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Karen Macartney
Karen Macartney (BCom) and Alex Oettl (BCom’02, MSc'04) celebrated their wedding on May 30 in Karen's picturesque hometown of Shelburne, Vermont, with friends from far and wide, and especially from Queen’s! The bridal party was full of Queen's alumni. Jennifer Krentz, Gillian Owens, Claire Woodruff (all BCom'04) and Kristi (Tupholme) Ellenzweig (BCom'03) were bridesmaids. Robert Mellema (BCom'02), Jonathan Ellenzweig (BCom’02) and Nital Jethalal (BCom'03) were groomsmen. Karen and Alex were also lucky enough to have Amelia Agrawal (daughter of former QSB professor Ajay Agrawal) as their flower girl. They currently reside in Toronto, but will be moving to Atlanta, GA, in September after Alex completes his PhD at Rotman School of Business. He will be starting as an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Karen, currently Brand Manager at Kraft Canada, is looking forward to exploring new job opportunities in Atlanta.
Published in: Summer 2009
Kam Moud, MSc, was promoted to Head of Enterprise-Wide Risk Architecture and Reporting at AIG early this year. In this position, Kam works closely with the firm’s CROs and senior risk officers, as well as the information-technology team, to devise risk analytics and reporting infrastructure covering financial and insurance risk analytics across AIG’s Investments, Commercial Insurance and Consumer Insurance business units globally.
Published in: Summer 2016
Kamyar Moud (MSc) has recently joined AIG Investments at its headquarters in New York City as Director of Portfolio Analytics. Kam and his team’s main responsibility is to develop and implement the new firm-wide investment risk framework, which will quantify and monitor the investment risk across AIG’s entire $400BN portfolio of invested assets. In his free time, Kam enjoys training for triathlons and marathons. He ran in the 2013 NYC Marathon.
Published in: Summer 2014
Kamyar Moud (MSc) was promoted to Head of Portfolio Advisory Services of Moody’s Analytics in January 2010. He and his team are in charge of executing credit portfolio management consultative projects for major financial institutions across America from his base in San Francisco.
Published in: Winter 2011

Dallan Murray, EMBA, has been named chief commercial officer of Sarepta Therapeutics Inc., a company that works in precision genetic medicine for rare diseases. Prior to this, Dallan was interim COO and, before that, VP of commercial strategy and portfolio management.

Published in: Spring 2021
Matthew Pisko (EMBA)
Matthew Pisko (EMBA) and his wife Erin celebrated the birth of their first son, Hudson, on Aug. 25, 2007, and their second son, Alex, on July 9, 2009.
Published in: Spring 2010
John Politopoulos (AMBA) has returned to Edmonton after six years of living elsewhere, having undergone a career change in January 2009. John is now with Lilydale Inc. as a National Key Account Manager.
Published in: Spring 2009
Ian Rea (EMBA)
Ian Rea (EMBA) was appointed CEO of Conexus, a Saskatchewan-based financial institution, in September. Conexus is Saskatchewan’s largest and Canada’s seventh largest credit union, offering personalized service to its 118,000 members at 47 branches across the province. His 31-year career in finance and accounting has been dedicated to serving credit unions and cooperatives in Saskatchewan, including 17 years with the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation. Ian is committed to community involvement through his service on boards and committees, including those of CMA Canada (Saskatchewan) and the Regina branches of Financial Executives International and the Canadian Mental Health Association. He also spent time in Ghana, Africa, in 2008, assisting in the launch of that country’s credit union deposit protection system. In 2006, he was awarded CMA Canada’s highest honour, a prestigious Fellow designation (FCMA) for contributions to his employer, community and the accounting profession.
Published in: Spring 2010

Robert Arnoth, EMBA, Artsci'01, let us know that the Markham B Team of 2004 (M7!) recently got together in Niagara Falls to celebrate their 15th anniversary after graduation. 

Published in: Winter 2020
Cameron and Neil Rowell
Gunjan (Seth) Rowell (AMBA) and her husband Jeff announce the birth of their second son, Neil, on Dec 22. Gunjan is loving motherhood all over again and is enjoying every day of her maternity leave with her sons, Cameron and Neil.
Published in: Spring 2009