My Company, Encircled, shows women that they can be more with less by encouraging inner fulfilment through the investment in versatile, long-lasting clothing. We produce ethically-made wardrobe staples for the conscious consumer, designed to transform for everyday adventures and epic journeys alike. Encircled is 100% made in Toronto from sustainable fabrics.
Why I started the company: When packing for a yoga retreat, my suitcase broke and I was forced to downsize into a smaller bag. It made me question why I didn't have more clothing that could transform into multiple pieces.
What business problem does your product solve? We help women travel lighter and do more with less. Our clothing is transformative, from sweatpants you can wear during the day or dress up at night, to a scarf that morphs into a dress, tunic, and top. Everything is designed to challenge the fast-fashion notion of more is more, and help women maximize their wardrobes.
The most important thing I’ve learned about starting a business: I knew that starting a business would mean hard work and long hours; However, I underestimated the mindset challenges of running a business. Leading a business has its ups and downs. True entrepreneurs can weather any type of storm.
Advice I’d give a budding entrepreneur: Persistence pays out. Don't underestimate the value of having a clear vision and strategy.
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