career at CMR Saint-Jean and RMC-Kingston. He flew for the RCAF and was stationed across Canada until 1966. After earning his MBA, Eden worked at the Bank of Montreal. He returned to Kingston for his doctorate and spent the remainder of his career as a federal civil servant and economist in Ottawa. Eden was predeceased by his wife, Elizabeth (Libby) Cloutier, Artsci’62, and one son. He is survived by two children, including Gillian Smith, Artsci’96, and three grandchildren.
Published in: Fall 2023
Ronald Gordon Dalgliesh, MBA’68, died peacefully in his sleep on May 1 in Vancouver, following a two-year battle with brain cancer. He was 73 years old. He is survived by his wife Carol; his three sons, David, Greg (Shauna) and Jeff (Cindy); and his granddaughter Caitie. Ronald’s career included stints at the Department of Finance’s Budget Bureau, and the governments of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. He was an avid traveller throughout his career, visiting Europe, North Africa and Asia.
Published in: Summer 2016
Pat Edwards, BCom, let us know that his class had a successful 50th reunion last October in Kingston. The small class of 30 members has gathered every five years since their 25th anniversary in 1993. Pat reports that in looking back over the last 50 years, his transfer into Commerce in second year was the start of a very interesting career; with an MBA at the University of Wisconsin, 30 years at PwC, where he was a tax partner, co-ownership of a 35-person manufacturing company, 10 months working for PwC in Indonesia, and eight years as a municipal councillor in Muskoka in Ontario. Pat, who will turn 75 in October, says he still has a tax consulting practice and encourages all Smith grads to try as many opportunities as possible.
Published in: Summer 2019