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 SYNG CEO, Dr. Vinay Singh
Vinay Singh
Executive MBA

SYNG Pharma

My company, SYNG Pharmaceuticals Inc. (SYNG Pharma), is an early-stage venture incubated in Johnson & Johnson Innovation’s JLABS@Toronto. Using research discoveries originating at Queen’s, we are developing a new first-in-class diagnostic test and treatment for endometriosis and certain cancers.

Why I started the company
An estimated 176 million women worldwide suffer from endometriosis and half of them may face infertility. Women dear to me have had endometriosis, uterine fibroids or infertility; my wife had polycystic ovarian syndrome-related fertility issues. So, when research revealed that a protein I had been studying for close to a decade is present in endometriosis patients, I felt compelled to take this discovery to its logical conclusion and develop this novel way to detect and treat endometriosis. 

What is the business problem that your product/service solves?
Endometriosis affects one in ten women of reproductive age and is characterized by debilitating menstrual pain, discomfort during intercourse, abnormal vaginal bleeding, chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Despite being one of the most prevalent female reproductive disorders, it remains misdiagnosed, misunderstood and ineffectively treated. Often years can pass before a diagnosis is confirmed through laparoscopic surgery. Current treatments are problematic; hormone-based therapies have significant side effects and are not completely effective.

SYNG Pharma has discovered a novel biomarker protein associated with the growth of endometriotic lesions. We have validated this protein as the target for a rapid, blood-based, non-invasive diagnostic test. A peptide capable of neutralizing the protein is being developed as a first-in-class non-hormonal treatment for endometriosis.

The most fun I’ve had so far was when I was explaining endometriosis to a group of men who had obviously never heard of it. It was a revelation for some of them to learn about the debilitating pelvic pain and other symptoms of endometriosis. I have found it deeply satisfying to help men realize that this disease is not simply “bad periods” and that endometriosis affects not just women, but also their families and communities.

What the business needs most right now is funds to complete pre-clinical studies before entering clinical trials within three years of receipt of funding. I’m reaching out to potential angel investors and families affected by endometriosis and infertility for their support, either through funding or helping spread awareness of this debilitating condition. I am also seeking strategic partners around the world for co-development or co-commercialization of this diagnostic tool and therapy.

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