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Stephen Goldsmith (MBA) reports ‘a major change in direction’ after selling his sports and entertainment business to join Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital as its Managing Director.
Published in: Winter 2014
Stephen Goldsmith (MBA) moved back to Toronto from Montreal this past summer. He is looking forward to connecting again with all you Leaf fans.
Published in: Winter 2011
Alice Abbott
Alice Abbott (MBA) was appointed Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Anti-Money-Laundering Officer and General Counsel at Jameson Bank in April. Her other positions include Corporate Secretary, Chief Privacy Officer, and dishwasher-loader in the staff kitchen. Jameson Bank is a Canadian Schedule I Bank, Canada’s first treasury bank, and the first privately owned bank in Ontario. Alice lives in Toronto with her three active boys—Otis, Cyrus, and Felix—and very patient husband Desmond.
Published in: Summer 2013
Rob Renaud (BCom) and Sarah (Bryant) (Artsci’96), parents of Hunter, were proud to welcome their second son, Jake Crawford, in Toronto on July 11, 2007. He weighed 8lb. 1oz. Rob is still in commercial real estate with Devencore Realties, Toronto. Sarah, who will soon be going back to work, is well into the second year of her term as President of Queen’s Alumni Association.
Published in: Winter 2009
Julie K. Anderson
Julie K. Anderson (BCom) and Michael Jones (Artsci’94) are thrilled to announce the birth of their son Alexander on Jan. 6. Mike and Julie live in Ottawa and have another son, Benjamin, 2, who is loving the role of big brother. Julie is currently enjoying maternity leave from Accenture.
Published in: Summer 2011
Richard Hildebrand (BCom) and Joanne Badida (BCom, MIR’97) are happy to announce the arrival of their son Tyler on Jan. 22, 2012. Big brother Evan (4) is thrilled to have a little brother who idolizes him already, Joanne reports.
Published in: Winter 2013
Deborah Benton (MBA) and her husband, Hans Dau (Tuck’92), welcomed their second son, Lars Philip Dau, on Jan. 13. Big brother Joshua (7) is excited about the new family addition. They continue to reside in Malibu, CA.
Published in: Summer 2008

Rene Bharti, BCom, has been appointed president and board member at AmmPower, a Vancouver-based resource-exploration company with a growing focus on clean energy.

Published in: Fall 2021
Rob Bickerton
Rob Bickerton (BCom) has been appointed Vice-Chair of the Gananoque Police Service Board. “It is an honour and privilege to serve,” reports Rob. He is also pleased to offer his corporate and business clients keyperson insurance. To reconnect with Rob or learn more about the alumni promotions that he offers, email
Published in: Summer 2015

John (Johnnie) Burns, BCom, died on July 3, 2019 at home in Ottawa. The beloved first-born of Susan and Brent, and brother to Elspeth, he will be sorely missed by his family and friends. After obtaining his CA designation, Johnnie worked in public practice for a number of years. He then turned to teaching and coaching in a high school for more than 15 years, but he did take time off for accounting assignments in Poland and Kosovo.

Published in: Winter 2020