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Alumni Notes

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Vikram Varma (MBAst) was named Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Kingston and Area in June. An avid cyclist and squash player, he has two children, Samantha (7) and Quinn (5).
Published in: Summer 2009
Adolfo Vera (EMBA) has returned to Toronto after almost four years living in Lima, Perú.
Published in: Summer 2008


Derek Kyle Verhelst (BCom) and wife Megaen are excited to announce that there will soon be another Rider fan in Saskatchewan, as they are expecting a little one to arrive in late September.
Published in: Summer 2009
Michael Douglas (BCom) wed Meredith Briglio (Sc’05) on July 10 in Toronto. More than 30 Queen’s alumni were in attendance, including many members of the wedding party: Brianne Harrington (Artsci’05), Julie Filion (Artsci’05), the groom’s brother and bestman,AdamDouglas (Artsci/PHE’05), Johnny Teolis (Artsci’03), Michael Fishbein (Artsci’01), and Taylor Raborn (Artsci’04). Meredith and Michael’s Queen’s family members – Donna (Coon) Douglas (Arts’73),Murray Douglas (BCom’72), and Whitney Briglio (Artsci’07) – joined the rest of the alumni, led by Meredith’s Queen’s Band friends, in an Oil Thigh at the reception. Michael and Meredith currently reside in London, U.K.
Published in: Winter 2011
Karsten Cramer (BCom) was a very good sport about the error in his Alumni Note in the Summer 2013 issue. We mistakenly referred to him as ‘her’ and regret the mistake.
Published in: Winter 2014
Ian Di Tullio (EMBA) successfully defended his PhD thesis at Cranfield University in the U.K. His topic was “Improving the direct marketing practices of FMCG retailers through better customer selection.” This empirical study compared the effectiveness of RFM (Recency, Frequency and Monetary), CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection), stepwise logit (logistic regression) and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) techniques using different data variable depths.
Published in: Winter 2015
Tina Thomas (EMBA) was recently named 2013 Communicator of the Year by the International Association of Business Communicators’ Edmonton branch. Tina is the Director of Marketing, Communications and Fund Development at the Edmonton Public Library.
Published in: Winter 2014
Ian Di Tullio (EMBA) has had an exciting year to date: he joined Air Canada as Director of Loyalty Marketing in April, married Lisa Campisi in Hawaii in June and wrapped up his PhD thesis in the last quarter of 2011. Email:
Published in: Winter 2012
James Slater (EMBA), formerly with CIBC Mellon Trust in Toronto, was named Managing Director and COO of Global Securities Lending in June.
Published in: Winter 2011
Rob Stelzer (BCom) articled with Ernst and Young and earned his Chartered Accountant designation in 2006. He is now living in Toronto and employed as a Financial Manager at the Equity Services Group of EllisDon Inc.
Published in: Summer 2008