MyOwn TM
My company, MyOwn TM, is a digital personal branding and marketing tool for students that showcases their skills and personality in a professional setting, and helps demonstrate ‘fit’, not just for a job, but also with a company’s culture.
Scope: 4 employees
The business problem that my service solves: Students often lack professional networks and a practical work history, factors that most professional platforms emphasize. MyOwn TM enables students to showcase themselves professionally online, and also provides practical tips on building and promoting their personal brand.
Companies are challenged to find candidates who ‘fit’ their culture. MyOwn TM profiles help demonstrate job candidates’ character traits as well as skills.
The most important thing I’ve learned about starting a business: Patience. Coming from a corporate background, I was used to things happening quickly. In the start-up world, the timelines and agendas of others involved are rarely aligned with your own.
The most fun I’ve had so far was when: We tested the concept in front of students from several U.S. and Canadian universities. Getting live feedback after so many months of working in isolation was terrifying and terrific!
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